Thursday 31 January 2019

Charlemagne’s Vision for Europe

More and more European leaders are talking about the medieval king Charlemagne. Yesterday, the Local published an article titled “How Charlemagne Was the Original Fighter for European Unity.” In today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer examines how Charlemagne really brought about European unity and what it means for Europe today. Also covered on today’s show, is the pope’s visit to Panama for World Youth Day and his message against Donald Trump.

‘We Are the Children of God’

Surrender in Afghanistan, the Radical Democrat Party and the Masculinity of Lewis and Clark

[02:20] America’s Middle Eastern Drawdown (23 minutes)
Former U.S. President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy plunged the region into chaos: Iranian proxies rapidly gained territory and funding; strong leaders were deposed and nations descended into mob rule and civil war; America’s allies were abandoned. One Saudi official recently admitted his frustration about working with Mr. Obama, saying he “would promise something and then do the opposite.” 
The Trump presidency is really just making matters worse with its cut-and-run strategy. The U.S. is pulling out of Syria and handing over control of the war-stricken state to Iran and Russia. There are also plans to negotiate a peace agreement with the Taliban—yes, the Taliban—in Afghanistan. After years of fighting, the best solution America can muster is a compromise with a terrorist organization that is sure to violate its end of the deal once America leaves. This is not how victory is defined. 
[25:50] Democrat Party Too Radical for Billionaire Progressive (15 minutes)
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is considering a presidential run in 2020. Although he is a lifelong Democrat, he plans to run as an independent because he thinks the Democratic Party has gone too far to the left. His main concern is how the Democratic Party plans to pay for all of its pie-in-the-sky entitlement programs. Where will the money come from for universal health-care coverage? Or free tuition? Even the most radical tax plans don’t come close to being able to fund these massive entitlement programs. 
[44:00] Lewis and Clark College Weighs in on Toxic Masculinity (10 minutes)
Students at Lewis and Clarke College can now take a course on how to properly combat toxic masculinity. The irony! Lewis and Clark have to be two of the most masculine men in American history! I wonder what they would think of this new course offered at the educational institution bearing their names. In this segment, I talk about the Bible’s definition of true masculinity.

Tuesday 29 January 2019


Germany—A New King Is Imminent

The end of Merkel could be a turning point not just for Germany, but the whole world.


Is Germany in Bible Prophecy?
The history of the German people traces back to biblical origins—and their identity unlocks some of the Bible’s strongest prophecies.
France Is Betraying America and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy!
Recent comments by the French president show that the Holy Roman Empire is here.
Four Signs the Second Coming Is Near
Are we in the end time? Here are four specific indications the Bible tells us to watch for—that have already happened.
Parents: Help Develop Your Child’s Talents
The benefits can last far longer than you think!
China Hacks America—and ‘None Goes to Battle’
A tiny Chinese microchip may have infiltrated numerous American governmental and military systems, giving insight into how several specific Bible prophecies could come to pass.

Monday 28 January 2019

God's Creative Masterpiece Is You!

What God is doing in the life of His people is the masterpiece of His creative powers! And we have a part to play in the process.

Surcharging the Air with Hatred, Jealousy, Strife and Self-Centeredness

[04:00] The Real Cause of World Trouble (10 minutes)
What is behind the many disturbing headlines we see daily in the news? In his book Mystery of the Ages, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, “[A]ll the evils and troubles in the world are caused by minds clashing with minds.” And what is the real cause behind those clashing minds? The invisible spirit world! Only with this fundamental knowledge can we begin to truly understand what is happening in our world today. 
[14:00] Media Circus (27 minutes)
From Covington High School to Roger Stone to the new abortion law in New York, the mainstream media repeatedly show their main concern is not disseminating truth but rather politically driven narrative. Headlines and reports are designed to stir up emotion and obscure the truth! The Bible says we are living in a time when truth is cast to the ground. 
[41:00] Will Worship (12 minutes)
As the Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 2, we are living in an age of will worship. What does that mean and how does it affect you? Understanding this truth, as made plain in the Bible, is the only way to explain the chaotic state of our world today.
[53:00] E-mail Feedback (4 minutes)

Sunday 27 January 2019

History Is a Path to Understanding Bible Prophecy

History is a neglected and scorned subject in schools today. This is a deadly mistake. Learn how God uses both secular and biblical history to steer the course of individuals and nations—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
God concluded the Old Testament with an inspiring message about the key of David—and about raising the ruins in our vast universe. It is far more relevant today than any time in mankind’s history! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Book of Chronicles for a master class in positive biblical history. Too many historians today focus on negative aspects of history to try to degrade certain individuals and nations that were largely good. In writing the biblical book of Chronicles, Ezra the scribe focused primarily on the positive aspects of David and his kingly line, which will endure all the way to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as King of kings. In the original order of the Old Testament, Chronicles is the final book. It forms the perfect bridge between the Old and New Testaments—between the most important royal history and the vital prophecies of our marvelous royal future. Also request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets—How to Become a King. The biblical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings form a section of the Old Testament called the Former Prophets. These books record the stunning history of the biblical heroes from Joshua to David, and everyone in between. Their stories are better than any work of fiction. But this history is not just for your entertainment; it contains life-saving lessons for you! This is the most relevant kind of history—the history that is also prophecy. Learn how the course of history is altered by specific individuals, and how you can be a part of making history with God. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Gerald Flurry’s writings The Book of Chronicles and The Former Prophets—How to Become a King. Order now!

Saturday 26 January 2019

Why Firstfruits Are Called to Salvation Now | The Trumpet Daily

Hugo Chavez Was a Democratic Socialist

Venezuela, for all intents and purposes, collapsed this week. Not long ago, Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela was adored by Western celebrities and politicians as the poster child of a true, successful socialist state. Now the average Venezuelan, who was promised everything, has virtually nothing—no food, no fuel, not even toilet paper. Shockingly, despite the vivid reminder of socialism’s failures in Venezuela, this form of government is still rapidly gaining popularity in America.

Thursday 24 January 2019

A New Level of Depravity

[00:30] The Rise of Satanism (3 minutes)
As secularism tightens its grip on Britain, satanism is experiencing rapid growth in America. Is it any wonder our nations are so morally and spiritually sick? 
[03:50] Europe Wants to Punish Britain (8 minutes)
The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has said, “I’ll have done my job if, in the end, the deal is so tough on the British that they’d prefer to stay in the EU.” The EU is trying to punish Britain. One would think this coordinated attack from mainland Europe would unite the British people in their support for leaving the EU. But Britain is as divided as ever. 
 [11:30] The Abortion Movement’s Sickening New Low (9 minutes)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New York City performs 544 abortions for every 1,000 births! But that’s not enough for the radical left in state government. This week, they passed legislation that allows women to seek abortions even up to the point of birth. Truly sickening.
[20:00] Identity Politics Tearing America Apart (11 minutes)
What is behind the media rage unleashed against the teenage boys from Covington High School in Kentucky? And where is it leading?
[31:00] Coming Under the Catholic Umbrella (7 minutes)
According to a recent report, Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, has a very intimate relationship with Catholic cardinals and even the pope! “I don’t really care whether it’s the Church of England or Rome or the Orthodox or Pentecostals or the Lutherans or Baptists,” Welby said. “They are faithful disciples of Christ.” Students of history and prophecy will realize the significance of these strands of Christianity reuniting.
[37:30] Bible Study—Stick to the Trunk of the Tree! (18 minutes)

The Franco-German Axis and the Spirit of Charlemagne

[02:00] France and Germany Meet in Aachen (17 minutes)
French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met in Aachen this week to sign a new Franco-German treaty. The agreement is being hailed as a major step toward a united European army. Both leaders are talking as if nato is already obsolete! Mr. Macron said “authoritarian powers are emerging everywhere,” so "let’s build a real European army to protect ourselves and have a real foreign policy.” The city of Aachen, where Charlemagne was crowned, hosted the treaty signing. Europe is moving fast to build an empire modeled after Charlemagne’s First Reich!
[19:10] A Highly Unusual FBI Investigation (11 minutes)
How did the fbi begin its investigation of Donald J. Trump? In this segment, we show how the Hilary Clinton campaign used every means possible to saturate the fbi with content from the infamous Steele dossier in hopes of triggering an investigation. It was a case of “misinformation saturation,” as John Solomon wrote in a recent column. The fbi’s “counterintelligence apparatus was being weaponized with political opposition research from one campaign against its rival.” 
[31:50] Hysteria Over the Covington Teens (24 minutes)
The radical-leftist media attack on the teenagers from Covington reveals a lot about our post-truth age. How did we arrive at this point? What does your Bible say about truth in the last days?

Manufactured News Is Burying Real News

Monday 21 January 2019

God Creates in Dual Stages

God is the Creator and the Bible reveals that there is a duality in God's creative process.

PAC Update, the BuzzFeed Smear and Three Uniquely Blessed Nations

Over the weekend, the Trumpet Daily Radio Show crew was in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for the Philadelphia Church of God’s first-ever Personal Appearance Campaign there. Tonight, my father continues with his two-day campaign in the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. In the first segment of today’s show, I interview our United Kingdom campaign manager, Edwin Trebels, for a behind-the-scenes look at these public campaigns.
On the second half of the show, I look at two big stories from the weekend—the media meltdown over the BuzzFeed embarrassment and an excellent column by Melanie Phillips in the Jerusalem Post. Melanie had one paragraph that will immediately make you think of Herbert W. Armstrong’s classic work The United States and Britain in Prophecy.

Sunday 20 January 2019

America Is Being Besieged Economically

The European Union is about to join with several South American nations to form the world’s largest trade bloc. Discover your Bible’s terrifying warning to America regarding such an alliance—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
For over 70 years, God’s Church has forecast a strong trade alliance between Europe and South America based on one main factor: religion. The America-first trade policy of U.S. President Donald Trump has caused Europe to seek support elsewhere, especially from Catholic-dominated South America. To further your study of this relevant end-time trade alliance, request our three free reprint articles: “Will Brazil’s New President Open the Door to the Holy Roman Empire?” “2019 May Bring Europe’s Biggest Trade Deal Yet,” and “The Great Mart of Nations.” The biblical books of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Revelation provide the details about a great mart of nations in this end time. German-led Europe and its South American vassal states will join forces with a massive power bloc of Asian nations just before the return of Jesus Christ. The result? A nightmarish trade war. Their main target? America. The United States can only be defeated by such a conglomerate of enemies. This is part of God’s punishment for America’s sins. You will also receive Gerald Flurry’s free book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet and his free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Study these materials to learn about the history and prophecy of the war-making nation of Germany, the great false church behind the most violent empires of all time, and the unusual alliances that will take shape on the world stage as a sign of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request our three reprint articles on a future anti-American trade alliance, as well as Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet and Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Order now!

Thursday 17 January 2019

Watched, Read and Followed by Millions

Herbert W. Armstrong died 33 years ago today. He is remembered for preaching the true gospel message as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14). Mr. Armstrong’s World Tomorrow program reached tens of millions of people through radio and television throughout the middle of the 20th century. His Plain Truth magazine had a circulation that peaked at over 8 million! In the early 1980s, when Mr. Armstrong was in his 90s, the Worldwide Church of God was doing its most powerful work! Where is Mr. Armstrong’s work today? On today’s show, we remember the anniversary of Mr. Armstrong’s death and discuss some of this incredible history.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

God Is Creating In Our Lives

God is Creator and is creating in the lives of His people today!

Is Donald Trump a Secret Russian Agent?

President Trump’s Crowning Achievement

[02:00] America’s Real Problem (6 minutes)
On last Friday’s show, I talked about America’s biggest problem. The radical left harbors intense hatred for the United States of America—but it isn’t the nation’s greatest problem! America’s problems go much deeper than political differences. In his booklet Great Again, my father writes, “Ultimately, this isn’t about a man or an administration; it’s about an evil spirit being who is working to destroy this nation—and about why God is allowing it to happen!” This foundation is critical if we are to understand the events we’re witnessing in America today. 
[08:00] Government Shutdown (6 minutes)
The United States in the midst of one of the longest government shutdowns ever. President Donald Trump is waiting at the White House for Democrat leaders to come make a deal. Meanwhile, at least 30 prominent Democrats were partying with more than 100 lobbyists over the weekend in sunny Puerto Rico. 
[14:00] Manufactured Outrage Over Mr. Trump Exploring Options Against Iran (4 minutes)
The Wall Street Journal recently revealed that President Trump sought military “options” from the Pentagon in response to an Iranian-backed attack near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. For any other president, this would have been seen as entirely normal behavior. But because it is Donald Trump, it must be abnormal. He’s unhinged. He’s confrontational. He’s dangerous.
[17:45] Another Bombshell Report (35 minutes)
The New York Times dropped an apparent news bomb on Friday, revealing that the highest-ranking officials at the FBI were “so concerned” about President Trump firing director James Comey on May 9, 2017, that they opened a criminal investigation that targeted the president. According to the Times, FBI agents wanted to know if Mr. Trump was knowingly or unknowingly working for Russia. While the report is meant to make the president look bad, it actually reveals how far unelected bureaucrats—all of them Obama holdovers—were willing to go to overturn the election result of 2016. Mr. Trump has said that exposing these people has been perhaps the “crowning achievement” of his presidency so far.

Saturday 12 January 2019

The War Against Biblical Morality | The Trumpet Daily

America’s Biggest Problem Is Not the Radical Left

The radical left harbors intense hatred for the United States of America—but it isn’t the nation’s greatest problem! America’s problems go much deeper than political differences. In his booklet Great Again, my father writes, “Ultimately, this isn’t about a man or an administration; it’s about an evil spirit being who is working to destroy this nation—and about why God is allowing it to happen!” On today’s show, I discuss how these dramatic prophecies are unfolding in America.

Monday 7 January 2019

What Is Man?

What is mankind's potential? And how does Satan work to destroy that potential?

Back to the Beginning

January is a month filled with anniversaries for God’s work! On today’s show, I look back at some of the exiting events that happened on this day, January 7, in Church history: events like the work at Edstone, Herbert W. Armstrong broadcasting in Europe for the first time, and the beginning of the Key of David television program.

Friday 4 January 2019

Herbert W. Armstrong’s Finest Hour

On this day 40 years ago, the state of California launched an unconstitutional attack against Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God. Based on slanderous and baseless rumors fed to the media by angry dissidents, California decided to take control of Church operations at its headquarters in Pasadena, California. Immediately after taking control, the state fired the Church’s founder and pastor general, Herbert Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong, who was living in Tucson, Arizona, at the time, quickly shifted Church operations to his home there. From Arizona, Mr. Armstrong led the fight against California’s unconstitutional takeover! In a sermon that summer of 1979, he said that California is “going to rue the day they ever started trying to destroy the work and the Church of the living God.” On today’s radio show, we look back at this amazing history and the impact it had on God’s Church and the United States!

Conquer the Spirit of the Age!

Materialism is overwhelming today’s society. But God’s Word shows us how to seek the Kingdom first and truly be blessed in our finances!