Monday 31 August 2020

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2020

The Beirut Blast: Catalyst for Biblical Prophecy

Get ready for a massive restructuring of the Middle East—starting in Lebanon.



Why We Told You to Watch Lebanon

Why the Arabs Embraced the Jews

The reason for the historic agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel holds a clue as to how it will end.

The Hidden Message of the Horowitz Report

You cannot understand American politics until you recognize the spiritual dimension. This article should strike fear in every American, the Jewish state and the British peoples. If it doesn’t, they are going to suffer as no people ever have! All that suffering can be avoided if we heed this warning from Bible prophecy.

What Happened to ‘Never Again’?

Europe lately can’t criticize America loudly enough. But when it comes to another nation’s lies, theft and shocking human rights abuses, Europe is relatively silent.

China’s Secret War Against America
The Glory of Empire

Britain is ashamed of its imperial past. It shouldn’t be. The right kind of empire has a noble and powerful impact on this world!

Saturday 8 August 2020

Creation vs. Evolution
It can only be one or the other. By examining the marvelous universe, you will know which theory of origins is correct.

Thursday 6 August 2020


The Real Reason Our Statues Are Under Attack

Is it because of our nations’ history of slavery?



The Barack Obama Mystery

Why would an American president conspire to smear the reputation of an American hero, overthrow the U.S. government, and realign the nation’s interests with those of the number one terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world?

Can the American Military Prevent a Second Civil War?

Divided loyalties within the armed forces could put the answer in doubt.

A Lifeline From the Philippines

‘It’s a remarkable story about a remarkable feat of humanity.’

How to See God in History

History is being rewritten with impunity. Here is some bedrock historical truth that will protect you from error.



9/11 and Beautiful Humility

Amid terror and tragedy, something profoundly wonderful can arise.

How Accurate Are Scientific Dating Techniques?

A truly rational person must be willing to admit what he or she does not know.

Sunday 2 August 2020

He Was Right—About Failed Peace Efforts!
In April 1945, Herbert W. Armstrong attended the first United Nations conference in San Francisco. After just the first day of meetings, he guaranteed this hopeful endeavor would utterly fail to bring peace to mankind. Seventy-five years of UN failure prove he was right. But how could he have known?