Wednesday 22 June 2022

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE JULY 2022

Disney and the Fight for Our Children

They are teaching your child his lgbts. We must protect them if they are to have a future.


Ukraine Is Hastening a New Germany
Whose Side Is the Pope On?
Germany’s Secret Deal With Russia—Exposed

Siding with Russia against Ukraine exposes Germany’s secret pact—and its dangerous intentions.

Belarus Is Back in the USSR

A century after the formation of the Soviet Union, Belarus has again been absorbed into a Russian empire

Disinformation Warfare

Radical leftists don’t want a may-the-best-facts-win debate. They want power.

The Most Lethal Threat to America

The left says it’s white supremacy. The truth is far worse.

Monday 25 April 2022

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE MAY-JUNE 2022

Bible Prophecy Comes Alive in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s dramatic invasion of Ukraine is not surprising. How and when will it end?


Putin’s War—on Russia

The eyes of the world are focused on the dictator’s savagery against Ukraine. But a brutal crackdown is underway on the home front.

Erasing Russia’s Memory

Putin dissolves the group that helped dissolve the Soviet Union.

Asia Still Stands With Putin

The West wants to isolate the Russian dictator, but most of the Eastern Hemisphere is linked to him.

Germany Is Transforming Before Your Eyes

The Ukraine war sparked a leap forward in one of the most important end-time biblical prophecies!

He Was Right About Europe
Germany’s Phony War on Russia
America’s Naive Trust in Germany

The nation that launched two world wars will now receive top-of-the-line stealth nuclear fighters. What could go wrong?

War Sparks Food Crisis

Blocked ports and fallow fields in Ukraine will affect an already volatile region.

Tuesday 15 March 2022

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE APRIL 2022

Running on ‘COVID Money’

Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Media are working together to make a mountain of money!



What Else Will the Investigations Expose?

We are seeing how deep America’s corruption goes.

Was the Coronavirus Crisis Engineered?

Evidence is mounting that covid-19 was created as a weapon to fundamentally transform America.

You Are Living in an Experiment

Global experimentation in mandates, lockdowns, vaccines and manipulated viruses is part of an even larger exercise in trial and error.

What Happens When Government Controls People’s Health?

A fascinating, and chilling, historical case study

‘Could It Ever Happen Again?’
Want to Be Healthy? Practice Nutritional Math!

A commonsense approach that too many ignore

A Sure Path to Healing and Health

Most people put enormous faith in the medical industry to rid them of sickness and disease. Here is a sounder object for your faith.

Thursday 24 February 2022

Bible Prophecy Comes Alive in Ukraine!
Vladimir Putin’s dramatic invasion of Ukraine is not surprising. How and when will it end?

The world woke this morning to stunning images of Vladimir Putin invading Ukraine.

Russian missiles are striking targets across most of Ukraine. Artillery shells are raining down on towns, cities and key infrastructure. Buildings are on fire and there are already multiple civilian causalities. Russian paratroopers have captured an airfield near Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital city. Meanwhile, Russian tanks and soldiers continue to roll into Ukraine.

World leaders are aghast. “Peace in our continent has been shattered,” said North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “We now have war in Europe, on a scale and of a type we thought belonged to history.” The Drudge headline this morning encapsulates what many are thinking: “Countdown to WW III.”

Wednesday 2 February 2022

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE MARCH 2022

Rising From the German Underground

The dream of German dominance did not die with Hitler. The German business empire was planning a Nazi comeback when it saw that World War II was lost. It’s all documented for anybody to see!



How the Trumpet Is Different

Troubling History: Volkswagen
Troubling History: IG Farben
Russia and Germany: Partners in Crime

History and Bible prophecy warn of what to expect when these two nations embrace.

The Vicious Cycle: German-Russian Relations
We Said Putin Would Do This

The Trumpet’s editor in chief prophesied in 2008 that Russia’s strongman would reforge a superpower.

Seeking the Message of the Universe

The latest space telescope promises to teach us dazzling truths with life-changing implications.

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2022

The Key to Understanding the Collapse

Why this special issue of the Trumpet will help you understand your world



Barack Obama Exposed

America’s corrupt government is going to be brought to justice.



The Rise and Fall of an Empire

What caused such breathtakingly precipitous turns of history?


Threatening the Crown That Binds Britain

Understanding the throne of David shows you why Britain is dying—and why there is still hope!


Downfall of Britain’s First Dominion

Compromise leads to communism.