Monday 8 July 2024

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE AUGUST 2024

Who Is Behind the War on Netanyahu

The attacks on Israel’s head of state can be traced back to one man.



Injustice and Lawlessness: A Prophet’s Warning

Today’s lawfare and corruption will have grave consequences.

The Failure, and Ultimate Victory, of International Law

International courts of justice are proving to be ineffective and corrupt. But the need for global justice will yet be filled!

We Need One Standard of Justice

‘One rule for rich and poor, for the favorite at court and the countryman at plow’

Nazism Rises Again in Germany

A warning from nearly 80 years ago, based on Bible prophecies, is becoming stunningly relevant.

Is the AfD Really Nazi?
Iran Is Losing Syria to Germany

Syria’s civil war has raged for 13 years. President Bashar Assad, together with Iran and Russia, has inflicted great evil on the Syrian people. But a dramatic shift is starting to take place, and it has profound implications for the region and the world.

Guttenberg and a Revived German Militarism

After almost 80 years of a pacifist mindset, war thinking has revived in Germany.

THE Philadelphia Trumpet MAGAZINE JULY 2024

The Hidden Danger in Germany’s ‘Alliance Against Iran’

Closely watch this developing situation. Bible prophecy foretells a catastrophic outcome. It also shows the inspiring solution.


Germany Courts Its Allies

Germany is working today through diplomatic relations, weapons exports, financial donations and even troop deployments to create a bulwark against Iranian hegemony.

A Promise of Protection
The European Origin of Islamic Jew Hatred

Anti-Semitism was not imported from the Arab world. It was Europe that exported this dangerous poison.

Israel: A Brother Betrayed

The leaders of America and Britain have grown hostile against the Jewish state. This is dangerous—and it was prophesied.