Sunday 22 November 2015

Germany’s Changing Political Landscape and the Role Islam Plays in Terrorism

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on November 20.
Germany’s terrorist scare Tuesday night, which led to the cancellation of a football match in Hanover, is forcing German leaders to rethink security in their country. Finance minister Wolfgang Shäuble has proposed for the military to be used in the event of an attack, which—if carried out—would mark the first time since World War II that troops would be on the streets of German cities. All of Europe is on edge after the recent attacks and is beginning to confront the cause and call it what it is: Radical Islam. Meanwhile, in the United States, administration officials are adamant that the religious aspect of these attacks is non-existent. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry explains how these attacks, and Europe’s response, will eventually lead to a religious clash.

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