Monday 29 February 2016

Crisis at the Close and Guttenberg’s Return to Power

In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ was asked what events would signal the end of this present age of man. He answered by listing a number of worldwide problems that would intensify into the crisis at the close. Today we are experiencing the outer edges of the storm that will lead to the end of this age and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on Earth. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry highlights world events that are fulfilling those prophecies.
Also on today’s show, when Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was pushed out of office in 2011, the Trumpet told followers to continue watching him. We wrote numerous articles predicting his eventual return to German politics. Now, in the midst of Germany’s numerous crises and as the post-Merkel era looms, many news outlets are writing about Guttenberg’s inevitable return. How was the Trumpet so accurate with this predication? Find out on today’s program.

Our Forefathers’ Goal

The Constitution was based to a great extent on God’s law. That is why I believe it is the most noble document ever written by a government of this world.
What a rare document it is. Our forefathers had the awesome opportunity to establish the rule of God in the wealthiest country ever. So they established a Constitution to protect all of us from the extremes of human reason. Tyrants, unjust judges and biased leaders were controlled by this law.
Did our Founding Fathers know that the Bible interprets itself? To some extent, I believe they did. And they probably patterned the Constitution after the Bible, in that sense. The Constitution interprets itself probably better than any book or document other than the Bible.
We see indescribable confusion about the Bible today. Why? Because people won’t let it interpret itself!
We received some foundational direction from Britain’s Magna Carta. But Britain has no Constitution.
Our persecuted forefathers wanted their protection spelled out in detail. They had suffered intensely at the hands of tyrants. Such tribulation deepens a people’s understanding about the value of freedom.
Will we have to experience indescribable tribulation before we can appreciate our freedom, which is given to us by the rule of law?
I have written a new booklet I would like to offer you: No Freedom Without Law. It explains why firm, godly law is vital foundation for any society. Write for your free copy today!

Saturday 27 February 2016

God's Greatest Reward


The Bible includes two letters written by the Apostle Peter. He wrote these epistles in the first century just before he was martyred, and Jerusalem was destroyed. But there isn’t a hint of discouragement or despair in Peter’s message. Discover the source of Peter’s unwavering hope in the midst of crises. Learn how to build the same hope in your life—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70 was a type of the coming Great Tribulation. Many of God’s apostles were killed in the build-up to that calamity. God’s Church was plunged into the darkest of times. When he wrote his epistles, the Apostle Peter knew he would be crucified shortly. Caught in a storm of persecution, Peter delivered a message filled with hope. Request our free booklet The Epistles of Peter: A Living Hope. You can discover the source of Peter’s hope. You can see the vision that caused Peter to rejoice while suffering. Study The Epistles of Peter: A Living Hope to find out how.

The Bible was written for our day. Request a free subscription to the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course for a systematic guide to Bible study. This 36-lesson course helps you to see the relevance of the Bible to our day, explaining the cause of world problems. It gives you biblical guidance and practical solutions to the challenges in your life. Enroll in the Bible correspondence course to receive monthly lessons that will make the Bible more clear to you. Join 100,000 students worldwide who have gained valuable, life-changing understanding of the Holy Bible. Peter built an unshakeable hope through deep Bible study. Now, you can too.

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Our Awesome Universe Potential - The Trumpet Daily

The more we study and learn about our universe, the stronger the evidence becomes of an absolutely remarkable truth: There is an Author of the cosmos. And He intended for us to be able to study the stars to help us come to know more about Him—and His awesome purpose for mankind!

President Obama Erases Yet Another Red Line

In December, President Barack Obama said he was open to visiting Cuba sometime before leaving office, but he first wanted to see more freedom for ordinary citizens. Without such progress, he said in an interview, he was unlikely to visit the Communist island nation. Then in January, the Castro regime arrested 1,474 dissidents—the second-highest number ever. Despite Cuba’s worsening human rights record, President Obama announced this week that he will soon pay a visit to Cuba, effectively erasing yet another red line. For more, listen to Stephen Flurry on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

- German leaders are investigating suspicions that Vladimir Putin is waging a propaganda war to destabilize Europe-
- Saudi Arabia just said it would cut off aid to Lebanon-that it's tired of giving so much to a country that is basically subordinate to Iran-
- Iranian parliamentary elections today will give us a good idea of whether Iran is actually going to become MORE MODERATE thanks to the nuclear deal-
- Japan's prime minister snubbed the White House in favor of planning a visit to Russia-
- Hundreds of thousands of retired and retiring Americans are being told that their pension checks are getting CUT IN HALF-
- We'll also talk about fabric uncovered from the era of King David-an interview with Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg-the war of words between Donald Trump and the pope-and much, much more!
All this-on today's TRUMPET HOUR.

Thursday 25 February 2016

The Dark Side of Technology

Modern technology has allowed man to advance at rates never before seen in history. People can now share ideas and communicate from anywhere on Earth. Despite these great advances, problems in the world continue to escalate. But technology is not the problem—it’s the wrong use of technology. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry exposes the dark side of technological advancement and shows how technology can be used in a positive way.

The Historic Differences Between Britain and Europe

Britain is currently debating whether it should remain in the European Union. In today’s program, Trumpet writers Brad Macdonald and Richard Palmer consider this issue in the context of Britain’s historic relationship with Europe. Britain and Europe have different and often conflicting philosophies on some major issues, including religion, politics and the rule of law. When you consider this history, it’s impossible to imagine Britain remaining in the EU and living happily ever after.

Trumpet Hour: The Pope and Russia, an Attack on the Constitution, Why Obesity and More

—Pope Francis had a meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Is this just an attempt at religious reconciliation? Or is there something more going on here?
—There is a lot of high-profile criticism of the Constitution in America today-we'll look at one extreme view that shows just how virulent and dangerous some of the criticism against America's founding document really is.
—Overweight and obesity is a common problem today, affecting two in three Americans. We'll look at some of the causes of this epidemic.
—And we'll conclude with a few words about what happens when you turn a bunch of fifth graders loose on a playground with no supervision.
—All this on today's Trumpet Hour.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

What Does the Bible Teach about Hell?

Is hell a literal place? Is it a literal geographical location? Is it at the center of the earth—as so many believe? Is it some place like the inside of a volcano – a boiling pit of lava with people being tormented and screaming endlessly? Is any of that in the Bible? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to see exactly what the Bible does teach about hell.

The Dark City on a Hill; Plus, President Obama Doesn’t Believe in a Balanced Budget

Darkness is descending on the extraordinary dominance of the American superpower. From Europe to China to Russia to the Middle East, the world sees American influence diminishing. In an op-ed published by the Washington Times, Herbert London writes, “The world senses that America has lost its self-confidence.” Listen to Stephen Flurry explain on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show what will happen to the world order as the United States leaves the global stage.

Monday 22 February 2016

Britain’s Dilemma: Abandon Historical Roots or Abandon Europe

Britons go to the polls on June 23 to vote whether or not the United Kingdom should remain a part of the European Union. British Prime Minister David Cameron announced details this weekend of the deal he worked out with EU officials, and shared his view that Britain should stay in the EU. Other leaders in the UK, like London Mayor Boris Johnson and former Education Secretary Michael Gove, have joined the Brexit movement. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry examines the fundamental dilemma facing Britain and explains what it means for the future of the United Kingdom.

Genesis, the Two Trees and the Devil

Satan’s grand strategy. Do you know what it is? Are you falling for it?

Satan’s Grand Strategy

In a sentence, can you describe Satan’s grand strategy for deceiving and destroying mankind?
We know the devil’s supreme goal: To seize God’s throne, destroy the incredible human potential, and shatter the God Family plan. We are aware of many of his tactics: the way he spreads lies and deceits, how he exploits man’s lust of the flesh and broadcasts through negative emotions, moods and attitudes. But Satan has a grand plan, a well-crafted strategy, in which he employs various tactics in pursuit of his goal. This strategy is as simple as it is deadly.
You and I must know what this strategy is if we are to avoid becoming victims of it.
Take your Bible and study Genesis 3. Although God doesn’t give us a detailed account of Adam and Eve’s sin here, the details He does provide, as Mr. Armstrong explained, give a vivid and powerful understanding.
Verse 1 reveals Satan’s subtlety. Notice, he didn’t reveal himself as the powerful and impressive archangel that he was. He probably could have dazzled Eve with his brilliant mind, or with his musical talent or his power to perform miracles. But there was little flash and dazzle. Instead, the devil slid into Eve’s life with a small, seemingly innocuous question: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1).
That was it: With one seemingly innocent question—a mere 14 words in English and only 6 in the original Hebrew—Satan the devil hooked Eve! We can learn so much about Satan from this one scripture. First and most obviously, never underestimate the subtlety of Satan. While he can and does work in overt ways, often his deadliest attacks consist of one sentence, one question, one thought. Like his question to Eve, the questions he’ll try to instill in us are loaded with the potential to introduce doubt and criticism, uncertainty and mistrust, and to undermine our faith and confidence.
Eve fell for it: “And the woman said unto the serpent …” (verse 2). Eve engaged the thought, and by doing so engaged the devil. In many respects, this is the most pivotal moment of this account. This was the moment mankind engaged with the devil. Satan was thrilled and believed that it would only get easier from here. Eve’s answer to Satan in verses 2-3 is noteworthy. It shows that Adam and Eve clearly understood God’s instructions about the two trees. Consider Eve’s confidence: Oh, that’s easy, she seemed to think, God told us this, this and this. In Eve’s mind, there was no confusion, no doubt and no questions. She had accepted God’s truth and was at peace. Then Satan started talking. With Eve engaged, he could now get to work employing his grand strategy. “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (verses 4-5).
This was the extent of Satan’s conversation with Eve after his short introductory question. The devil didn’t need much time or many words. With this brief exchange, Satan was able to deceive Eve and set about taking mankind captive. How did he do it? He uses the same methods today.
First, Satan criticized God and His plan. He undermined God’s supreme authority. He told Eve, God doesn’t want you to eat from this tree because He knows when you do, you will become like Him.
The devil deceived Eve into thinking that God was selfish and sinister, and that He hid truth from them. In essence, Satan convinced Eve that the true God is in fact more like the devil—a wicked, selfish liar whose sole purpose is self-aggrandizement and self-love.
If God is the devil in Satan’s message, then who is god? He is! Again, look at what happened here. Satan sold himself to Eve as the ultimate authority on creation, the two trees and human existence. He convinced Eve that he had all the answers. He persuaded Eve that he had mankind’s interests at heart. Satan acts like he is the selfless supreme power and authority.
Satan waxed eloquent on the subject of the two trees also. He told Eve that the fruit from his tree would impart wisdom and enlightenment. He declared to Eve that his tree would impart eternal life, and that the tree of life would bring unhappiness and death. It’s not hard to see what happened here: Satan convinced Eve that he was God, and that the tree of death was in fact the tree of LIFE.
In a sentence, this is the devil’s supreme strategy: Satan sells himself as God!
All Satan’s subtle lies, devious devices, tactical operations, influences and emotions fall under this single strategy: to convince man that he actually is God. It’s simple, but it’s incredibly effective andutterly deadly. Human beings fall for it over and over and over. Even God’s own people are vulnerable if they are not vigilant and relying on the power of God to recognize and overcome Satan.

Sabbath Day Vision

If we properly keep the Sabbath, we would never look to hopeless men.

How can God’s lukewarm people begin to turn their lives back to God? “Thus said the Lord unto me; Go and stand in the gate of the children of the people, whereby the kings of Judah come in, and by the which they go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem; And say unto them, Hear ye the word of the Lord, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that enter in by these gates: Thus saith the Lord; Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem; Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers. But they obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, nor receive instruction. And it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the Lord, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein; Then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their princes, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem: and this city shall remain for ever” (Jeremiah 17:19-25).
We must look at this spiritually today. Who will share David’s throne with Christ forever? That is the reward of God’s firstfruits (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:23-33; Isaiah 9:6-7).
God says we are already kings and priests (Revelation 1:5-6). We are now getting ready to marry our Husband, Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:7). What a glorious vision of hope! Do we get it? This vision has become vague to most of God’s people today. That is the curse of following a man.
The Laodiceans can stop the curse. They must start with properly keeping God’s Sabbath day. The Sabbath is a sign that we are God’s royal Family. “Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your genera­tions; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed” (Exodus 31:13-17).
Today we must look at these verses spiritually. It is far more serious now than it was anciently. We get to know the true God through proper Sabbath-keeping. Only the firstfruits are called to that honor today. If they turn away, they won’t just die physically as ancient Israel did. These saints entered into a covenant with God. Now their eternal lives are at stake!

Sunday 21 February 2016

Daniel Unlocks Revelation

The book of Revelation is a mystery to most people. However, few understand that the Old Testament book of Daniel is the key to comprehending the mysterious book of Revelation. Daniel continually realized that God was his judge and therefore refused to compromise, regardless of the trial he found himself in. It is only to someone with that kind of an attitude that God can reveal spiritual understanding that unlocks His incredible revelation.