Friday 12 February 2016

Why Is Germany Eliminating Paper Money?

In his booklet Who or What Is The Prophetic Beast?, Mr. Armstrong proved that the mark of the beast was Sunday worship. “And the world will be so geared that it will be almost impossible for one to ‘buy or sell’ except he receive this mark of the beast!” he wrote.

Beast Power Rising

Prophetically these are big developments. The Bible talks about a European superpower that will hold huge sway over the global economy in the near future. This economic behemoth will have so much power that, as it says in Revelation 13:17, “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
It could give tyrannical governments the ability to lock people out of the system—and even control what people are allowed to spend their money on—or when they are allowed to spend it.
“The ‘mark’ is something that will be very popular—something the majority of people will be in favor of, will seek—which custom will approve as right—because no man will be allowed to ‘buy or sell,’ unless he receives this ‘mark,’” wrote Herbert W. Armstrong in 1952. He continued:
Everyone wants to be able to “buy or sell.” In this scriptural usage, the expression “buy or sell” more literally indicates being able to buy—not that stores or those from whom one might make purchases of the necessities of life would refuse to accept the money, but that the one refusing the “mark” would not be able to buy, would not be able to earn a living, to earn a wage or salary, or to engage himself in business.
In his booklet Who or What Is The Prophetic Beast?, Mr. Armstrong proved that the mark of the beast was Sunday worship. “And the world will be so geared that it will be almost impossible for one to ‘buy or sell’ except he receive this mark of the beast!” he wrote.
As has happened in the past, he wrote, only those who submit to the religious ideology of the beast will be allowed to conduct commerce.
“Yes, the mark of the beast once again will be enforced! No one will be able to hold a job or engage in business without it. Those refusing will once again be tortured and martyred—probably by the secret police of the political state …” (ibid).
The rising European beast may not yet have the ability to enforce this mark on everyone. But there will soon be a United States of Europe—a union of 10 nations or groups of nations that will be a union of church and state—with the capacity and will to enforce it.
A cashless society in which all commerce can be observed, monitored and controlled by the government is a huge step in that direction. The beast is rising.

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