Tuesday 31 January 2017

Germany Sees Donald Trump as an Enemy


These forecasts are rapidly becoming reality. In 1963, Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Plain Truth magazine, the Trumpet’s predecessor, foretold of a “united EUROPE … a giant new world power equal to Russia or the United States—perhaps even stronger. It will then hold the balance of power between East and West.”
It’s easy to see how President Trump’s foreign policy is leading to the rise of this new power in Europe—a power that, as Mr. Armstrong forecast, does not merely sit in America’s shadow but maintains its own power base, its own resources, and its own foreign policy.
But the rise of this new European power really is “the arrival of a new world order”—as Spiegel described it. It is a world that few alive today have ever seen—one with an assertive power in Europe, ready to challenge both America and Russia.
For more on what Herbert W. Armstrong forecast for Europe, read our free booklet He Was Right. 

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