Friday 28 July 2017

The Lost Century

The history of God’s Church is recorded in detail in the Holy Bible. The Bible records the life of Jesus Christ, the establishment of God's Church and the acts of His apostles—individual by individual, experience by experience. The Bible also records the rise of government persecution—and the rise of COUNTERFEIT churches.

The Bible’s record of God’s Church abruptly ENDS during the lifetime of the Apostle John. Even before John died, he and other biblical writers wrote that the Church was under attack.

Then—there was silence.

The historical record is almost completely EMPTY. From AD 70 to 170 AD, the record is completely shrouded in shadows. Even though extensive records were kept throughout the Roman Empire and beyond during this period, NO ONE has reliable, detailed accounts of God’s Church after the deaths of the original apostles. Historians call this period THE LOST CENTURY.

When the history resumes, the Church that claims Jesus Christ appears to be DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT from the Church in the Bible.

WHAT HAPPENED during that crucial period of The Lost Century?


WHY can you read so MUCH about God’s Church in the Bible, and so LITTLE about God’s Church IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Bible era? The Christian Church carried a dramatic message that changed the world. Its message was one of the most powerful IDEAS ever declared.

The Bible records the individual experiences of many of the original apostles. It records how the Gospel message spread powerfully. It records how the government and the religious establishment fought the message of Jesus Christ. It records how the Apostle John was fighting powerful deception that was already drawing people away from the true Church.

Order your free copy of THE TRUE HISTORY OF GOD’S TRUE CHURCH. This NEW book delves straight into The Lost Century and the counterfeiting of Christ’s gospel. This book will show you what happened to God’s Church in the first century and how it suffered and struggled against persecutors including a rising false church. It will show you the seven prophesied eras of God’s one and only true Church—eras that lead right up to TODAY. 

Order your copy to be sent through the mail for free now at If you want to download it, account login necessary.

Request your copy of THE TRUE HISTORY OF GOD’S TRUE CHURCH, by Gerald Flurry.

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The Fight for the Temple Mount | The Trumpet Daily

God established Jerusalem to be a city of peace. But instead of peace, Jerusalem has a legacy of 6,000 years of unparalleled suffering, bloodshed and desolation. Today it is weighed down with insoluble problems. The Israelis and Palestinians are bitterly divided over control of Jerusalem. Despite many years of negotiations and compromise, peace talks have always failed. As a holy site for Arabs and Jews, the Temple Mount has been a major stumbling block to these negotiations. 
The current conflict over the Temple Mount is a powder keg ready to explode. Only Jesus Christ can resolve Jerusalem’s colossal problems. Your Bible reveals that mankind’s best efforts to bring about peace will instead result in the fall of East Jerusalem, triggering a series of catastrophic events leading to the return of Christ. 
On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we explain where the current tensions over the Temple Mount are leading and how it will end.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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The Ambassadors of Peace

The leaders of this world are failing to solve, or even identify, the real problems of our age. Left-leaning leaders are sounding alarm bells over nonissues like climate change, while their opponents bicker among themselves and fail to stand up for traditional values. Humanity is failing to achieve peace. But God expects those who know His truth to behave differently—to be ambassadors for His way of life. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain why only God can solve the problems of this world.

Europe, Japan, China and the New World Order

The world is changing before your eyes. For decades, the United States has dominated the globe with unshakable alliances with Western Europe and Japan. But now, these alliances don’t look so unshakable and both Europe and Japan are moving away from the U.S. A new alliance is rising, and it profoundly threatens America. Assistant managing editor for Richard Palmer discusses the rise of this new world order—and the one source that forecast it in precise detail years ago.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Why God’s Work Devotes So Many Resources to Youth Programs

Toward the end of his life, Herbert W. Armstrong began to realize the critical importance of educating the young people in God’s Church. He initiated numerous youth programs in order to help young people realize their potential and deepen their understanding of the Bible—all to strengthen families in the Church. God’s work today follows those same traditions started by Mr. Armstrong. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry explains why God pays special attention to young people in His Church.

The Conspiracy Against the Family

Britain’s advertising authority wants to make it illegal to show gender stereotyping in commercials. Showing men and women in their traditional roles is too demeaning and unhealthy for society, the reasoning goes. Meanwhile, showing rape on prime time television is permissible because it’s “historically accurate.” Britain’s moral compass has shattered. The traditional family is being attacked on every level. What is the real source of this attack and why is it happening? We discuss this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Monday 24 July 2017

How to Resist the Pull of the World

Since the terrorist attack near the Temple Mount on July 14, Israel has installed metal detectors to improve security of Jerusalem’s holiest site. These new security measures immediately prompted Palestinian leaders to incite violence against Israelis. On Friday, a knife-wielding Palestinian broke into an Israeli home in the West Bank and murdered three Jews in cold blood because of Israel’s “attack” on the al-Aqsa Mosque. Few in Western media, however, are willing to tell the truth about what is happening on the Temple Mount.
Also on the program, Stephen Flurry discusses how quickly the United Kingdom’s largest pharmaceutical company caved in to pressure after receiving criticism for refusing to reduce the price of its contraceptives. On this program, he discusses the importance of standing strong in the Lord against the pulls of this world.

Friday 21 July 2017

The Temple Mount Trigger

The Trumpet watches events in Jerusalem with more interest than it does any other city in the world. Why? Bible prophecy provides unbelievable detail about what will happen in Jerusalem in the end-time. The latest wave of tension surrounding the Temple Mount is yet another indicator that this city is ready to ignite. A conflict in Jerusalem will be the trigger for the fulfilment of the most dramatic, and hopeful prophecies in the Bible. On today’s program, we watch Jerusalem and explain what Bible prophecy says specifically will happen here before the return of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Doomsday Averted on the Temple Mount—But for How Long?

The situation on the ground in Jerusalem has 
been tense since the terrorist attack near the Temple Mount last Friday. In response to the attack, Israel set up metal detectors upon entry to the Temple Mount. The necessary security measure has Arabs enraged—some even call the move an “attack” by Israel. The Temple Mount is a powder keg about to explode! Bible prophecy says that World War III will be ignited by a conflict in Jerusalem. On today’s program, host Stephen Flurry interviews the Trumpet’s Jerusalem correspondent for an update on the latest events in Jerusalem fulfilling biblical prophecy.

The Deadly Leaven of Modern Media

The battle for your mind is real. Is Satan winning?

There is a battle for control of our minds, and it’s playing out to a large degree in the media.
Television, music and the Internet are filledwith deadly leaven—from their ability to affect moods and emotions to their stunning power to shape cultural ideas and trends to how they brazenly promote the smutty, the base, the coarse and the violent. In these last days, the Family of God should beware the deadly leaven of modern media.

Satan uses artists and industry moguls as pawns to spread his “do what you want” leaven.
As shocking as this all may be, just think: The television and music industries are actually regulated industries. They have to adhere to a standard—although that does not say much today. But the Internet is not regulated! It is a wholly lawless landscape, where the most revolting and evil family-destroying poison is just a click away.


Mr. Armstrong decried modern music and television. In one article, he wrote about how the Beatles changed the culture of the Western world: “In a way, the Beatles started this modern trend in Satan-influenced lifestyle of degenerating culture and sense of social values” (Worldwide News, Dec. 22, 1980).
The entertainment industry is crawling with demons. Many artists are not only influenced by demons, some actively seek to be led or even possessed by them. “I tried to emptymyself and let the spirit of Sethe inhabit me,” Oprah said about her work on the set of the movie Beloved. “Every morning, before my scenes, I lit candles and said the names of these slaves. I prayed every day to the ancestors.”
Consider the change that overtakes pop singer Beyoncé. “Beyoncé was a shy, quiet kid,” Rolling Stone reported in 2004. “When she was 7 and in the first grade at St. Mary’s, a Catholic school in Houston, a dance teacher, Miss Darlette Johnson, pushed her to join the school talent show. ‘I was terrified and I didn’t wanna do it. And she’s like, “C’mon, baby, get out there,”’ Beyoncé says. ‘I remember walking out and I was scared, but when the music started, I don’t know what happened. I just … changed.’ Both of her parents were in the audience. [Her mother] recalls, ‘We both said, “Who is that?”’

There Is No Gender Neutrality With God the Father

In the very first chapter of the Bible, God says He made human beings male and female. Few people, even in the world of religion, have ever stopped to consider why. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry looks at why God made human beings male and female—and at the confusion that results when God-ordained laws are ignored.

Monday 17 July 2017


The Evidence Shows Family Is Under Attack
Learn the facts—and follow the evidence to the real solution!

Comrade to All, Opponent to None?
Whether influencing Syria, walking the Palestinian-Israel tightrope, or balancing the Iran-Saudi Arabia rivalry, China’s neutrality places it in a unique position in the Middle East.
France: Saved From the Abyss?
What Emmanuel Macron’s victory means for France and for Europe
Germany Prepares for the War of the Future
Berlin has created a new military branch to take the lead in high-tech hybrid war.
Immortal Cyborgs: Is This Humanity’s Future?
Transhumanists say we could engineer ourselves to live forever.

In the Battle for Iraq, Iran Is the Biggest Winner and America Is the Biggest Loser

With the Islamic State now on the run, Iran is shaping up to be the big winner in Iraq, just as the Bible prophesied. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry compares two recent headlines with what we wrote in the Trumpet magazine more than two decades ago.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Why Most People Don't Understand Bible Prophecy (2013)

Biblical prophecy is a mystery even to most who read the Bible. The reason for that is that people lack the vital key that opens understanding of those end-time prophecies. Did you know that it all revolves around the identity of the lost 10 tribes of Israel? You need this all-important key!

Did you ever wonder why most people don’t understand Bible prophecy? Confusion abounds in this world about prophecy from your Bible and whether we live in the end-times. Gerald Flurry explains how we can understand Bible prophecy. There is a reason why people don’t understand, and we need to understand that ourselves. 

When you look around at this world and the newscasters and the journalists and the politicians and all of that, how many of them truly understand where this is all leading? There are all these horrendous events around us and its important to understand them. Thankfully the Bible makes that very clear. 

It all gets back to an important key in Bible prophecy concerning the identities of the lost ten tribes of Israel. There is an example in the Old Testament that helps us see where all the confusion begins. The first time the Jews are mentioned in the Bible, they are at war with Israel. Can you imagine that? The first time the Jews are mentioned they’re at war with Israel. Now today we think the Jews are Israel today because their nation is named Israel, but something is wrong with this picture because anciently Israel and Judah were very different in your Bible, and of course they still are, though people don’t really understand that. This program will clear that confusion for you.

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Gerald Flurry explains an important truth that explains Bible prophecy in the end-times.

Could You Make Lucifer’s Mistake?

Are we making the same mistakes as Lucifer did?

Sin began in the mind of the archangel Lucifer. This being “turned against God’s law of love,” Herbert W. Armstrong explained in Mystery of the Ages. “He became jealous of God, envious and resentful against God. He allowed lust and greed to fill him, and he became bitter. This inspired a spirit of violence! He deliberately became his Maker’s adversary and enemy. That was his choice, not God’s—yet allowed by God!” This being “directed his supernatural powers henceforth to evil. He became bitter not only against God, but against God’s law. He used his subtle wiles of deception to lead the angels under him into disloyalty, rebellion and revolt against the Creator and finally into a warof aggression and violence to attempt to depose God and seize the throne of the universe.”
Before that rebellion, the universe was at peace! “The law of God’s government is the way of life that causes and produces peace, happiness, prosperity and well-being,” Mr. Armstrong wrote. “Sin is the way of life that has caused all existing evils. … So the rebellion of angels that sinned (2 Peter 2:4-6; Jude 6-7; Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-17) brought this extreme cataclysm to the Earth” (ibid).
Notice this statement made right after a prophecy about this war in heaven between God and Satan the devil: “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms” (Isaiah 14:16). God concludes this section about Lucifer’s fall by saying, I want you to consider what this great being did!
The Hebrew word for the expression “narrowly look at” means “to gaze or gawk at.” Those who stare at this miserable being will deeply ponder and meditate on the devastating consequences of his self-centered ways.
Like the admonition in 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11, this is an example showing us what not to do.

Pope Wants Federal Europe

The Roman Catholic Church doesn’t believe the Kingdom of God is a literal kingdom to be established on Earth by Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. The Catholic Church’s position is that the Kingdom of God is a modern-day church, ruled by the “vicar of Christ.”
Biblical prophecy describes a church existing in the end time that holds significant political influence with “the kings of the earth.” It will have particular power over a political-military union of nations described in symbolic terminology as a “beast” (Revelation 17). This description can only apply to one church in modern history: a church that meddles in the affairs of nations and considers itself mother to all—a church that has repeatedly aligned with a political empire in order to exercise its power.
Based on these scriptures, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in the October 1951 Plain Truth: “For, believe it or not, the United States of Europe—a Winston Churchill dream, an idea sponsored, aided, abetted and financed by the United States—is the very idea the pope will seize on, all ready-made, wrapped and labeled ‘made in U.S.A.’—ready to hand over to him! And in promoting this utopian idea, gullible, trusting America and Britain are creating the Frankenstein that shall destroy them!”
God tells us how we can be protected from this unparalleled disaster: “Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live? Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:10-11).
There is only one way that God will protect us. Our people must turn from our evil ways. It is of life-and-death importance that everyone who hears this message sit up, pay attention, and take note of the seriousness of the times.

New Study: What It Takes to Be Happy

A new study in Zurich found the secret ingredient to happiness: giving! Add this to a long list of surveys that have verified an ancient biblical truth. To give is happier than to get, Paul said in Acts 20:35. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses this and much more.

Thursday 13 July 2017

The 1 John 1:1 Beginning

Meditate on the history of God before creation.

1 John 1:1

God has helped me to more deeply understand a dimension of John 1:1 and why Herbert W. Armstrong went back to it time and again. He always returned to the “beginning of the movie” in John 1:1, even more so than he did the two trees in the Garden of Eden. What is covered in this verse ties directly into the key of David vision in Revelation 3.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). This is about the Word and God, predating even Genesis 1:1.
However, if we examine what is written in 1 John, we see that the Apostle John adds something that goes beyond what John 1:1 is talking about. “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life” (1 John 1:1). Here John is talking about the beginning, but not the beginning of creation. He never uses the word creation. He is emphasizing the beginning of something further back.
At the end of the verse, John wrote, “… our hands have handled, of the Word of life.” He is explaining how he and the other disciples were personally involved with the Word, interacting with Him in the flesh. It wasn’t just Jesus Christ who was there with them—it was the Spokesman for the Godhead! They were absolutely mesmerized by the fact that the Word from heaven was on Earth spending time with them; it moved them profoundly!
This is a vision we need in our minds! It is all about us handling the Word of life and the miracle of eternal life, which is the most real life there is! It really is amazing that we have the very same Word of life today!

Donald Trump’s Other Speech

United States President Donald Trump’s speech in Poland and visit to the G-20 last week attracted a lot of media attention. But he gave another speech and attended another summit that may be more important.
Mr. Trump gave his complete backing to a new initiative that will, in his words, “transform and rebuild the entire region” of Central and Eastern Europe. A new alliance is forming in this region—one that Herbert W. Armstrong forecast 60 years ago. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer discusses this new alliance and shows how it will affect you.
Also on today’s program, we discuss China’s rise as a naval power. Two weeks ago, China finished construction on one of the most modern and powerful warships in the world. This week China dispatches troops to its first overseas military base. What does China’s meteoric rise as a naval power mean for the world?

Navigate the Perils of the Supermarket!

A practical example of how to recognize and avoid ‘Satan’s devices’

Fit For Battle

God wants us to be tougher. He wants us to fight like David and his army of giant-slayers.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

God’s Work Takes Off

Following the death of Herbert W. Armstrong in 1986, the leaders who took control of the Worldwide Church of God methodically destroyed everything God had built through Mr. Armstrong. But in 1989, the same God who raised up His Church under Mr. Armstrong went to work raising the ruins. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry looks back at the “mustard seed” beginning of God’s Work—and the miraculous growth we can expect when God does the planting.

The Neglected Third of Your Bible

One-third of the Holy Bible is prophecy. And approximately 90 percent of that is devoted to the pulsating present day. Yet that is the third you seldom, if ever, hear about today.

Saturday 8 July 2017

A Hypocritical Nation

In Isaiah 10:5-6, God says He is sending correction to the nations of Israel. Correction is necessary because our people have become so hypocritical. Proof is apparent in the media, politics and even in the average conduct of our citizenry. Even as Americans celebrated their nation's independence, unspeakable violence filled the streets and the double-standard media carried on with business as usual. We are called to be different; God commands us to be sincere, truthful and a people of virtue as an example to this decaying world. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, guest host Andrew Locher discusses America’s rapid downward plunge and what the Bible says we must do to avoid falling with it.

Thursday 6 July 2017

The Awesome Prophesy That Explains America’s Greatness

It’s an increasingly unpopular view, but it’s the truth: America is an exceptional nation. But why? Is it because of Americans’ work ethic, the nation’s geography, its mineral and agricultural wealth, or its political or philosophical heritage? These factors contributed to America’s greatness, but are not ultimately responsible for it. In today’s program, Brad Macdonald shows that America’s conception and subsequent success are the result of a specific prophecy made to Abraham 4,000 years ago.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

July 4th: What Made America Great

Just over 50 percent of U.S. citizens are proud to be American, according to a recent FoxNews poll. Should we be surprised that so few are proud of their country? America’s communist-infiltrated educational system teaches young people that America is institutionally racist. The mainstream media continually undermine American history and insult the Constitution, meanwhile it glorifies socialism—a system responsible for failed nations like Cuba, Venezuela and Russia. Why are so few American’s proud of their country? Bible prophecy explains what made America great, and it explains why so many Americans have lost pride in that power. For more on this topic, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.