Thursday 31 August 2017

KT zu Guttenberg Is Back!

important. This is all about the return of Jesus Christ and the beginning of some truly horrifying events. The Bible prophesies that in the end time, immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a German-led, Catholic-inspired European superpower is going to appear. In Isaiah 10:5, for example, we read that God brandishes Germany as an instrument of correction upon the nations of Israel, calling Germany “O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger.”

Daniel 7 and 8 provide further insight into this seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. In fact, these chapters describe specifically the appearance of an end-time antitype of Antiochus Epiphanes—the cunning Greek dictator responsible for inflicting terrible destruction on the Jews and Jerusalem in the second century b.c.

Gerald Flurry and the Trumpet believe Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg—the man now beginning to captivate the German peoplecould be this prophesied end-time leader!

This is something you really need to understand, and it’s something we can help you understand. If you haven’t read it yet, make sure you read A Strong German Leader Is Imminent.

You should also watch this video; it’s only 90 seconds.

Roundtable Discussion: KT zu Guttenberg’s Comeback

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is back in German politics! KT made his first major political speech last night in Germany since his resignation from politics in 2011 over a plagiarism scandal. The Trumpet has been watching Guttenberg as a potential leader in Germany for more than 10 years now. After his departure from the political scene, we told our followers to continue watching this man. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry and Brad Macdonald discuss KT’s astonishing comeback and his rock-star level popularity in Germany.

Will the Hurricane Unify a Deeply Divided America?

National disasters usually provide an opportunity for people to put differences aside and pull together. Hurricane Harvey has provided that opportunity, and many people in Houston and around America are working together to help out. But how long will the unity last? Already, America’s major media has started politicizing the disaster in Houston. The waters haven’t even receded, and the media is back to business as usual. The division in America is getting deeper, and Bible prophecy says it will result in the downfall of America. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the impact Hurricane Harvey is having on a divided America.

Study Shows Money Doesn’t Solve Family Problems

Most people will talk about God the Father and Christ His Son but never actually admit that they are saying God is a family. Instead, they believe God is a “trinity,” limited to three beings. But the Bible shows that God is actually opening up the family to all mankind! (Request The Incredible Human Potential for a free, in-depth study of this.)
Mr. Armstrong preached this knowledge, but few listened. And what little knowledge Americans had about the importance of family was rejected. The criticism leveled against the 1960 report’s focus on family grew louder and louder.
Today, anyone upholding the values of traditional family is mocked and ignored. Even as it is clear you can’t solve family problems by ignoring the family.
Why are such intelligent people so blind to the basic and obvious?
The Bible explains this too. The Bible speaks of an arch deceiver, Satan the devil, a spirit being with tremendous power. The Bible says Satan is “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2).
That broadcast is how Satan has deceived the whole world: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:9).
This is the only thing that can explain such willful ignorance in looking at the data. The whole world is deceived. That comes from the Bible. It is not an assumption or theory—it is reality.
The Bible says of Satan, “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” He is the father of the lie that society can promote structures other than traditional family and not suffer for it.
When government, education and media reject the importance of traditional family and ignore the results, they are embracing a lie and, worse, they are broadcasting it to society.
Revelation 12:9 speaks of Satan being cast down. It is interesting to note that the trend of more children being born out of wedlock started to take off in the 1980s. In 1980, only 18 percent of children were born to unmarried mothers, so the percentage of children born out of wedlock has more than doubled since then. That was during a time when women gained more access to contraceptives and abortion!
This coincides with the time frame of the event spoken of in Revelation. (For a full explanation, request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet America Under Attack.) Satan is working his deceit, and a large part of that is in undermining and attacking family.
But the Bible can clear the deception away. You don’t need a sociologist to tell you what the Bible already reveals. It’s the only source of information that gives the purpose of family and how to build a family. Herbert W. Armstrong’s free book The Incredible Human Potential puts the Bible answer together in an easy-to-understand way.
Sociologists, government officials and educators reject the evidence, but you don’t have to! If you are unclear on why there is family and are willing to accept the results of these studies, order our free literature to learn the real solution to this problem.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Harvey?

Man-made climate change is the culprit for the intensity of flooding in Houston right now—if we are to believe the mainstream media. Is this true? Are human beings responsible for causing storms and so-called “natural” disasters? Or is this a convenient way to push God out of the picture? So many people are suffering in Southeast Texas due to the extreme flooding. Many people are asking, “Where is God when these disasters strike?” The Bible teaches that God uses the weather to get people’s attention—to correct them for breaking His laws. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain the real cause for the extreme weather we’re seeing today.

Hurricane Harvey and the Beginning of Sorrows

Parts of Houston, America’s fourth-largest city, are underwater as the city continues to take a beating from a storm some are calling a “one-in-a-thousand-years type of event.” Hurricane Harvey has poured over 9 trillion gallons of water on Houston, with an expected 10 trillion more to come. The sudden flooding has first responders overwhelmed and citizens in a panic. Hurricane Harvey is the latest in a series of “unprecedented” natural disasters that have wreaked incredible havoc and death. Many people wonder why, if there is a God, He would allow people to suffer from disasters like Hurricane Harvey. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain why God allows “natural” disasters.

Scientific Method, the Bible and the Genesis Account of Creation

Just how much can the Bible be used in archaeological research and that research still be deemed scientific? On today’s program, we briefly discuss the cross section of the Bible and modern-day archaeological research. We also talk with archaeologist and author Christopher Eames about the Genesis account of creation and the astounding number of ancient civilizations with similar stories.
The Genesis Account of Creation: Just a Bible Story? -…a-bible-story/

Friday 25 August 2017

Charlottesville Violence – “The Real Danger Is Invisible”

Deadly riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, are proof that America is deeply divided. Learn what America’s greatest president once said about solving the problem of division, and how the nation can apply his wisdom today. See the dark spiritual force behind America’s sudden decline, and understand how God will intervene to save the country from annihilation—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

There is a disturbing reason why America has declined so drastically in recent years. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet America Under Attack to learn how Satan destroys organizations, churches and nations: from within, and from the very top. Just as Satan wrecked God’s church in this end time, he is now undermining the greatest nation in history.

Have you ever wondered why the law of the land in America today has been trampled? The cause is spiritual in nature, and far more sinister than you may realize. Request America Under Attack to uncover the invisible-yet-lethal cause of America’s impending collapse. Learn the only possible solution to this gigantic problem.
Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Ezekiel recorded perhaps the most alarming prophecy in the entire Bible. While America is trembling under the weight of massive problems like terrorism, race riots and rampant lawlessness, God’s church is spiritually asleep. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet to understand the alarming accuracy of Ezekiel’s sobering message. In striking detail, he proclaimed that America and God’s church are headed for the worst crisis ever known.

Despite the bad news, Ezekiel’s account is one of tremendous hope. Request Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet to discover how America’s suffering is just a small step in God’s master plan to establish His wonderful kingdom on the Earth.

You will also receive our free reprint article “Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits.” Though many people scoff, Satan and his demons do exist! Learn how these immortal spirit beings, created perfect by God, turned to perversion and evil. Understand who their main targets are today.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s Key of David program transcript “Thanksgiving.” Abraham Lincoln knew that the only way to avoid national disaster was by turning to God in fasting and prayer. Request a transcript of “Thanksgiving” to understand why America today must heed that wise advice.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request America Under Attack, Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet, “Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits,” and “Thanksgiving.” Order now!

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The ‘Safe Space’ Mentality Is Now Threatening Public Life

College students fixated on safe spaces and cultural appropriation have taken over university campuses across America and Britain. “The trouble,” Brendan O’Neill wrote in his latest Spectator piece, “is that the ‘safe space’ mentality doesn’t stay contained on campus.” What happens when hypersensitive, self-absorbed pupils are exposed to a different school of thought? They respond the same way any tyrant would to an uprising—with force. How did the university campus get to this point? And what is the solution? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the state of the college campus as well as other news from around the world.

Thursday 24 August 2017

How Can People Obsessed With the Past Know So Little About History?

America’s radical left is carrying out an assault on the nation’s history. Its adherents are destroying statues of figures that make them feel uncomfortable, erasing events from textbooks that don’t fit their agenda, and physically attacking anyone who disagrees with them. They are obsessed with declaring their version of history, while they ignore the true and documented historical context and every other piece of evidence that doesn’t support their version of past events. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we ask how people so obsessed with the past actually know so little about history.

The Greatest Truth You Can Ever Know!

“If ever the Western world needed a book, it needs this one now!” Herbert W. Armstrong said of his book The Missing Dimension in Sex. When Mr. Armstrong first published that book, Western society was in the midst of a drastic downward shift in morality. Today, that shift to immorality has become the norm. This world needs a book that answers the all-important questions of how to live. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we look back at the history of one of Mr. Armstrong’s most popular books and explain why this world so desperately needs this book now more than ever.

Monday 21 August 2017


What the Paris Climate Agreement Was Really About

It was deeply significant—but not for the reasons people think.

Greenhouse Apocalypse
Do carbon dioxide emissions threaten all life on Earth?

Who and What Is God?
Here is a book to help you answer this most important question.

Meet the Communists Taking Over Britain
Voters are growing comfortable with a Labour Party ruled by a radical. Welcome to Britain’s new normal.

Is Today’s Solar Eclipse a Sign of the Time of the End?

Many religious commentators say today’s solar eclipse is a sign of the end. Does the Bible actually support these claims? One third of the Bible is dedicated to prophecy—a forecast of what is to happen in the latter days. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain what the Bible says about the sequence of end-time events.

Does Bible Prophecy Say North Korea Could Trigger World War III?

Altogether, this shows that even though North Korea will not be the spark that sets the world on fire, we should take its threats and actions seriously. As Trumpetexecutive editor Stephen Flurry and managing editor Joel Hilliker wrote on August 15: “If nothing else, the mere threat of a mentally unstable tyrant in North Korea using nuclear weapons should cause all of us to be asking some very hard questions. Rising current nuclear tension should provoke us to consider seriously the biblical prophecies of nuclear destruction. Those prophecies are drawing closer than ever to fulfillment!”
Bible prophecy gives a surprisingly detailed description of World War iii and other end-time events, but it does not give every detail.
The Bible assures God’s people, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy” and says that our understanding of it becomes clearer as we draw closer to Jesus Christ’s return to Earth (2 Peter 1:19). God instructs us in Luke 21:36 to be vigilant regarding the prophecies He has recorded, and to carefully watch for the evidence of those prophecies being fulfilled in the headlines each week: “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
The evidence matches what Jesus Christ prophesied, and shows that World War iiiis rapidly approaching.
Yet, as we see that conflict approach, there is cause for great hope! In Matthew 24, Christ says that the global war at the end of this age will be so devastating that it could kill all human life. Then He adds a vital detail in verse 22 (New Living Translation): “But it will be shortened.”
World War iii will be cut short! Before mankind fires his last weapons to totally annihilate himself, Jesus Christ will interrupt the conflict. Immediately after that time of unprecedented death and destruction, He will establish a new age of unprecedented peace and prosperity. Christ will rule the Earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. He will usher in an epoch of worldwide peace for the peoples of the Korean Peninsula, the U.S., the Middle East, Europe, Russia and everywhere else. Regarding this future era of global harmony, Isaiah 2:4 says: “[N]ation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
Knowing how close that radiant future is can give us perspective that fills us with hope.
For more about the growing threat of World War iii in light of Christ’s warning in Matthew 24, order a free copy of Mr. Flurry’s new booklet: Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door.’

Friday 18 August 2017

A True Christian Cannot Believe in Evolution

The question of origins is a competition between two fundamental theories: creation and evolution. Which one is correct? Learn about one of Satan’s most deceptive traps—a trap that has ensnared higher education—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

God’s Sabbath day points us back to the time of Earth’s creation. God completed this creation in just six days. On the seventh, He commemorated His creation by resting and creating the Sabbath. Request our free booklet Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? to discover the remarkable purpose for the Sabbath day.
Traditional Christianity observes Sunday. Does it make any difference which day of the week we observe—or whether we observe any day at all? Does the Bible establish Sunday as the Lord’s day? Was the Sabbath given for the Jewish people only—while Christians are commanded to keep Sunday as the Lord’s day? For the answers to these questions, read Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? 

Your Bible says the Sabbath day was made for you!

The theory of evolution is Satan’s counterfeit of the Sabbath day. To understand how, request our free reprint article “The Fraud of Evolution.” This theory has corrupted the vast majority of scientific research. Satan has used it to take a stranglehold on modern education. Building on this wrong foundation, almost everyone has missed an opportunity to develop a relationship with his or her Creator. Request “The Fraud of Evolution.”

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? and “The Fraud of Evolution.” Order now!

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

You Can Conquer Drug and Alcohol Addiction! | The Trumpet Daily

Over the past five years, deaths from opioid overdose have skyrocketed. Some estimates predict that the death toll could be as high as 650,000 over the next decade. On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we discuss America’s addiction to drugs and why human government cannot solve this problem. But with God, all things are possible. With God, you can conquer addiction! 

Eerie Silence in Barcelona After Another Jihadist Rampage

An Islamic jihadist drove a van down one of Barcelona’s busiest streets last night, killing 14 and wounding scores more. Vehicle attacks have become the new normal in Europe. Leaders across Europe have no solutions to this ongoing crisis. In America, meanwhile, some left-wing media outlets were quick to suggest that the attack in Barcelona was a copycat version of what happened in Charlottesville last weekend. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the latest attack in Barcelona as well as the campaign to erase America’s history.

The Violent Overthrow of America’s Governmental Institutions

The Marxist organization Antifa has received a free pass from the mainstream media over the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend. Most media outlets simply refer to the group as peaceful, anti-protesters. This group has a history of using violence to achieve its Communist goals. Why isn’t anyone alarmed by the actions of this group? The Trumpet has written extensively over the past decade about how the Marxist/Communist ideology has a stranglehold on the Democratic Party and the major media. This explains why no one is sounding the alarm over a group whose aim is to destroy America’s government institutions. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain where this is leading and how the Trumpet was able to forecast these events well before they happened.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

President Trump Exposes the Media’s Shamelessly One-Sided Coverage

U.S. President Donald Trump’s press conference on American infrastructure absolutely dominated the major media yesterday. The conference was a circus where reporters cared little about infrastructure and more about drawing connections between the president and white supremacists. Reporters shouted questions out of turn at the President like “Why do Nazis like you?” and “Do you support the Confederacy?” Mr. Trump drew attention to the violence in Charlottesville over the weekend, providing context and a balanced view of both sides of the protest. His answers set the left-wing media ablaze. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss what is wrong with the mainstream media in America and why these problems are only going to intensify in the near future.

Alt-Right, Antifa, Left-wing Media and the Handcuffed Police: A Toxic Mix Prophesied to Explode

White supremacist groups in America applauded the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend. Some members said it wasn’t enough. Meanwhile, the radical Marxist protest movement Antifa has been given a clean slate despite also having a long record of violence. Both extremes are beginning to fight in the streets of America’s cities, and the police are helpless to do anything about it. These are turbulent times, and it’s about to get a lot worse. Bible prophecy says America will experience race wars on its way to collapse. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain how these events play into Bible prophecy.

Monday 14 August 2017

Charlottesville: A New Reason to Hate on President Trump

During a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend, a man intentionally drove his car into a crowd of opposing protesters. The reaction from the major media was predictable: Blame U.S. President Donald Trump for the violence. Under Barack Obama, U.S. cities experienced similar violence while President Obama remained silent. The media’s amnesia is a symptom of the hypocrisy dividing America and bringing it down. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the media’s reaction to this weekend’s tragedy as well as other major events happening around the world.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Living Hope in Bible Prophecy

This world is dangerous like never before. North Korea and Iran are pursuing the nuclear bomb. Europe is quietly building a dominant superpower. China and Russia pose daily threats to world security. But there is hope. Discover how the pages of your Bible contain the solutions to all of mankind’s problems!

The Apostle Peter was crucified just two or three years before the A.D. 70 holocaust in Jerusalem. That disaster was only a type of the coming Great Tribulation, about to explode on the world scene today. Before his death, Peter knew his time on Earth was coming to an end. Many of his closest friends had already been killed in a storm of persecution targeting God’s Church. In spite of all this bad news, Peter had a message filled with hope.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope to understand the source of Peter’s positivity. Diligent Bible study gave Peter the vision he needed to withstand intense trials with a smile. Learn how you can follow Peter’s example. Request The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope today.

The number-one problem among American college students today is fear—fear of the future, fear about relationships, fear caused by a staggering amount of addictions. Request our free reprint article “You Can Overcome Fear!” to understand who is behind the overwhelming feelings of fear that cripple millions of people. There is a solution. There is hope. Read on to discover it.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope and “You Can Overcome Fear!” Order now!

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

You Can Overcome Drug and Alcohol Abuse

United States President Donald Trump said this week that the opioid crisis is a national emergency. Over the past five years, deaths from opioid overdose have skyrocketed. Some estimates predict that the death toll could be as high as 650,000 over the next decade. On today’s program, we discuss America’s addiction to drugs and why human government cannot solve this problem. But with God, all things are possible. With God, you can conquer addiction!

Thursday 10 August 2017

North Korea and the Coming Nuclear War

North Korea appears more emboldened than ever, and, due to years of failed American foreign policy, it is closer than ever to possessing the weapons to finally put some bite behind its bark. Most recently, North Korea has threatened to attack the United States territory of Guam. President Donald Trump said an attack on the United States would be met with “fire and the fury like the world has never seen.” The threat of nuclear war is real, and the war drums are beating louder and louder. Bible prophecy says World War III is coming and that it will be triggered by nuclear weapons. Listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show for more on what the Bible says about how the next world war will begin.