Thursday 3 August 2017

The Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21—A Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

You Can Understand True Bible Prophecy

Anyone able to witness the eclipse from within the path of totality is in for a knee-buckling, awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, emotionally overwhelming and potentially life-changing experience. And it would be a shame to label the event a cosmic coincidence instead of seeing that “the glory of God” is declared by the intricate design of our solar system (Psalm 19:1). But there is no basis—in Bible prophecy or elsewhere—for the claims that the August 21 eclipse will begin the Tribulation, herald the Day of the Lord, signal Jesus Christ’s return, or otherwise mark a sign from God of the apocalypse.
This article is not intended to belittle anyone, and the commentators mentioned above could be commended for their efforts to comprehend Bible prophecy.
This spate of doomsday predictions surrounding the August 21 eclipse are only the latest round of attempts by men and women to interpret Bible prophecy. (For another recent example, read Dennis Leap’s excellent article on blood moons). For untold centuries, individuals have endeavored to predict the future by reading their own meaning into Bible scriptures—but with an abysmal track record.
That is because, as explained in 2 Peter 1:20, “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” But that does not mean the Bible’s prophecies are unreliable, or that it is impossible for you to understand them.
To begin to see this vital third of your Bible illuminated, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s article “Why Most People Don’t Understand Bible Prophecy.”

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