Saturday 30 June 2018

The New Throne of David

Jesus Christ will soon return to sit on the throne of the Earth. Where is that throne right now? Learn how its identity has recently changed, and how this truth will change the universe—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.




Throughout the Bible, God makes many promises about a specific throne. The mighty King David ruled from the throne of God. His kingly line continues to the present day and will endure to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God has worked numerous miracles to preserve this throne for thousands of years. Until recently, God’s throne belonged to the British monarchy.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The New Throne of David to understand the stunningly specific and accurate prophecies about this throne. Learn why God places such high importance on the throne of David. With the guidance of the Bible, you can track step by step the movements of this throne over the course of millennia.
Recently, God orchestrated the most momentous movement of this throne yet. The throne of God is no longer a physical, tangible throne. God has erased and replaced this throne. God’s throne must exist somewhere today, or else His promise to King David of an endless line has failed. You can prove where the spiritual throne of God is located on the Earth today. Where God’s throne is, you will see great works and a powerful message.

The most exciting aspect of this Earth-shaking truth is yet to be fulfilled. A tiny group of people possesses the throne of God today and will soon present it to Jesus Christ when He returns! You won’t find a more inspiring message than this.

Read Gerald Flurry’s new book The New Throne of David for extensive proof of the whereabouts of God’s throne today. You need to know where this throne is. This throne reveals where God is working today. Whoever possesses it will receive special protection from God during the coming worldwide crisis.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The New Throne of David. Order now!

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