Tuesday 3 July 2018

Is a Second Civil War Coming to America?

Mr. Flurry said three months later that a second American civil war will bring an end to the era of relative peace that America has maintained in the world for the last several decades:
How serious is this issue? The first civil war cost almost as many American lives as all other American wars combined! But another eruption of violence between Americans would be far worse. If the country plunges into infighting, many foreign nations will be ready to pounce. America is the wealthiest nation in history: If it continues to destroy itself, nations like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and others will destroy whatever the civil war doesn’t as they vie for the loot. The American superpower will become history, and a third world war, with multiple nuclear powers, will follow.
The Trumpet and, before us, Herbert W. Armstrong have warned of World War iii for over 80 years! This war is prophesied in your Bible. America’s division is hastening the fulfillment of what God forecast thousands of years ago.
By stoking the flames of discontent, radical leftist are playing with fire. Right now that blaze is still mostly confined the halls of academia, the media and to other havens of radical leftism. But both history and Bible prophecy show that those flames will spread. Isaiah 1:7 describes the near future of the U.S., saying, “Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.”
This points to a sobering future. Yet there is hope in this message. There is a way of escape from the coming civil war. To understand this hope and this path of escape, please set aside time to carefully watch Mr. Flurry’s recent television program on this vital topic.

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