Friday 29 March 2019

No Freedom Without Law

The recent college admissions scandal in the United States exposes a deadly spirit of lawlessness. America was founded on biblical principles, including the rule of law. Learn about the alarming consequences of departing from the law—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

More than perhaps any luxury or convenience, most humans around the world desire true freedom. Freedom has been the driving force behind numerous wars and political movements throughout history. But freedom is never actually obtained in these ways. Only God holds the solution.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet No Freedom Without Law for God’s perspective on this vital subject. Around the world, the trend today is toward lawlessness. Misguided people believe that not having to obey the law is true freedom. Just look at the results of rebellion in society: violent crime, substance abuse, theft, disease, and many other dreadful plagues. Is this freedom?

Study No Freedom Without Law to understand the perfection and righteousness of God’s law. Discover how applying God’s simple yet beautiful law would provide mankind with the happiness and freedom we have always craved.

Worldly governments are corrupt by nature. Man’s forms of government have repeatedly abused the very subjects they are supposed to serve. The painful lessons of history have made many people hostile toward even the concept of government—including the perfect government of God.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet God’s Family Government to learn how Satan has deceived the entire world in this area. In this end time, even God’s own Church fell apart because of rebellion against government. Government is the most important subject in the Bible. God is very specific about government structure and operation. Only those who understand and obey God’s government today will escape the nightmarish time of suffering just ahead.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request No Freedom Without Law and God’s Family Government. Order now!




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