Friday 14 June 2019

How Germany Plans to Win World War III

How World War III Will Start

At the end of World War ii, Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied that the Germans would learn from the tactical mistakes they made during World War i and World War ii, and rise once again to superpower status.
“In World War i, the Kaiser, allied with Austria, sought to conquer France, Britain and America,” he wrote. “American industry finally beat him. In World War ii, Hitler tried to conquer the world, first by taking Austria and the Sudetenland thru diplomatic gangsterism; then second, with lightning-quick war, taking Poland, Denmark and Norway, Holland, Belgium and France; and third, while holding these nations by the throat with his Gestapo, and allied with his junior partner Mussolini, to conquer Russia on the east and Britain on the west. But again, American industry, and three acts of God, at Dunkirk, El Alamein and the destruction of the German hydrogen-bomb plant at Peenemuende defeated Hitler. But this time the Nazis plan to sidestep the causes of past defeats. Instead of exhausting their own strength by holding European nations as captives at the expense of vital Gestapo manpower, they plan to head and dominate a United States of Europe—and add the manpower of those nations to their own military divisions. And secondly, they plan to strike their first blow, not at France or Poland in Europe, but with hydrogen bombs by surprise attack on the centers of American industry!”
Mr. Armstrong knew that God gave America and Britain victory in World War ii. At Dunkirk, God miraculously saved the British Expeditionary Force by sending a dense fog to hide their evacuation back to England. At El Alamein, God miraculously caused British mobile radio interception stations to start picking up German spy reports vital to their ultimate victory. And at Peenemuende, God miraculously guided Allied planes to destroy Germany’s secret nuclear weapons research center.
But Mr. Armstrong also prophesied that if America and Britain forgot God and turned away from His laws, then God would raise up Germany once again to punish the Anglo-Saxon people for their sins. The book of Isaiah calls modern Germany by its ancient name, Assyria, and says God will use it as “the rod of mine anger” (Isaiah 10:5). The book of Daniel refers to Germany as “the king of the north,” and says that this king will conquer “the king of the south” and many other nations.
“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. … He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many” (Daniel 11:40, 42-44).
Since the 1990s, Mr. Flurry has forecast that radical Islam, led by Iran, will fulfill the role of this biblical king of the south. So these verses in the book of Daniel reveal the order in which Germany will defeat its enemies. First German leaders will take Field Marshall Erwin Rommel’s advice and conquer Iran, the Middle East and North Africa. Then, once Germany has the vast oil resources of this region at its disposal, it will be prompted by tidings out of the East to “go forth with great fury” and destroy many other nations—including the U.S., Great Britain and the State of Israel.
Finally, once the “centers of American industry are wiped out, the king of the north will launch a preemptive strike against Russia and its Asian allies (Revelation 9:1-11). The history of both World Wars i and ii will have taught Germany that it does not have a chance at defeating Russia until it has taken Iran’s oil and wiped out America’s industry.
To counter this attack, the Bible foretells that Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men (verse 16). Germany’s secret strategy to win World War iii will ultimately fail in the end.
The Bible records that mankind would face extinction in a devastating nuclear war between Europe and Asia, unless Jesus Christ Himself intervened in world affairs (Matthew 24:22). Fortunately, the Bible records a definitive promise from God that Jesus Christ will intervene to end this madness. After accumulating 6,000 years of evil and suffering, the human race will finally be ready to listen to God and be taught His way of life!

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