Friday 9 August 2019

Germany Is Ready for a Strongman

Germany is primed to experience an epic transformation.
In 2015, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry published a booklet titled A Strong German Leader Is Imminent. This powerful booklet is one of manywritings by Mr. Flurry and the late Herbert W. Armstrong prophesying the rise of a strongman in Germany and a final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire.
In an article titled “Germany—A New King Is Imminent,” published in the January 2019 Philadelphia Trumpet (our free newsmagazine), Mr. Flurry warned: “Every reader should closely watch Germany. This nation is experiencing changes that will reshape the country and the whole of Europe. Yet, remarkably, most of the world is asleep to these dramatic developments.”
If you haven’t done so, I urge you to study what the Bible says about Germany’s coming revolution and the coming Holy Roman Empire. These biblical prophecies are being fulfilled right now and they will impact your life. In addition to the literature noted above, you could also read The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.
For many years, it was rare to hear Europeans fondly discuss the Holy Roman Empire and make the case for a modern reincarnation. Today, it is almost routine. Like this week’s Local article, journalists, politicians and academics in Germany and Europe commonly highlight the merits of men like Henry the Lion, Frederick i and Charlemagne.
Of course, these people believe that a 21st-century Henry the Lion or Charlemagne and a newly resurrected Holy Roman Empire would be positive for Europe and the world. The Trumpet uses Bible prophecy to show that the Holy Roman Empire is the main power that will initiate World War iii, bringing an end to the age of man.
We might have different views of the future, but we both agree: The Holy Roman Empire is back!

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