Tuesday 28 February 2017

Peter Was Not the First Bishop of Rome!


Why We Must Prophesy


Traditional Christianity neglects over one third of the Bible. That vital third is made up of prophecy, most of which is for our time today. Bible prophecy proves God’s existence and His authority in the affairs of mankind. Yet most of the world totally ignores these passages of God’s Word. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry explains God’s awesome purpose behind prophecy and why we must declare these prophecies to the world.

Do You Know What a Christian Is?


It is plain: A person who simply accepts that Christ existed and did all the works written in the gospels is not a Christian. I believe Muhammad existed, but that doesn’t make me a Muslim. Rather, we have seen from the pages of the Bible that true Christianity is not just a name—it is an action, way of life. Thus, if you look at the worldwide numbers honestly and truthfully, Christianity is a tiny minority religion. And that’s exactly what Christ said it would be (e.g. Matthew 7:14; 10:22; 13:10-11; Luke 13:24).
To be a Christian means to be a follower of Christ’s way of life and His teachings. So the next question becomes obvious: What are Christ’s teachingsIn the interests of not exponentially multiplying the word count of this article, I’ll leave that for you to study on your own. A few good aids for this study are the following booklets: The Ten Commandments, Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? and Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?
Now, having thoroughly educated ourselves on the subject, we return to our hypothetical situation:
“I’m a Christian.”
Then why don’t you go to Church on Sunday instead of Saturday? Why don’t you celebrate Christmas? Why don’t you eat pork?”
“Because a Christian is, by definition, someone who follows Christ—and Christ did none of those things. So neither do I.”



  • America is going to become great again, but not the way millions of Americans think. 
  • What will take its place?
  • How can you undo democracy? Undo the education of the voters. 
  • After the Berlin attack, Germans are grappling with a choice between who they want to be and who they need to be.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Why God Is a Mystery


God is a mystery to most people. Learn about His eternal history, and the future He has in store for YOU—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Jesus Christ came to Earth to proclaim the God family vision. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The God Family Vision to learn how Christ declared His Father—not Himself, as traditional Christianity teaches. Learn how our Savior’s time on Earth has been deliberately obscured, and what His true purpose was.
Christ’s message is the only one with real hope. It is the true gospel that mankind has never understood. It is about bringing God’s government and peace to the Earth and to the whole universe. Read The God Family Vision to understand how human beings can become part of this marvelous future.
You will also receive a free copy of our booklet God Is a Family. No subject has been more misunderstood than the very nature of God. Most branches of Christianity believe that God is a trinity. Is that true? Can it be proved according to the Holy Bible? Learn how the trinity doctrine actually destroys the vision of an everlasting God family. Prove that God is not a trinity, but a family. This truth makes possible the spiritual birth of human beings into that family!
All of our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The God Family Vision and God Is a Family today!

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

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Fulfilled Prophecy Proves That God Rules! - The Trumpet Daily


One of the great proofs that the Bible is God’s inspired Word is fulfilled prophecy. In Isaiah 42:9, God says, “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Only God reveals the things that are not yet done.

So many major events making headlines today have been prerecorded in your Bible for thousands of years. The fulfillment of prophecy is irrefutable proof that God rules in the kingdom of men.

The Daniel 2 image gives an overview of history and prophecy like nothing else in the Bible. That image unlocks the meaning of major prophecies in the book of Revelation.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we examine the Daniel 2 image and explain how the fulfillment of these prophecies declares God’s rule.
Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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Global Trade Is Growing—But Without the U.S.


The world is adapting to life without America. The United States’ embrace of protectionism and its retreat from the global stage are spurring other nations to look elsewhere for trade. Bible prophecy explains in detail the next powerful trade blocs that will emerge in America’s absence. Listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show to find out more.

Iran Wants Jerusalem, Russia’s Plot Against Montenegro, Germany’s Military Increase, and Much More


• At a conference in Tehran this week, Iran’s supreme leader reiterated his nation’s intent on pushing for a violent overthrow of Jerusalem
• A foiled plot to assassinate the prime minister of Montenegro in the Balkans shows Russia’s continuing brutality.
• Germany is increasing the strength of its armed forces and is set to be a stronger military than Russia.
• American demand for illegal drugs is financing a war in Mexico that rivals the crisis in Syria.
• We’ll also talk about evidence that another euro crisis is brewing—Germany looking for ways to retaliate economically against President Trump—an explosive rift between Iran and Turkey—China punishing its client state in North Korea—Chinese people becoming more religious—and Canada’s making itself the opposite of Donald Trump in its immigration policy.

Iran Won’t Stop Till It Reaches Jerusalem


As we have forecast for almost three decades, Iran has not only developed into a disturbing regional power, but it has developed into a disturbing regional power that was described more than 1,500 years ago! Iranian-led radical Islam is the “king of the south,” a power bloc forecast in the Bible in Daniel 11:40. This Islamic kingdom is marching across the Middle East and has its eye on taking Jerusalem from the Jews, whose nation was also prophesied in the Bible. This regime is dedicated to the cause described above by its leader. Even though it’s hard for Western minds to fathom, Iran really will not stop until it has conquered Jerusalem.
Yet, before it succeeds in its conquest, prophecy describes another power bloc putting a stop to Iran’s ambitions. That same verse describes the “king of the north,” a superior force projected by Europe—which also wants Jerusalem for its capital.
Why are these powers interested in Jerusalem? To understand, please read Mr. Flurry’s booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy. This booklet describes Jerusalem’s unique history among cities, as well as the coming time when, though it will still command the world’s attention, Jerusalem will finally experience a time of unparalleled peace. 

Thursday 23 February 2017

Finally, Someone Else Warns That a Rearmed Germany May Not Be a Good Idea


Germany is taking concrete steps that will turn it into the military power the rest of the world foolishly wants it to become. The Trumpet has been warning for decades about the dangers of a remilitarized German-led Europe. Finally, some analysts are at least drawing attention to the potential dangers posed by a rearmed Germany. For over five decades, Herbert W. Armstrong thundered a strong warning about the events we are witnessing today in Europe. Listen to Stephen Flurry discuss this important topic and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

America’s Miserable 21st Century


The United States has been coming apart for the past three or four generations, but a number of social ills have redoubled with fearsome intensity since around the year 2000. America’s rapid degeneration at the turn of the century came right around the time the world entered the prophetic time period known as the last hour. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses how these troubling trends reinforce the authority of Bible prophecy.

Showdown in America Over Immigration Law, Troubling Russian Alliance, Counting Calories, and More


• In America we have a showdown between the Trump administration and people who want open borders. Protesters in the streets—states suing over executive orders—judges nullifying the president’s decisions—sanctuary cities. It’s a dangerous trend toward lawlessness.
• People have criticized President Trump for his ties with Russia—but that’s not the alliance you need to be concerned about. Several factors are working against an American-Russian alignment—and are actually driving another nation toward Russia—and this is an indicator of war being on the horizon.
• If you want to lose weight, is counting calories the best way to go? A nutritionist tells us why the answer is no—and gives a much better way to go.
• And I’ll conclude the program with a word of advice from one of history’s wisest men on how to handle haters.

Our Universities Are in Crisis


In the June 1966 issue of the Plain Truth, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote that higher education was “fast approaching a crisis.” In “Recapture True Values,” he wrote:
Educational institutions, generally, have grown so large that the regimented assembly-line processes have replaced individualized instruction. The student has lost his identity. Development of personality and initiative is largely sacrificed.

Moral bars have toppled. University campus students say bluntly that with the waning of church and parental influence, “We decide for ourselves on codes of morality.” Stuffing minds with crass materialism, while moral, spiritual and emotional development is neglected, produces unbalanced education and is criminally dangerous.
The approach by higher education—even as far back as the 1960s—was “criminally dangerous.” The university experience enables lawless behavior and thinking. Today, this “criminally dangerous” spirit prevails in our institutions of higher learning, but it’s much more toxic. The madness that unfolded at the University of Michigan, the University of Sussex and Trinity College this week was facilitated, either directly or indirectly, by professors and administrators who went to college in the 1960s. Look at the fruits of their education: lawlessness, intolerance and chaos.
And it’s exactly these “educated” people who run our world.
If you’re interested in discovering more about the fundamental issues with modern education, watch “The Real Problem With Higher Education.”

Latin America: Front Line of Trade War


The May 1962 Plain Truth warned that “the United States is going to be left out in the cold as two GIGANTIC TRADE BLOCS, EUROPE and LATIN AMERICA, mesh together and begin calling the shots in world commerce.”
Dozens of biblical prophecies promise blessings to Israel for obedience to God’s laws and warn of curses for disobedience. These apply most of all to the end-time descendants of the ancient nation of Israel, of whom the United States is chief. (To learn more about this incredible history, request your free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.)
One specific prophecy of these curses is found in Deuteronomy 28. Among the punishments upon modern-day America that this chapter lists for rebellion against God, verse 52 warns that foreign nations “shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.”
These “gates” include the vital sea-lanes by which America trades with other nations and imports goods that its people rely on every day. This is a specific prophecy that these sea-lanes will be cut off by foreign powers!
That scenario simply couldn’t happen without Latin America: It will entail an enemy or alliance of enemies closing the Panama Canal to American traffic and gaining naval and aerial superiority in the Caribbean.
Europe and China are right now working on a “mart of nations”—an anti-American trade alliance. Already it is clear that Latin America will become part of that trade alliance. This makes it a huge threat to the United States.
For more in the vital importance of this region read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s article “The Deadly Dangerous U.S.-Cuba Deal.” 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Trumpet Daily Radio Show America’s Dangerous Latin American Weakness


Control over the Caribbean basin is a vital prerequisite for America's status as a world power. Without that control, it is vulnerable. In the wake of former President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and President Donald Trump’s trade policy, the entire region is turning away from the United States and toward foreign powers. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer explains why this is happening and why this trend is so dangerous for America.

Germany’s Dramatic Transformation—Prophesied in Your Bible


In 1999, the Trumpet was writing headlines about the rise of Germany that are now appearing all over the news; stories about Germany’s rising military might, its changing identity and the rise of the far right. The Trumpet, along with its predecessor, the Plain Truth, began forecasting these stories decades before any other news source. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry compares today’s stories with the prophecies of Herbert W Armstrong and Gerald Flurry and explains how the Trumpet is able to forecast tomorrow’s headlines today!

Will Trump Push Israel Too Far in Search of Peace


On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with United States President Donald Trump at the White House for the first time. Mr. Netanyahu was all almost giddy with excitement at the favor he seems to be receiving from Mr. Trump. And yet, as host Brent Nagtegaal covers in this program, there are many reasons to believe the Israel-American alliance will fray further under a Trump administration.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Russia Worries Europe—and Fulfills Bible Prophecy - The Trumpet Daily


For over a decade after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia was outside the mainstream of world affairs. But under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, who came to power in 2000, things have changed dramatically.

Today, Russia appears to be the dominant global power. Under Putin’s leadership, Russia has expanded its sphere of influence into Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. A crescent of Russian power is quickly taking shape around Europe.

Leaders in Europe are frightened by Russia’s aggression. Bible prophecy explains how this will play out.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we look at what Bible prophecy says about the rising might of Russia.
Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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Germany and the Holy Roman Empire


Germany has been a close friend of America for decades. That is about to change. Learn where a surge in German nationalism is leading—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Germans take pride in the legacy of Charlemagne, who waded through rivers of blood to convert Europe to Catholicism. They are snatching up copies of Hitler’s memoirs. These alarming trends reveal the potential for a return to Germany’s dark and murderous past. Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to learn how Germany has charged down the warpath for thousands of years.

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War 2 but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. The earliest mention in the Bible of the German ancestors describes them as vicious warriors. Secular history also uncovers the war-making legacy of Germany. Hitler was merely the most recent and the most brutal of Germany’s tyrants. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as an even more terrible reemergence of the Holy Roman Empire in our day?

To learn how German destruction will soon cease, read Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

You will also receive our free reprint article “The Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire is Here.” Gain a vital understanding of the previous six reigns of this deadly empire. Prove how the seventh reign will be worse than the rest. Learn about the perfect kingdom that will put a stop to this evil empire once and for all.
All of our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and “The Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire is Here.” Order now!

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

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