Friday 17 February 2017

Trumpet Hour: North Korea’s Missile Test, Hamas’s New Leader, California’s Deadly Flooding, and More

• Last Sunday, North Korea test-launched a high-tech missile into the Sea of Japan—just as Japan’s prime minister was visiting President Trump in the U.S. North Korea is showing its displeasure over the Japan-U.S. relationship, and its determination to test America’s resolve.
• The terrorist group Hamas has just selected a new leader for the Gaza Strip. He’s a charismatic, popular man with radical views and a murderous past. Some observers say this is a real blow to the possibility of peace.
• Serious weather disasters are hitting the U.S.—tornados in Louisiana—flooding in California. Why is this happening? We’ll view these events in the bigger picture, and ask WHY natural disasters.
• And I’ll conclude the program with a word about how to handle adversity—and why it’s important sometimes to KEEP WRESTLING, even when you’re in pain.

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