Thursday 9 February 2017

European Leaders Ready to Shrink the EU

The EU needs to unify quickly—and the easiest way forward is for a core group to leave the rest behind.

The unification of a smaller group of core nations is exactly what the Trumpet has forecast for years. The Bible describes a European power that would exist in the modern era and would consist of “10 kings”—leaders of 10 nations or regions. There are currently 27 EU member states (not counting Britain). In its current form, the EU has proved to be a massive, unwieldy, bureaucratic organization that simply cannot move quickly, decisively or in unison.
(Click to watch)”There’s going to be a core group of nations,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said in a 2010 Key of David television program. “Europe is going to have more power and not less, only it’s going to be considerably smaller. You watch and see if that doesn’t happen, because your Bible says it has to! There’s going to be 10 kings there, not 27, as there are 27 nations today in that European Union.”
Now European leaders are talking seriously about stripping the union down to a smaller yet more solid core. Keep an eye open for what happens on March 25 in Rome. And to see how this “multi-speed” alliance will ultimately lead to a 10-nation European superpower, read “Europe’s Coming Big Ten.” 

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