Thursday 30 November 2017

America Now Well Within Range of North Korean Nukes

North Korea broke out of its two-month lull yesterday in spectacular fashion—by launching its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile to date. The missile reached a height of over 2,500 miles. Defense experts say that every American city is now in North Korea’s sites. North Korea is a serious threat to global security. Other terrorist states, like Iran, aren’t far behind in their nuclear development. These provocations should shock the world into action! Yet most people aren’t concerned about how to solve these problems! Bible prophecy says where this is leading. For more on this topic, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Britain and the Royal Family Have Changed Dramatically This Year

Britain and America are abuzz over the news of the royal engagement. With the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the British royal family has finally entered the 21st century, according to one writer at the New York Times. The engagement appears to be one bright spot in a difficult year for Britain and its royal family. But can Meghan Markle rescue the monarchy in Britain? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the latest on the royal engagement and what it means for the future of the royal family and the United Kingdom.

Monday 27 November 2017


This global trend is actually prophesied in your Bible! Thousands of years ago, the Bible foretold of our day, when the world would revert to a much darker, more barbaric time of authoritarian rule that leads to war! Except this time, the barbarism will be carried out with weapons of mass destruction.
Today, we often call these strong leaders authoritariansdictators or autocrats. The Bible calls them kings and princes. In Daniel 11:40, for example, it says “at the time of the end” the king of the south shall push at the king of the north—two mighty kings colliding in a spectacular clash.
The Trumpet identified radical Islam as the “king of the south” in the early 1990s. We identified Iran as the leader of that movement back in 1994. And look at the power Iran’s supreme leader has amassed since we made that declaration—particularly since 9/11. Some Iranians have attempted to weaken the power of the aptly named “supreme leader.” Some have tried to establish more democracy in the Islamic “Republic” of Iran, like the failed Green Revolution in 2009. The United States government at the time let that revolution die. Today, America is celebrating the collapse of the Islamic State. But under the grip of a strongman and his clerics, Iran is the one collecting the spoils of war in Iraq and Syria.
The king of the north is the German-led European combine of 10 nations or groups of nations. Bible prophecy specifies that this superpower will be led by perhaps the most powerful political strongman of them all! Daniel 8:23 describes him as “a king of fierce countenance.” “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper …” (verse 24). This man has not yet attained power in Europe. But he will—soon. He will emerge from the strongest nation in Europe: Germany.
This Daniel 8 figure will be a strongman among strongmen. He will receive powerful support from 10 other authoritarian leaders in Europe. Notice Revelation 17:12-13: “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast [the European superstate]. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”
This United States of Europe will unleash a hurricane-like force of destruction against Iran and its radical Islamist followers. This Daniel 11:40 clash will ignite World War iii, a time of trouble like no other since the beginning of the world (Matthew 24:21-22).
During the Great Tribulation, Daniel 11 also says that tidings out of the east and north will trouble the European beast power. The reference point for prophecy is Jerusalem. Much of radical Islam is located south of Jerusalem. The rising European superpower lies to its north. And to the east and north of Jerusalem lie Russia and China. God refers to these and other nations in the prophesied Asiatic military alliance as the kings of the east (Revelation 16:12).
More kings! The head of the Asiatic hordes will be Vladimir Putin in Russia. The original Hebrew words in Ezekiel 38:2 prophesy of a prince of RoshRussia. That prince is here today: Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Again, notice how many of these latter-day prophecies contain references to authoritarian princes and kings.
Notice, also, that the U.S. and Britain aren’t mentioned anywhere in these prophecies! There is no “king of the west.” These once great powers are nowhere to be seen! Prophecies like Isaiah 3:1-2 specifically say that America and Britain will be without strong leadership in the end time.
Christ described the period just before His return as the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). America and Britain’s time on the global stage is at its end, opening the way for powers like Russia, China and Germany to rise.
In this Trumpet issue, we look more closely at how this trend is playing out in countries all over the world—in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. You will see what a vivid illustration of fulfilled prophecy this trend is!
For millennia, human beings have lived and died under authoritarian rulers who have taxed them, oppressed them and sent them to war. In the 19th and 20th centuries, many nations experimented to see if power over people could successfully be taken away from authoritarians and given to the people themselves—and if that democratic form of republican government would lead to a better world. Now we are seeing that this experiment has failed, and we are falling back into a dark age. Except now, the kings can press a button and destroy millions of people!
This makes the case—as powerfully as it can be made—that we don’t know how to rule ourselves. This makes the case that we need a strong leader. But not another strong man. We need the leadership of a strong God! We need to end this experiment of rebellion against Him that started in the Garden of Eden, and we need to put our hope—our very last hope—in the soon-coming rule of Jesus Christ, the King of kings.

What You Should Know About the Uranium One Scandal

How much did the Obama administration know about Russia’s goal to control the world’s uranium supply when it approved a controversial deal in 2010 that gave Russia ownership of vast amounts of uranium reserves around the world? John Solomon at The Hill wonders why the Obama administration made so many “Russia-favorable” decisions during its time in the White House. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain the significance of this story and the aspects that are most important.

Sunday 26 November 2017

The World’s Greatest Empire Is Hidden

The Greeks, Romans and other world-ruling empires throughout history made no secret of their tremendous power, flaunting and displaying it for all to see. But the greatest empire in the world today prefers to remain hidden. Learn the identity of this empire, and the impact it will soon have on all people—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. The biblical book of Revelation is a timeline of events leading to the return of Jesus Christ. It exposes the Holy Roman Empire for the satanic superpower that it is. But without the book of Daniel, it is impossible to understand the book of Revelation. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Daniel Unlocks Revelation to understand how these two books are forever intertwined. The Prophet Daniel continually realized that God was his judge and therefore refused to compromise, regardless of the trial he found himself in. It is only to someone with that kind of an attitude that God can reveal spiritual understanding that unlocks His incredible revelation. Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii. However, World War ii is now considered by most to be ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy that Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to prove that Hitler was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. The Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day. The Holy Roman Empire has made pivotal and defining contributions to Western civilization—but its many reincarnations have also come with painful and catastrophic consequences. Request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy to see how European leaders aim to reunite their fractured continent by reviving the legacy of this extraordinary church-state combine. One of the great lessons of this empire is that it always comes back. There is always another resurrection. The Holy Roman Empire is not just a relic of history. It is about to play a central role in world events. Coming to understand the nature and character of this powerful institution tells you as much about the future as it does about the past. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Daniel Unlocks Revelation, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, and The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Order now!


Is Germany’s Political Crisis Over?

Germany is not in crisis—at least according to several articles in the German media. “Angela Merkel's German Coalition Crisis Greatly Exaggerated” is a headline in Deutsche Welle. If Germany is in crisis “[n]o one has told the well-heeled Christmas shoppers crowding Berlin’s stores,” wrote Philip Stephens in the Financial Times. “Wages are high, unemployment is low, and the government is awash with cash. Crisis, Germans are asking, what crisis?”
Germany’s main left-wing party, the Social Democrats, has said it may be willing to work with Angela Merkel and her center-right Christian Democratic Union. Together, these two groups could form a coalition. Is that it then? The German crisis solved?
In today’s show assistant managing editor Richard Palmer gets to the roots of the German crisis, and shows why the situation is still profoundly dangerous. Also on today’s show, Britain’s history with Thanksgiving.

Friday 24 November 2017

Germany's Biblical Indentity

The Germani descended from the ancient Assyrians.
This is key to understanding end-time Bible prophecy.
Anciently, God used the Assyrians to correct His nation Israel.
“Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years” (2 Kings 17:5).
Bible prophecy says God will use Germany to correct America and Britain.
“O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is my indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation …” (Isaiah 10:5-6).
Request our free booklet The Remarkable Identity of the German People, as well as our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.

Iran’s Victory

As far back as 1996, we forecast that Iraq would fall to Iran. Then when the U.S. deposed Saddam Hussein in 2003, I wrote in the June 2003 Trumpet, “It may seem shocking, given the U.S. presence in the region now, but prophecy indicates that in pursuit of its goal, Iran will probably take over Iraq.” How could we know that? Because of Bible prophecy! (You can read the specific reasons why we foresaw that Iraq would fall under its influence in my booklet The King of the South.)
Scripture makes plain that Iran is the king of the south. Iran is the tiger and the Islamic State is the mouse. There is no way we can ever solve our problems if we do not realize who our real enemy is and quit playing games.
Look at the disaster America has gotten itself into as a result of turning its back on God. These curses are going to intensify until we repent. When will this nation recognize that? When will you recognize that? Every person needs to answer that question for himself or herself—because the evidence is building all the time that something is dreadfully wrong with the U.S. today.
But even in all of this, there is good news. Daniel 11, which ends with the prophecy of the king of the south, should continue right through chapter 12 with no chapter break: “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time …” (Daniel 12:1). This “time of trouble” is building now! We can see it right on the doorstep, and it is going to be unparalleled horror.
But notice how this verse concludes: “[A]nd at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” God promises to protect His people—those who are faithful in obeying Him today.
The good news continues: “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever” (verses 2-3). If we just obey God and give ourselves over to Him, then He is going to reward us beyond imagination! He says we will shine like the brightness of the stars forever! God will give us that reward if we get our minds where they ought to be and help proclaim God’s message to this dying world.
Events are rapidly developing into the worst trouble that this Earth has ever experienced. God wants to stop this madness. If we heed God now, He promises to greatly bless us. Although the events just ahead are some of the worst that this weary Earth has ever seen, we can be protected from them. And thankfully, good news is on the horizon. God promises that the trouble will only last a short time—and then He will establish His Kingdom on Earth!


As this nation pauses for a public holiday amidst growing division, it is important for us to get a proper understanding and perspective of what this day was originally intended to honor. Several former Presidents of the U.S. have called upon Thanksgiving to be celebrated as a day of unity, and an occasion to recognize the source of all the many blessings that make our lives and nation so blessed an prosperous.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Among the Many Benefits of Biblical Literacy: Academic Achievement

The Western world is increasingly more and more hostile to the Bible. In America, liberal politicians are desperate to keep church and state separate—especially when it comes to teaching the Bible in schools. But taking the Bible out of schools actually lowers a student’s ability to understand important subjects like classic literature and history! We discuss this topic and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Mike Pence Was Right About Not Dining Alone With Women

Earlier this year it was revealed that Vice President Mike Pence would not dine alone with another woman other than his wife. The left ridiculed Pence’s rule, calling it sexist, old-fashioned, impractical and unprofessional. Just a few months later, however, allegations of sexual misconduct against high-ranking individuals are hitting the news every day. Is it wrong to have a code of conduct like the vice president’s? The Bible says, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the need for, and importance of, biblical standards.

WHY THE TRUMPET WATCHES Russia Allying With China

One Man Saw It Coming

Part of what makes the modern Russia-China partnership so significant is that it contrasts starkly with their recent history of conflict. Back in the 1950s, China and what was then the Soviet Union began disputing their shared border and bickering about “which shade of red” was the correct one for communism. In 1969, these disputes erupted into bloody war. The conflict became so serious it threatened to spark a nuclear altercation.
The nuclear button was never pressed. But more than two decades of mutual bitterness followed.
Yet even during that time of conflict and distrust between Russia and China, one analyst repeatedly forecast that the two would form a partnership.
Even during those early Cold War years, when the only interactions between the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon were arguments about how to correctly implement Communist policies, this lone pundit said Moscow and Beijing would lay aside their differences and enter an era of close cooperation.
Even after those tensions had exploded into the 1969 border war, prompting Russia and China to sever relations for decades, this maverick forecaster held tenaciously to his prediction.
The analyst was Herbert W. Armstrong, editor in chief of the Plain Truth newsmagazine.
Mr. Armstrong first wrote about the Russia-China axis as far back as the June-July 1934 issue of the Plain Truth, one of its earliest editions: “[T]wo great military powers [will] arise in the last days—one the revival of the Roman Empire by a federation of 10 nations in the territory of the ancient Roman Empire; the other … Russia, with her allies … possibly China or Japan,” he wrote.
“China’s … constant dream for centuries has been ultimate world conquest! … China knows, however, that in this highly industrialized age she can accomplish this dream only as an ally of Russia.”
In December 1959, when tensions between Russia and China were high, Mr. Armstrong’s magazine forecast that the two would form a coalition:
“Russia’s program … calls first for the seizure of Asia,” the Plain Truth wrote. It said that China would voluntarily submit to Russian leadership in an Asian bloc as a step toward achieving Beijing’s long-term goals: “China’s … constant dream for centuries has been ultimate world conquest! … China knows, however, that in this highly industrialized age she can accomplish this dream only as an ally of Russia. … China is now ready to begin devouring the rest of Asia with Russia’s secret military backing.”
These are just a few of the dozens of statements that Mr. Armstrong and his newsmagazine made from 1934 until his death in 1986, predicting that Russia and China would go from contenders to comrades.
At the time of Mr. Armstrong’s death, the relationship between Moscow and Beijing remained frosty. But events since then—especially in the last decade—have proved that Mr. Armstrong’s unpopular and seemingly far-fetched forecast was actually spot on.
How could he have predicted the reality we now see with such accuracy?

The Islamic State Is Threatening the Catholic Church

Ideas like these don’t die. That’s why the Trumpet watches so closely when radical Islam pushes and threatens the Catholic Church or Christianity as a whole. It’s why our editor in chief Gerald Flurry has written articles like “The Last Crusade,” which isn’t a picture of history but a prophecy of the future.
“The Jews have Jerusalem now,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “But not for long. Both Muslims and Catholics have designs for Jerusalem. These two great powers are about to clash again—go head-to-head in the final crusade over Jerusalem!” The key scripture used in this prediction is Daniel 11:40, where a “king of the south” and a “king of the north” battle. Note that this event was never fulfilled in history—it is for the future. “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40).
Mr. Flurry, along with Herbert W. Armstrong before him, has emphasized the phrase “push at him,” which has the insinuation of provoking. That is the reason radical Islam is so dangerous. It’s not because the Islamic State has taken control of large swaths of territory. Nor is it because of its horrific, torturous methods of killing. But it is because it has an ideology that looks to push at Catholics, to provoke and threaten them. It is aiming to scare them with terrorist attacks. Because eventually there will be a bloody response worse than the regional crisis we see today. All of this is explained in our free booklet The King of the South.
Radical Islam pushes when it mows down 86 people with a truck in Nice, France. It pushes when it kills hundreds more at musical concerts. It pushes when it threatens Europe because of its Catholic heritage. And it is definitely a push when the Islamic State threatens the heart of the Catholic Church—St. Peter’s Basilica—with a terrorist attack, right around Christmas celebrations.

Monday 20 November 2017

Germany on the Brink

The government of Europe’s most powerful nation remains impotent. Coalition talks in Germany failed yesterday, and—for the first time in its postwar history—Germany is unable to form a government following a national election. These are difficult times for Germany. The German people want strong and stable leadership, and Europe needs a strong Germany. Where is this crisis leading? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry and Richard Palmer discuss the significance of Germany’s failed coalition talks and what it means for the immediate future of Germany and Europe.

Sunday 19 November 2017

The Election That Shook Germany

The Trumpet and its predecessor the Plain Truth have been prophesying about the emergence of a strong, active, powerful Germany since 1944. We’ve based this forecast on many Bible prophecies. In Isaiah 10:5, for example, God says, “O Assyrian [a name in biblical prophecy for modern-day Germany], the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.” This is a prophecy about God deploying Germany as a rod of correction to inflict horrifying violence and pain on the modern-day nations of Israel.
Germany is also a protagonist in the end-time prophecy of Ezekiel 23. This prophecy says that Britain, America and the Jewish state in the Middle East will align themselves with Germany, which will be the dominant world leader. Verses 9-12 read: “Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted. … She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.”
Again, this prophecy shows that Germany will be an impressive political and military power, a mighty, imperialistic nation that subjugates large swathes of civilization!
Hosea 5 has another, similar end-time prophecy about the nations of Israel, mainly Ephraim (Britain). But notice, God says that “[w]hen Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound” (verse 13). This foretells Britain looking to Germany for support. Why? Apparently Germany at this time is the world’s leading nation!
There are similar prophecies in Habakkuk 1, Daniel 7, 8 and 11, and Revelation 13 and 17, for example. These speak of the emergence in the end time of a German-led, Catholic-inspired European superstate. As hard as it is right now to imagine the EU as an imperialistic superpower, this is exactly what the Bible prophesies!
And at the core of this European empire is an extremely powerful, extremely assertive, extremely aggressive German nation!
This Germany is forming even now. The inner struggle within many Germans will only intensify after this recent election. More of Merkel means more of the same. Now that the election is over, what is left to motivate her to make the changes the people seek? And unless some dramatic changes are made, Germany will only grow less stable and the people more anxious, more frustrated, and much more angry!
Eventually, the tension and anger will explode, initiating a course of events that will bring about the rise of a new, more powerful, more assertive, more terrifying Germany!

Lighting the Latin Fuse

As astounding as it may sound, this situation was actually prophesied in your Bible. Jesus Christ forecast that “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world” will encompass all nations, including those in Latin America (Matthew 24:21).
In the Old Testament, the same God told the ancestors of the Anglo-Americans that they would be blessed for obeying His laws and cursed for disobeying. In Deuteronomy 28:43 and 52, He specified that one curse for disobedience would be that “[t]he sojourner who is among you shall mount above you higher and higher; and you shall come down lower and lower. … They shall besiege you in all your towns, until your high and fortified walls, in which you trusted, come down throughout all your land; and they shall besiege you in all your towns throughout all your land, which the Lord your God has given you” (Revised Standard Version).
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in “Where America’s Race Riots Are Leading” ( that this reference to America’s “high and fenced walls” falling refers to illegal immigrants streaming into the U.S. (Trumpet, November-December 2014).
People across the Western Hemisphere have turned away from God, and violence is escalating. The Bible prophesies that God will allow a final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire to conquer America as punishment for its sins. This empire is termed “holy” because it is guided by a religious entity, the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will almost certainly use its influence in Latin America to bind this region to Europe.
Bible prophecy strongly indicates that Europe will edge out U.S. influence from Latin America. As crises intensify, Latin Americans will cry out to Catholic Europe for help, willingly subjecting themselves to the Holy Roman Empire. This empire will then use its Latin allies to lay siege to Canada and the U.S. The Bible says God will allow this destruction in order to fulfill His purpose. He will precisely measure out this punishment in order to bring Americans of all ethnic backgrounds to a point where they will heed Him and embrace a way of life that eliminates drug addiction, organized crime, corrupt government, crushing poverty, and tragic death.

Friday 17 November 2017

The Mass Shooting In Texas

On November 5, a gunman killed 26 worshipers at a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Learn the cause of the mass shooting epidemic in America—and the hope-filled solution to it—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. Millions of people around the world are familiar with the expansive humanitarian and evangelistic work of Herbert W. Armstrong, even though he died more than 30 years ago. However, hardly anyone knows what happened to that work after he died. There is a very sinister reason for that. Request our free, hardbound book Raising the Ruins to learn how Mr. Armstrong’s successors dismantled his church, doctrine by doctrine and asset by asset. Not everyone in the Worldwide Church of God decided to rebel. A tiny, loyal group of Christians endured a six-year, life-and-death court battle to preserve some of Mr. Armstrong’s most important writings. In the process, they revived and shared his shining legacy. Read Raising the Ruins to understand how this little remnant beat the odds and showed themselves approved unto God. Mass shootings have become an epidemic in America. Believe it or not, this crisis relates to a violent spiritual war in heaven more than three decades ago. Your Bible reveals that Satan and his demons lost this war and have been confined to Earth. No longer able to roam the universe, these vicious spirit beings have turned the full heat of their wrath on mankind. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Malachi’s Message to prove that Satan’s top target is God’s Church. After Mr. Armstrong’s death in 1986, the Worldwide Church of God was destroyed in no time at all. Satan crushed this church from within and from the very top. He uses the exact same strategy to attack his number-two target: the modern descendants of ancient Israel, primarily America. His attacks won’t stop until America lies in ruin. Read Malachi’s Message to see how God will protect those who serve Him today. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Raising the Ruins and Malachi’s Message. Order now!


The Origin of False Christianity | The Trumpet Daily

Many will come in Christ’s name, but do they teach what He taught? Christians today consider themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ. They all claim to follow the Bible. But can they all be right? Why are there so many different denominations in the traditional Christian world? And why do so many of them teach things that aren’t even in the Bible? If you study the Bible seriously, you can clearly see that there is so much division and confusion in the world of Christianity because of a great false religious system set up by Satan the devil soon after the true Church of God was established! On today’s program, we examine this all-important, yet little-understood, history. Visit

The Ambition to Serve God

God says He calls the lowly of this world in order to confound the high and mighty. But God did not call people to remain in that lowly state! God expects His servants to be ambitious! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we look at the examples of Herbert W. Armstrong and Winston Churchill for lessons on how to develop ambition.

Thursday 16 November 2017

What You Need to Know About Antifa

A group that promoted communist dictatorship in Germany on the Soviet Union's behalf is now rising to prominence in the United States of America.