Friday 10 November 2017

Iran—King of the Middle East

America has just suffered its greatest defeat in the Middle East, despite pushing the Islamic State out of Iraq. Even as American leaders take a victory lap, a deadly Islamic power is plotting to fill the void in Iraq. Find out which nation will seize power in Iraq and eventually trigger a third world war—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Daniel warned about a coming world war triggered by the “king of the south.” This power bloc will be a radical Islamic alliance led by Iran! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South to prove Iran’s deadly role in Bible prophecy. A look at today’s headlines proves that Iran dominates the Middle East. But Gerald Flurry foretold the emergence of Iran two decades ago—when Iraq controlled the region. Read The King of the South to learn how he made such an accurate prediction. Daniel battled against Satan to receive the revelation contained in his book. Still, even he didn’t understand the message that he recorded. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel—Unsealed at Last! to understand why the meaning of this message has only been made known in the end time. You will also receive a Trumpet Daily Radio Show transcript titled “Bible Prophecy Right Again! The Islamic State was a Distraction.” America has helped Iraq drive out the Islamic State. In return, Iraq wants to push out America! This betrayal reveals America’s pitifully shortsighted foreign policy. Throughout history, America has proven unable to focus on more than one enemy at a time. While fighting isis, the U.S. has lost sight of Iran’s rapid expansion of power in the Middle East. isis is but a mouse compared to the Iranian tiger! All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The King of the South, Daniel—Unsealed at Last!, and “Bible Prophecy Right Again! The Islamic State was a Distraction.” Order now!


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