Sunday 26 November 2017

Is Germany’s Political Crisis Over?

Germany is not in crisis—at least according to several articles in the German media. “Angela Merkel's German Coalition Crisis Greatly Exaggerated” is a headline in Deutsche Welle. If Germany is in crisis “[n]o one has told the well-heeled Christmas shoppers crowding Berlin’s stores,” wrote Philip Stephens in the Financial Times. “Wages are high, unemployment is low, and the government is awash with cash. Crisis, Germans are asking, what crisis?”
Germany’s main left-wing party, the Social Democrats, has said it may be willing to work with Angela Merkel and her center-right Christian Democratic Union. Together, these two groups could form a coalition. Is that it then? The German crisis solved?
In today’s show assistant managing editor Richard Palmer gets to the roots of the German crisis, and shows why the situation is still profoundly dangerous. Also on today’s show, Britain’s history with Thanksgiving.

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