Monday 30 April 2018

Why Study the Bible

Why should you want to study the Bible? Is the Bible up-to-date in the Information Age? Exactly what is the Bible, and how should you study it to really understand it?

Melchizedek and Christ’s Priesthood

Is It Time to Change the Name of George Washington University?
When Robert E. Lee statues started coming down around the United States, President Donald Trump asked where do we draw the line? Are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson next? The Washington Post ran a piece soon after Mr. Trump’s comments titled “No, Mr. President, Washington and Jefferson Are Not the Same as Confederate Generals.” Recently, however, students of George Washington University have gone as far as suggesting the university abandon its namesake. Many students only associate George Washington with being a slave owner. It turns out Mr. Trump was right, and America’s founders aren’t even safe from the revisionist-history tide sweeping America. I discuss this sad trend on today’s program.

God’s Sabbath and Holy Days | The Trumpet Daily

Keeping God’s weekly and annual sabbaths will bring blessings into your life. In Old Testament history, every time the true worship of God was restored to the kingdoms of Israel or Judah, keeping God’s weekly Sabbath and His annual holy days were also resumed and heavily emphasized. When people have the right attitude toward God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths, they learn to have the right attitude toward all of God’s commandments, because it is on God’s Sabbath and holy days that His people learn about His law! And a person’s happiness is tied directly with how well he or she keeps the law of liberty.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Trump: ‘Had I Not Gotten Elected, We Were Going Down’
United States President Donald Trump has faced off with a hostile media since he announced he would run for the presidency well over two years ago. Since his election victory, we have learned that carry-over officials from the Obama administration have acted with a dangerous double standard and made decisions that have harmed the integrity of America’s intelligence institutions. A Clinton presidency undoubtedly would have protected this unlawful behavior. On today’s show, I talk about the double standard in America’s intelligence community and how the Trump presidency helped expose it.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Alfie Evans and the Erosion of Freedom
When doctors decided to turn off life support for 23-month-old Alfie Evans on Monday, against his parents’ wishes, they expected the infant they’d diagnosed with a neurological disorder to die soon after. Alfie is still alive. His parents have tried to get him to a hospital in Italy, but a British court denied the move. Italy offered to transport Alfie to Rome and provide all of his needs; it even granted him Italian citizenship. The Alfie Evans case is reigniting a fierce debate: Should governments be allowed to trump parents? I discuss the Alfie case on today’s program and how it is just the surface of the erosion of freedom in Western nations.

#Resistance: Incrementally Normalizing Politically Motivated Violence
The anti-Trump resistance movement has tried everything to get the president removed from office: lawsuits, boycotts, leaks, articles of impeachment, declaring him mentally unfit, and on and on it goes. Media coverage of President Donald Trump has been about 90 percent negative. The media has never been so hard on a president. Just how far is the resistance movement willing to go if it really believes President Trump is like Jospeh Stalin or Adolf Hitler? Is violence the next step? Historian Victor Davis Hanson wrote in a recent column that America is “entering revolutionary times.” I discuss Hanson’s article on today’s show, as well as some positive reports from the Trump presidency that the mainstream media won’t acknowledge.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

God Had a Hand in the Hubble Space Telescope
On this day 28 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into space from the space shuttle Discovery. Some scientists believe that Hubble was the greatest development of the 20th century! Hubble gave man the opportunity to peer into the farthest reaches of space. And while it helped answer many questions, it also raised new ones. Where does it end? Why is it out there? What purpose does it serve? God explains why the universe exists and the Hubble telescope helps declare that answer in a powerful way! This powerful tool helps us look out into God’s creation. On today’s program, I explain some of the history of the Hubble Space Telescope and why God had a hand in the success of this incredible scientific instrument.

Monday 23 April 2018

Media Still Trying to Explain Hillary’s 2016 Loss
Nearly 18 months after the election of Donald Trump, the mainstream media are still trying to figure out how Hillary Clinton lost the election. On a recent roundtable discussion, a group of reporters moderated by George Stephanopoulos determined that the media being too hard on Clinton and too soft on Trump contributed to Trump winning the presidency. There wasn’t enough “investigative reporting” on Trump during the election, one reporter said. On today’s radio show, I discuss this, along with more on the McCabe leak. Toward the end of the show, I announce some big news regarding our recent excavation in Jerusalem and a forthcoming archaeological exhibit at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Did Mice Save Jerusalem from the Mighty Assyrian Empire?
JERUSALEM – On April 18, Haaretz ran a piece entitled “How Mice May Have Saved Jerusalem 2,700 years Ago From the Terrifying Assyrians,” which looked into the historicity of the Biblical account of King Hezekiah. As noted in the article, the fact that the Assyrian army turned around and let Hezekiah go indicates something highly out of the ordinary took place. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal, looks at the possible scenarios that sent the Assyrians packing.

Sunday 22 April 2018

The Religion of Washington and Lincoln

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln changed the course of American history through righteous leadership. Learn the source of their strength—and how you too can draw from it—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Washington and Lincoln relied on biblical principles and learned from biblical examples. Every American—and every human—ought to do the same. Trusting in God and the Bible would truly make America great again. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets to understand a section of the Bible that is full of valuable history relevant for today. The Former Prophets consist of the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. Become immersed in the rich history and vibrant stories in these accounts. Discover relatable lessons from the lives of biblical heroes. But also realize that these books are far more than just history and a source of encouragement. They reveal the keys to success, both on the individual and the national levels. Request The Former Prophets to discover how to apply these keys—in your personal life, your family, your friendships, your work and even your free time. To America’s Founding Fathers, character was everything. Even the irreligious among them believed that the laws of the Bible really do work. Request our free reprint article “Founded on a Rock” to learn more about the special connection between the U.S. Constitution and the Holy Bible. The Founders saw America as one nation under God, absolutely dependent on the twin pillars of religion and morality. Today, too few realize the importance of these fundamental pillars. Is it any coincidence that America is now besieged by numerous crippling problems? Has the grand American experiment already failed? You will also receive a free copy of this Key of David program, titled “The Religion of Washington and Lincoln.” Watch it again and again to grasp the nation-saving power of faith. America sorely needs leaders like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln today. Beyond that, America needs everyday men and women who conduct themselves like these legendary presidents. Washington and Lincoln faced terrifying trials with a confidence and resolve made possible by deep trust in God. As the world hurtles toward nuclear war in this end time, that kind of faith provides the only way of escape. All our materials are available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Former Prophets, “Founded on a Rock,” and “The Religion of Washington and Lincoln.” Order now!

Saturday 21 April 2018

The Media Fixation With What Is Unlikely, But Possible
Former FBI director James Comey has been making the rounds on TV this past week. The media have become fixated with Comey’s “stunning” revelation that President Donald Trump could be compromised by the Russians. In nearly every interview, Comey maintains that it is possible the president could be a Russian agent. Meanwhile he provides no evidence apart from his investigative experience and “common sense.” What does it say about America today when the top brass at the FBI, DOJ and CIA spearhead a coup to impeach a president whom the ruling class despises, based on innuendo, possibilities and outright lies?

Thursday 19 April 2018


Has Eilat Mazar Discovered Archaeological Evidence of Isaiah the Prophet?

The sensational story behind the unearthing of a tiny artifact that proves the existence of one of the Bible’s greatest prophets



Unearthed: Another Inspiring Biblical Artifact

The King of Debt
America has embraced reckless spending and no longer even pretends it will repay what it owes. What could go wrong?
Surveillance State: A Preview of Your Future?
It’s not 1984 yet, but it’s getting awfully close. Is this leading to the ‘mark of the beast’?
China’s Fisherman Navy
Don’t mistake Chinese fishermen as a ragtag band acting on its own.
Nunes Memo Exposes Unseen Threat to America
Americans should be deeply alarmed by revelations of corruption and lawlessness within the nation’s top law enforcement agencies. It is our responsibility to cut through the noise and politics to understand the truth.


The Story Behind the Nunes Memo

Why Study History
The subject is often undervalued today, but we cannot afford to ignore it—or take a negative approach to our study.
The Age of Expression Suppression
The PC police are coming!


Europeans Prepare for Total War
Russian military aggression in Eastern Europe is leading to a prophesied clash of civilizations.

Sea Gates: A Deadly Threat to U.S. Power
America is consumed with infighting. The left is focused on bringing down its sitting president. Meanwhile the nation faces real dangers overseas. China is gobbling up sea gates and boosting its naval power rapidly. In today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer shows why this rise is a mortal threat to the United States.

A Swamp Full of Colluders and Conflicts of Interest
The media have been waging a relentless assault on President Donald Trump since he won the Republican nomination in 2016. Russian collusion! Conflict of interest! Scandals! Lies! And on it goes. As it turns out, Mr. Trump’s victory in the presidential election exposed the media and the previous administration for being guilty of the very same scandalous behavior they accuse others of! On today’s show, I talk about the real collusion scandal in America’s capital and how it fits into Bible prophecy.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Comey’s Higher Loyalty Was to Barack Obama
In a recent interview with ABC, James Comey spent roughly five hours talking about his time as FBI director under Barack Obama and the few months he spent under President Donald Trump. Comey’s new book, A Higher Loyalty, is supposed to be about his impartiality and respect for law. In his interview, Comey revealed where his loyalties really are. The “non-partisan” FBI director told outgoing President Obama “how much I’m going to miss you,” and then told him that he dreaded the “next four years.” Comey had it in for President-elect Trump long before their first meeting. On today’s program, I go through Comey’s recent interview and talk about how it reveals Obama’s long-lasting legacy within the “deep state.”

Monday 16 April 2018

Comey and the Media Swing Wildly at Trump, Hoping to Land a Punch
Former FBI director James Comey is releasing his tell-all book this week. And the left-wing media—the same ones who wanted him fired 18 months ago—are now holding him high as a star witness against President Donald Trump. His book is being hailed as an insider’s look at a corrupt presidency. It’s full of “stunning” revelations about Mr. Trump. But as Trumpet managing editor Joel Hilliker recently wrote, the president’s enemies are “fixating on what is implied, alleged or possible—or even proved false.” On today’s show, I talk about the media’s assault on President Trump. What is the biblically prophetic view of this spectacle?

Sunday 15 April 2018

The Most Difficult Thing on Earth | The Trumpet Daily

What do you think about when you hear the word “correction”? Why do we so often resent correction and fight it? Our society dislikes the idea of correction so much that we often avoid using the word altogether, unless we are criticizing someone else. Most of us in the West have grown up in a generation that resents authority and correction. People openly question whether there’s even such a thing as being correct. People are only concerned about doing what seems right to in their own eyes. The spirit of our generation hates criticism and correction. But correction from God is one of His most precious gifts!

Jewish Flight and What the Bible Actually Says About Male Disengagement
Are Jews safe in Europe? British journalist, author and political commentator Melanie Phillips held a public lecture in London on April 12, where she addressed the dire threats facing Jews in the West and around the world. She exposed the threat of widespread anti-Semitism, not seen since before the days of World War II. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses her lecture, as well as society’s attack on men.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Robert Mueller’s Witch Hunt
Yesterday the FBI raided the office, home and hotel room of United States President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen. According to the New York Times, the federal agents seized business records, financial documents, e-mails, phones and computers. Many on the left, and especially the mainstream media, applauded the raid. The raid has effectively extended Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation into an area outside his jurisdiction. On today’s program, I discuss the details of the Cohen raid and where it is leading America.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily

American Resurgence

For eight years under President Obama, the forces of the radical left were on the march, virtually unchecked. Even Republican leaders caved in, and that was after they had taken control of Congress and had a lot of power to stop the president!
Donald Trump has proved himself willing to take a stand where others have not. It is quite something to behold him resisting these anti-American forces! He has inspired a few other leaders to challenge the radical left and help expose it for what it is.
When you compare what this president is doing to what his predecessor did, there has been a clear change in direction, one that will slow the speed at which America is being pulled apart. He is not trashing the Constitution as the previous president did. He has passed tax cuts that will help many American families. He has rolled back the universal health-care mandate and removed regulations that were hurting American businesses. The stock market has broken new records. We are seeing what I wrote in Great Again, that after President Trump took office, “Conditions in America may improve for a short time.”
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
When you compare what this president is doing to what his predecessor did, there has been a clear change in direction, one that will slow the speed at which America is being pulled apart.
The president also has a very strong relationship with religious leaders, and has strongly defended religious groups. He is speaking publicly about how good and strong and even righteous America is—although the truth is that America today is none of those things. He is inspiring confidence in a lot of people about this nation’s future.
What we are seeing is actually a modern-day fulfillment of what happened in ancient Israel under Jeroboam ii. A bit of a resurgence, some renewed prosperity, a swell of religious activity—but not true religion—with the blessing of the “king.” (The Amos 7 prophecy gives more detail about this aspect of Jeroboam’s rule. I explain it in Great Again.) It is a time of people being lulled into a false sense of security and a sense that God is with them. And meanwhile, the character of the leader is deeply flawed, and the sins of the people remain great and are growing worse.
It is critical that we realize why this resurgence! God Himself is pushing back against the Satan-inspired forces that would have destroyed this nation! He is exposing those forces so we can see them clearly. And He is using a man to save the superpower of prophetic Israel, the United States—temporarily.
Yet like anciently, this is only a temporary resurgence. Look at what happened anciently, and you recognize that the short-term gain in the nation was followed by extremely strong correction!

A Warning Rejected

Today there is a “Prophet Amos” type on the scene, warning about God’s impending judgment! But most Americans won’t even begin to listen to God. Even those who are religious feel that things are good because of the favor they have with the “king.” They refuse to be corrected and to heed the warning.
Amos 7:10-12 tell us that the modern-day Jeroboam is going to kick God’s people out of this country because “the land is not able to bear all his [the Prophet Amos’s] words”!
Jeroboam ii was the last king of Israel to receive a direct warning from God’s prophets. He rejected God’s correction. After his reign, there were six more evil, mostly short-lived kings—men who came to power through murder or other ignoble means. They allied with Syria to fight off a rising threat from Assyria, the nextdominant regional power (just as Amos had prophesied). In the end, they ended up paying tribute to Assyria, then ultimately being conquered and led away captive by the Assyrians.
A similar nightmare fate awaits America! Dozens of biblical prophecies warn of this truth!
God will make America great again! But the Bible shows that He will do so only after hard correction.

Read Great Again to understand just how urgent this warning is. Read The United States and Britain in Prophecyto see what is about to happen to America. God is giving these warnings in an effort to save people from that fate. He is saving this nation temporarily—extending mercy for a short while before the punishment is carried out. Use this opportunity to prove this truth, heed the warning, and accept God’s offer of protection to you!

Bible Prophecy Rushes Ahead in Russia-China Partnership

He Was Right

Herbert W. Armstrong first prophesied of a Russia-China axis back in the June-July 1934 issue of the Plain Truth magazine. He wrote: “[T]wo great military powers [will] arise in the last days—one the revival of the Roman Empire … ; the other Russia, with her allies … possibly China or Japan.”
In December 1959, when the friction between Russia and China was severe, Mr. Armstrong’s magazine said that, despite those tensions, the two would soon lay aside their differences and form a partnership. “China’s … constant dream for centuries has been ultimate world conquest! … China knows, however, that in this highly industrialized age she can accomplish this dream only as an ally of Russia. … China is now ready to begin devouring the rest of Asia with Russia’s secret military backing” (Plain Truth, December 1959).
These are a small sampling of the numerous statements Mr. Armstrong and his newsmagazine made from 1934 up until his death in 1986, saying that Russia and China would shift from mutual hatred to close cooperation.
In 1986, Russia-China relations remained deeply strained. But the trend of the last 15 years—including the landmark events of early April 2018—show that Mr. Armstrong’s forecast was accurate.

Viewed Through a Lucid Lens

Mr. Armstrong accurately forecast the Russia-China cooperation that is so undeniable today because his primary intelligence source was Bible prophecy.
The December 1962 Plain Truth revealed some of the specific scriptures that informed Mr. Armstrong’s prophecies regarding Asia:
From time to time, news commentators—in describing the coming catastrophic military struggle for world control—use the biblical expression Armageddon found in Revelation 16:16. But what they do not mention is a striking prophecy about “Armageddon” found in Revelation 16:12. In this verse we read that “the way of the kings of the east” is to be prepared!
A passage in Ezekiel, written some 2,500 years ago, also informed Mr. Armstrong’s accurate forecast. “Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him” (Ezekiel 38:2).
Referring to this passage, Mr. Armstrong wrote in the April 1981 Plain Truth:
There is general agreement among students of prophecy that “Gog” in the land of “Magog” is the vast regions of northern Eurasia extending from the Baltic to the Pacific [modern Russia and China]. “Meshech” is Moscow; “Tubal” is Tobolsk. The Bible margin says “prince of Rosh,” which is Russia.
Ezekiel 38 shows that Russia will be the leading nation in the end-time Asian power bloc, and that China will be in a position of secondary leadership.
In the near term, the Russia-China partnership points to a violent future for the world. But it is also closely connected to the best imaginable news for mankind.
To understand the details of these scriptures and numerous others, and to see how they are being fulfilled by the cooperation between Russia and China that is happening today, read our article “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China.”

Didgeridoo Master Confers Spiritual Blessing on Britain
On a recent trip to Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Arts Center in Gove, Australia, Britain’s Prince Charles took part in a Yidaki healing ceremony where he was blessed by didgeridoo master Djalu Gurriwiwi. After receiving the blessing, Charles said he felt “better already.” How did Britain go from teaching tribal natives to being taught by them? We cover this topic and much more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Sunday 8 April 2018

America Under Attack (KOD)

Many authorities tell us that America is going the way of ancient Rome, but it's even worse than that. America is under attack from a real but invisible army.

Times of the Gentiles

Your Bible warns of the “times of the Gentiles.” You are living during this dangerous period! Learn how world events prove this is now the “times of the Gentiles”—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Bribes, assassinations, nuclear weapons development—nations like China, Russia and Iran have become increasingly aggressive in recent years. They will stop at nothing to achieve their common goal of dominating the world. Request our free reprint article “The Times of the Gentiles” to learn what your Bible has to say about this alarming trend. As Gentile powers rapidly push toward global takeover, the Western world sleeps. America, Britain and the Jewish nation, in particular, have proven unwilling to confront these formidable enemies. Consumed by crippling internal division, social unrest, debt, moral decline, terrorism, lawlessness and other sins, they have failed to check the advances of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and a German-led European Union. Gentile nations are swarming like sharks in bloody water, yet the modern descendants of ancient Israel haven’t even noticed.
The same is true of God’s Church. Ninety-five percent of God’s people abandoned the Church after Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986. They stopped watching and praying that world events would fulfill God’s will. They stopped warning the world about the times of the Gentiles. They fell asleep at the most urgent time in human history. As punishment, God has removed His protection from them. They will be at the mercy of Gentile armies—armies that have no mercy.
You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Prophesy Again. The world today is more chaotic and deadly than ever before. It is during this nuclear age that God gives His Church a vital mission: to prophesy again. Mr. Armstrong did this job in a general way. Read Prophesy Again to learn about the tiny, loyal remnant that specifically fulfills this commission. Only one group is delivering a warning message about the rise of Gentile powers.
The commission that God has given to His Church in this age may be beyond what our human minds can fully comprehend! The mystery of God has to be declared today. But this Work is also to teach all humanity that the mystery must be declared to every person ever created. They must be taught not just the mystery, but taught to teach it. Why? Is it possible that God will keep expanding His Family throughout the universe forever?
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request “The Times of the Gentiles” and Prophesy Again. Order now!

Mission Not Accomplished | The Trumpet Daily

The Trouble With Men | The Trumpet Daily

Saturday 7 April 2018

Who Was Herbert W. Armstrong?

Herbert W. Armstrong was one of the most prominent religious leaders and humanitarians of the 20th century.
In 1931, Mr. Armstrong founded what became the Worldwide Church of God. In 1934, he aired the first World Tomorrow, which eventually expanded to more than 400 television and radio stations worldwide. Also in 1934, he published the first Plain Truth magazine, which, by the time of his death in 1986, had more than 8 million subscribers—more than Time magazine and Newsweek combined.
In 1947, Mr. Armstrong founded Ambassador College. He also founded the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, a humanitarian organization that sponsored activities around the world.
Mr. Armstrong traveled the world, fulfilling Jesus Christ’s prophecy in Matthew 24:14 to “preach the gospel of the kingdom.” He met more than 500 heads of state, heads of government and other world leaders, many of whom recognized him as an unofficial ambassador for world peace.
Mr. Armstrong had a gift for understanding and explaining the Bible. He wrote hundreds of magazine articles, booklets and books. His greatest literary work, Mystery of the Ages,contains the answers to life’s most fundamental questions.
When Herbert W. Armstrong died on Jan. 16, 1986, then United States President Ronald Reagan told Worldwide Church of God members, “You can take pride in his legacy.”
Today, Mr. Armstrong’s legacy continues through Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God.
To learn more about Mr. Armstrong’s legacy, request his free book Autobiography of Hebert W. Armstrong, as well as our free booklet Ambassador for World Peace.