Sunday 22 April 2018

The Religion of Washington and Lincoln

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln changed the course of American history through righteous leadership. Learn the source of their strength—and how you too can draw from it—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Washington and Lincoln relied on biblical principles and learned from biblical examples. Every American—and every human—ought to do the same. Trusting in God and the Bible would truly make America great again. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets to understand a section of the Bible that is full of valuable history relevant for today. The Former Prophets consist of the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. Become immersed in the rich history and vibrant stories in these accounts. Discover relatable lessons from the lives of biblical heroes. But also realize that these books are far more than just history and a source of encouragement. They reveal the keys to success, both on the individual and the national levels. Request The Former Prophets to discover how to apply these keys—in your personal life, your family, your friendships, your work and even your free time. To America’s Founding Fathers, character was everything. Even the irreligious among them believed that the laws of the Bible really do work. Request our free reprint article “Founded on a Rock” to learn more about the special connection between the U.S. Constitution and the Holy Bible. The Founders saw America as one nation under God, absolutely dependent on the twin pillars of religion and morality. Today, too few realize the importance of these fundamental pillars. Is it any coincidence that America is now besieged by numerous crippling problems? Has the grand American experiment already failed? You will also receive a free copy of this Key of David program, titled “The Religion of Washington and Lincoln.” Watch it again and again to grasp the nation-saving power of faith. America sorely needs leaders like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln today. Beyond that, America needs everyday men and women who conduct themselves like these legendary presidents. Washington and Lincoln faced terrifying trials with a confidence and resolve made possible by deep trust in God. As the world hurtles toward nuclear war in this end time, that kind of faith provides the only way of escape. All our materials are available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Former Prophets, “Founded on a Rock,” and “The Religion of Washington and Lincoln.” Order now!

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