Tuesday 10 April 2018

Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily


American Resurgence

For eight years under President Obama, the forces of the radical left were on the march, virtually unchecked. Even Republican leaders caved in, and that was after they had taken control of Congress and had a lot of power to stop the president!
Donald Trump has proved himself willing to take a stand where others have not. It is quite something to behold him resisting these anti-American forces! He has inspired a few other leaders to challenge the radical left and help expose it for what it is.
When you compare what this president is doing to what his predecessor did, there has been a clear change in direction, one that will slow the speed at which America is being pulled apart. He is not trashing the Constitution as the previous president did. He has passed tax cuts that will help many American families. He has rolled back the universal health-care mandate and removed regulations that were hurting American businesses. The stock market has broken new records. We are seeing what I wrote in Great Again, that after President Trump took office, “Conditions in America may improve for a short time.”
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
When you compare what this president is doing to what his predecessor did, there has been a clear change in direction, one that will slow the speed at which America is being pulled apart.
The president also has a very strong relationship with religious leaders, and has strongly defended religious groups. He is speaking publicly about how good and strong and even righteous America is—although the truth is that America today is none of those things. He is inspiring confidence in a lot of people about this nation’s future.
What we are seeing is actually a modern-day fulfillment of what happened in ancient Israel under Jeroboam ii. A bit of a resurgence, some renewed prosperity, a swell of religious activity—but not true religion—with the blessing of the “king.” (The Amos 7 prophecy gives more detail about this aspect of Jeroboam’s rule. I explain it in Great Again.) It is a time of people being lulled into a false sense of security and a sense that God is with them. And meanwhile, the character of the leader is deeply flawed, and the sins of the people remain great and are growing worse.
It is critical that we realize why this resurgence! God Himself is pushing back against the Satan-inspired forces that would have destroyed this nation! He is exposing those forces so we can see them clearly. And He is using a man to save the superpower of prophetic Israel, the United States—temporarily.
Yet like anciently, this is only a temporary resurgence. Look at what happened anciently, and you recognize that the short-term gain in the nation was followed by extremely strong correction!

A Warning Rejected

Today there is a “Prophet Amos” type on the scene, warning about God’s impending judgment! But most Americans won’t even begin to listen to God. Even those who are religious feel that things are good because of the favor they have with the “king.” They refuse to be corrected and to heed the warning.
Amos 7:10-12 tell us that the modern-day Jeroboam is going to kick God’s people out of this country because “the land is not able to bear all his [the Prophet Amos’s] words”!
Jeroboam ii was the last king of Israel to receive a direct warning from God’s prophets. He rejected God’s correction. After his reign, there were six more evil, mostly short-lived kings—men who came to power through murder or other ignoble means. They allied with Syria to fight off a rising threat from Assyria, the nextdominant regional power (just as Amos had prophesied). In the end, they ended up paying tribute to Assyria, then ultimately being conquered and led away captive by the Assyrians.
A similar nightmare fate awaits America! Dozens of biblical prophecies warn of this truth!
God will make America great again! But the Bible shows that He will do so only after hard correction.

Read Great Again to understand just how urgent this warning is. Read The United States and Britain in Prophecyto see what is about to happen to America. God is giving these warnings in an effort to save people from that fate. He is saving this nation temporarily—extending mercy for a short while before the punishment is carried out. Use this opportunity to prove this truth, heed the warning, and accept God’s offer of protection to you!

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