Thursday 31 May 2018

Targeting Journalists—Is President Trump Really Worse Than Barack Obama?
Many in the mainstream media are criticizing President Donald Trump over his supposed attack on the free press and their First Amendment rights. While there is no doubt that the president has been critical of the media over the inaccuracy of their reporting, he has not infringed on any of their rights—unlike his predecessor. The Obama administration is guilty of spying and silencing reporters who obtained leaked information from intel sources or who shed a bad light on the administration via their reporting, whether it be former Fox News journalist James Rosen or former investigative correspondent for CBS Sharyl Attkisson. Both of these high-profile cases reveal the corruption and disdain the Obama administration had for reporters who went against its political agenda. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses this pertinent story and the truth behind the attack on the media.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Rich and Beautiful in Seattle, Austerity and Suffering in Britain, and Media Malpractice
In Britain, harsh “austerity” measures are changing everything—so said the New York Times in a front-page article earlier this week. While the United States media condemns so-called austerity measures in other nations, it completely overlooks the obvious failures brought on by reckless government spending in American cities like Seattle and San Francisco. Tens of millions of dollars are spent each year to combat homelessness in rich and beautiful cities, but the problems only get worse. In addition to these news items, on today’s program we discuss the remarkable example of King David’s loyalty.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath Day

Lots of confusion fills people’s minds as to which day the New Testament church kept as the Sabbath. Most churches today that claim to follow the New Testament keep Sunday. Is this what the New Testament teaches? What day did Christ, the original Apostles and the New Testament Christians keep? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to hear the answers to these questions.

Media Roller Coaster—From Swooning to Apoplexy
The United States is more divided than at any time since the Civil War. Just look at the way the mainstream media have covered the last two U.S. presidents. They loathe President Donald Trump; everything he says and does is viciously attacked. But when President Barack Obama was in office, he could do no wrong in their eyes. When they were near him, they lost their minds, as journalist Michael Hastings described it. “They start behaving in ways that are juvenile and amateurish and they swoon,” he told CNN’s Martin Bashir. On today’s program, we discuss this and the importance of absolute truth.

Monday 28 May 2018

What Almost Everyone Shares in Common About Iran

As divisive as the Iran nuclear deal is, there is one aspect of the deal everyone seems to agree on. On today’s show, Trumpet contributor Anthony Chibarirwe discusses what it is and why we should never forget it.

Preparing for the Seals of King Hezekiah and Isaiah Exhibit
JERUSALEM - Today, forty artifacts including the seals impressions of King Hezekiah of Judah and Isaiah, left Ben Gurion airport en route to Edmond, Oklahoma where they will be showcased for the next three months. Opening in two weeks, the “Seals of King Hezekiah and Isaiah Discovered” exhibit will bring to life the epic 2700-year-old history of Jerusalem’s deliverance from the mighty Assyrian Empire. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at stunning circumstances surrounding both the discovery of the bullae and the opportunity to now display them to the public.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Mystery of the Human Mind

The human mind is capable of so much more than the animal brain. How should humans utilize this tremendous power? Discover the spiritual component that unlocks your incredible potential—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.




In recent years, humans have made marvelous advancements in industry and technology. Never has mankind been so capable and powerful. Yet, as man reaches great heights in the physical realm, he is failing spectacularly in the spiritual realm. Physical problems like crime, violence, war, poverty and disease actually have a spiritual cause. Is it time for us to admit our complete inability to solve these problems on our own?

Knowledge abounds in this information age, yet who truly understands the Bible? The Bible claims to reveal the solution to all of the problems that are rapidly multiplying today, but who will believe what it says? Ten preachers will give you ten different answers to any biblical question. Why the confusion and disagreement? There is a very sinister reason.

Request our free book Mystery of the Ages to unlock your Bible. After the Bible, this is the most important book ever written. Receive vital understanding about the Bible’s core subjects: the identity and character of God, angels and evil spirits, mankind, civilization, Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom of God. This foundational truth will change your perspective on life. You will know your purpose for existing on Earth. You will grasp your awe-inspiring future.

You will also receive our free booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, and a free DVD of this program. Learn why the most brilliant minds fall woefully short in their attempts to explain the key difference between humans and animals. Theirs is a story of extreme self-reliance. Meanwhile, the truth is available to anyone who will hear and obey. It’s that simple.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Mystery of the Ages, What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, and a DVD of this program. Order now!

Saturday 26 May 2018

Churchgoer or Bible Christian? | The Trumpet Daily

True Bible Christians are meant to live by every word. About 31 percent of the people in the world consider themselves to be Christians. Of these, some are very devout, attending church every Sunday. Others only attend church services on major holidays like Christmas and Easter, but they too consider themselves to be Christians. For many, religion is for Sunday morning and has nothing whatsoever to do with everyday life. However, the Bible tells us that being a true Christian affects the way we live our lives. There is a real difference between those who consider themselves religious and those whose lives are guided by the Word of God. On today’s program, we will examine the difference between those who are merely churchgoers and those who are true Bible Christians.

The Unteachability of Mankind
“When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. … It falls into that long, dismal catalog of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind.” So said Winston Churchill in 1935. But even after Britain was proved to be dead wrong about German rearmament, Churchill was astounded by the “indifference” of the press and the public. It took four more years for the British people to wake up! On today’s program, we draw on lessons from this critical history. At the end of the show, we conclude with a Bible study on one crucial key to being an effective workman.

Friday 25 May 2018

Beware Deception

Deceivers have become extremely active. The whole world is deceived--except for the very few.

Obama in 2013: ‘We Do Not Surveil the American People or Persons Within the United States’
“What I can say with confidence,” then U.S. President Barack Obama said in 2013, “is that when it comes to our domestic operations, … we do not surveil the American people or persons within the United States, that there are a lot of checks and balances in place designed to avoid a surveillance state.” We now know that the Obama administration used America’s vast surveillance network to spy on members of Donald Trump’s campaign team in 2016—all of whom are American citizens. They defend these tactics by saying it was a matter of defending America from Russia. On my radio show today, I talk about the spying scandal directed at the Trump campaign and why officials from the Obama administration and members of the media continue to lie about it.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Was the FBI Spying on Trump’s Campaign? Clapper: ‘No, they were not!’
The radical left is getting caught deeper and deeper in its own web of lies. Last year, when President Trump accused the FBI of spying on his campaign in 2016, he was accused of being a paranoid conspiracy theorist. President Trump has since been vindicated, but don’t expect an apology from those who are committed to destroying his presidency. They still say there never was any spying going on! Yesterday, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was asked point blank if the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign. “No, they were not,” Clapper said. On today’s show, we discuss the very latest on the so-called Trump-Russia collusion investigation and what it is actually revealing. Also on today’s show, we get into the subject of “The Marriage of the Lamb” in our Bible Study section.

Where’s the Outrage? Media and Democrats Defend Obama’s Spying on the Trump Campaign
The more we learn about the Obama administration spying on its political opponents in 2016, the more Democrats and the media defend the deep-seated corruption in the “deep state.” The never-ending Russian probe has bitterly divided an already troubled nation. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses the latest development in this ongoing saga. In the second segment of today’s show, he explains why God calls people out of this world and into the Church: so that they might learn to serve and give.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Jordan and God's Church in Prophecy

Your Bible shows there is to be a soon-coming battle between a European king of the north and a king of the south led by radical Islam. The king of the north will win this battle. Yet God shows that the nation of Jordan shall escape out of his hand. Why will God protect the nation of Jordan?

Prophecy Has Not Failed!

One full third of the Bible is prophecy—and about 90 percent of that prophecy still pertains to this prophesied “end time”!

Barack Obama’s Spy Ring
The political scandal the radical left hoped would take down the Trump administration is instead exposing scandalous corruption at the top level of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation—agencies responsible for upholding law and order. Recent revelations from the House Intelligence Committee have further exposed the corruption of Obama-era policies and officials in the 2016 presidential election. In addition to the latest on this ongoing saga, Stephen Flurry discusses the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Monday 21 May 2018


Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily

People do not realize just how close the nation is to collapse.


1984 and the Liberal Left Mindset
The Parkland Shooting: The Shocking Story You Have Not Heard
Understand the shameful truth of what led up to this tragedy, and you will better see how you can protect yourself from being the next victim.
Why American Men Are Failing
The ‘father of all crises’ has struck—and leaders pretend it doesn’t even exist.
Commercial Baby Food: A Formula for Health?
Off-the-shelf options are convenient, but are they nourishing?
Spiraling Into Trade War
Donald Trump is accused of starting a trade war. Actually, this war is entering its later, most dangerous stages.


A Coming Global Trade War

Saturday 19 May 2018

Are You Answering God’s Call? | The Trumpet Daily

God has a calling for every person. Will you respond? Christ Himself said many are called but few are chosen. Have you responded to God’s call? Those who do can be part of the body of Jesus Christ—the Church that will soon marry Christ and assist Him for all eternity!

Friday 18 May 2018

Did the Radical Left Set Up the Trump Administration?
Did the Obama administration mobilize its massive intelligence community to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016? No evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia has turned up after almost two years of investigations. At this point, it’s not even clear how the investigation was triggered. On today’s show, I talk about why this story matters for every American. Later on the show, Richard Palmer and I talk about the buzz, or lack thereof, in the lead-up to this weekend’s royal wedding.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Scoffers in the Last Days

Many professing Christians scoff at the idea of the prophesied intervention of Jesus Christ. What does your Bible say?

How Important Is Your Prayer Life?

Praying to God was the most important activity in the Prophet Daniel’s life! He maintained a fervent prayer life even after prayer had been outlawed and his life threatened. Does your prayer life mean as much to you as Daniel’s prayer life meant to him? On today’s radio show, I talk about the value of prayer and why it has everything to do with your success in life—and the success of God’s Work.

Crossfire Hurricane: The FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’ Against a Trump Presidency
A recent article from the New York Times claims the FBI went soft on the Trump-Russia investigation in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election. As we now know, the entire investigation was orchestrated as an “insurance policy” in the event of a Trump victory. We wouldn’t know about any of this had Hillary Clinton won. On today’s program, I discuss the latest on the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and why you should be concerned about it.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

The Iran Nuclear Deal and the End of the Trans-Atlantic Alliance
The rift between Europe and America is deepening and many analysts are writing that the trans-Atlantic alliance is dead. This means Europe, rather than relying on the United States as it has historically, will have to become a strong power in its own right. Bible prophecy forecasts that a powerful Europe will soon emerge—events today are bringing those prophecies into reality. I discuss this and more on today’s radio show.

Monday 14 May 2018

What Is God's 7,000 Year Plan?

What is God's 7,000 year plan? And where are we in that plan?

America Opens Embassy in Jerusalem
The United States officially opened its embassy in Jerusalem today. Each U.S. president since Bill Clinton has promised to move America’s embassy to Jerusalem, but Donald Trump is the first to follow through on that promise. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Mr. Trump for “having the courage to keep your promises.” Israel is elated over the embassy move. America’s relationship with Israel is experiencing a resurgence after eight years of animosity from Barack Obama. On today’s program I discuss this resurgence in U.S.-Israeli relations and how Bible prophecy says it will play out. For the second half of today’s show, I play my father’s commencement address from last evening’s Herbert W. Armstrong College graduation ceremony.

Saturday 12 May 2018

God Saves Israel – Temporarily

The Bible names names. God reveals the identities of important leaders—leaders of the past, present and future. Learn about a specific biblical personality in power today—and how God is using him to save America temporarily—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: The Prophet Amos delivered a strong warning message to ancient Israel, but the king and his religious leader refused to listen. The same scenario is prophesied to unfold in the modern nations descended from ancient Israel—America, Britain and the Jewish state primarily. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Lion Has Roared to understand the frightening punishment that awaits these nations. God compares the bloody fate of modern Israel to a sheep that has been attacked—and only two legs and a piece of an ear remain! This is the sobering message of Amos. Only God’s tiny Church delivers this warning in the end time. Prove where God’s Church is today. Unlock the identities of the end-time political and religious leaders who will reject the warning from the book of Amos. Discover the only way to escape the unimaginable suffering just ahead. The Prophet Daniel battled mightily to receive revelation from God. He recorded the struggle in his biblical account, but he never understood the message that God gave to him. He was told that the meaning of the revelation would come in “the time of the end.” Specifically, it would come in the “last end”—or the end of the end time. That time is now! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel—Unsealed at Last! to prove that Satan’s number one target is always God’s Church. Satan hates that God’s loyal people are warning the nations of Israel. Still, they have a much greater power than Satan supporting them as they deliver the most important message in the world. You will also receive two free reprint articles that explain recent political events in America. Your Bible has the answers. It is up to you to find and believe those answers.
  1. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Lion Has Roared, Daniel—Unsealed at Last! and these two reprint articles. Order now!

Donald Trump’s Huge Week
Despite press coverage that is 91 percent negative, U.S. President Donald Trump had a big week: Three American prisoners returned home from North Korea, the economy is booming, and he nuked the 2015 Obama-Iran nuclear deal. Bible prophecy reveals why America is experiencing this temporary resurgence. I explain this on today’s show, and discuss Israel’s strikes against Iran in Syria. Toward the end of the show, I continue with my recent Bible study series on your individual support for God’s Work.

Thursday 10 May 2018

What Is The True Gospel?

The word gospel means good news, or glad tidings. What is the good news that Jesus Christ brought to this earth?

Lessons From Churchill

Seventy-eight years ago today, Winston Churchill became the prime minister of Britain. There is much to be learned from his life as a watchman.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

President Trump Terminates Iran Nuclear Pact
U.S. President Donald Trump followed through yesterday on his campaign promise to pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal. In his brief remarks, Mr. Trump called the deal an “embarrassment” and said it is “defective at its core.” As we know, and knew at the time it was made, this entire deal was based on lies—from the Obama administration and Iran. Now that the U.S. is backing out of the agreement, where does this leave America on the world stage? And what does this mean for Bible prophecy in the Middle East? I cover this and more on today’s radio show.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Are You Just Waiting It Out?

In the midst of the worst political turmoil in the history of the United Sates, we are quickly degrading into a state of anarchy. The supremacy of the Constitution has been overtaken by individual values that aren’t based on the supreme law of the land. Also on today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses the need to be an active supporter of God’s great Work!

Monday 7 May 2018

God’s Work Is Waiting on You!
Religion today is scoffed at by academia. Spiritual knowledge is shallow and ignorant, many people reason. Very few people are willing to look into the Bible. Even fewer are willing to do what it says. But the academics are still failing to answer life’s most important questions. And the crises in this world are piling high! Where are the answers? God’s truth fully reveals these answers! There is a divine plan being orchestrated on Earth and God will reveal that plan to those who are willing to be taught. On today’s radio show, I discuss how YOU can help bring this incredible truth to our dying world.

What Is the Cause of War?

God promises He will intervene in world affairs to prevent the annihilation of humanity and to bring us world peace. And in order to ensure continued peace, He will also prevent future wars by changing that which causes war. Let’s understand.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Strongman of Europe

Germany started two world wars in the twentieth century and is about to start a third. Before that happens, one specific event must take place. Learn what this event is—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Frustration against the German prime minister is building. In a world of strong leaders, Germany lacks clear direction. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany to understand God’s incredible purpose for Germany. The desire for change within Germany is real. A strongman will soon take office. He won’t be elected. He will receive frightening power from an evil spirit being. He will spark World War 3. So says your Bible. Germany is soon to inflict great destruction on this world. God will use that nation to punish America and Britain primarily. Then, about three years later, God will use the Russians and Chinese to destroy Germany. Finally comes the battle called Armageddon, when Jesus Christ returns to rule this Earth. The dreadful Day of the Lord is dangerously close! Also request our free reprint articles “Future Leader of Europe?” and “Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire Is Here.” Your Bible reveals the chain of events that leads directly to the return of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. While the role of Germany in these events is extremely devastating, there is good news. God loves the Germans as much as any other group of people. They are just His tool to correct the modern nations of Israel for their sins. All nations will receive correction, but beyond the suffering is a marvelous future. Soon, every man, woman and child will know the great Creator God! You need to understand Germany’s role in God’s master plan for mankind. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Gerald Flurry’s booklet on Nahum, and two reprint articles about Germany’s involvement in World War 3. Order now!