Sunday 27 May 2018

Mystery of the Human Mind

The human mind is capable of so much more than the animal brain. How should humans utilize this tremendous power? Discover the spiritual component that unlocks your incredible potential—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.




In recent years, humans have made marvelous advancements in industry and technology. Never has mankind been so capable and powerful. Yet, as man reaches great heights in the physical realm, he is failing spectacularly in the spiritual realm. Physical problems like crime, violence, war, poverty and disease actually have a spiritual cause. Is it time for us to admit our complete inability to solve these problems on our own?

Knowledge abounds in this information age, yet who truly understands the Bible? The Bible claims to reveal the solution to all of the problems that are rapidly multiplying today, but who will believe what it says? Ten preachers will give you ten different answers to any biblical question. Why the confusion and disagreement? There is a very sinister reason.

Request our free book Mystery of the Ages to unlock your Bible. After the Bible, this is the most important book ever written. Receive vital understanding about the Bible’s core subjects: the identity and character of God, angels and evil spirits, mankind, civilization, Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom of God. This foundational truth will change your perspective on life. You will know your purpose for existing on Earth. You will grasp your awe-inspiring future.

You will also receive our free booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, and a free DVD of this program. Learn why the most brilliant minds fall woefully short in their attempts to explain the key difference between humans and animals. Theirs is a story of extreme self-reliance. Meanwhile, the truth is available to anyone who will hear and obey. It’s that simple.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Mystery of the Ages, What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, and a DVD of this program. Order now!

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