Saturday 5 May 2018

Strongman of Europe

Germany started two world wars in the twentieth century and is about to start a third. Before that happens, one specific event must take place. Learn what this event is—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Frustration against the German prime minister is building. In a world of strong leaders, Germany lacks clear direction. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany to understand God’s incredible purpose for Germany. The desire for change within Germany is real. A strongman will soon take office. He won’t be elected. He will receive frightening power from an evil spirit being. He will spark World War 3. So says your Bible. Germany is soon to inflict great destruction on this world. God will use that nation to punish America and Britain primarily. Then, about three years later, God will use the Russians and Chinese to destroy Germany. Finally comes the battle called Armageddon, when Jesus Christ returns to rule this Earth. The dreadful Day of the Lord is dangerously close! Also request our free reprint articles “Future Leader of Europe?” and “Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire Is Here.” Your Bible reveals the chain of events that leads directly to the return of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. While the role of Germany in these events is extremely devastating, there is good news. God loves the Germans as much as any other group of people. They are just His tool to correct the modern nations of Israel for their sins. All nations will receive correction, but beyond the suffering is a marvelous future. Soon, every man, woman and child will know the great Creator God! You need to understand Germany’s role in God’s master plan for mankind. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Gerald Flurry’s booklet on Nahum, and two reprint articles about Germany’s involvement in World War 3. Order now!

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