Saturday 15 September 2018

The Ultimate Understanding of History

The most important subject that anyone could ever study is history. Great leaders like Washington, Lincoln and Churchill learned valuable lessons from the past—but even they didn’t possess the ultimate understanding of history. Learn what this understanding is and how you can obtain it—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Winston Churchill’s understanding of history saved Western Civilization from destruction during World War II. But even he lacked the ultimate understanding of history. Great leaders like George Washington understood that outstanding individuals turn the course of history. Still, these leaders fell short of obtaining the ultimate understanding of history.
Not knowing history is like having amnesia. Without a working memory of history, we become lost in the present. To build the ultimate understanding of history, one must study more than just secular sources.
God’s loyal people in this end time are best known for remembering their history with God. They are God’s prized possession. They cherish the little book of Revelation chapter 10—the little book of Church history. They learn from the history of ancient Israel as outlined in the Bible. This history is not just a story about human beings; it reveals the great Creator God.
Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets: How to Become a King to discover the many lessons you can learn from ancient Israel. Understand why history repeats itself. These stories aren’t just recorded for your entertainment; they are there to help you grow in godly character! Emulate the righteous traits of Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David and many others. See how your life will change for the better as a result.
You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free book The True History of God’s True Church. When Jesus Christ founded the New Testament Church, He said the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He prophesied of seven successive eras it would undergo before His Second Coming, and even foretold the predominant character of each. History shows that God’s true Church—though it has gone largely unnoticed—has survived through the 20 centuries since that time, fulfilling Christ’s prophecies in specific detail. Now, on the cusp of Christ’s return, this dramatic and miraculous story can be fully told!
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Former Prophets and The True History of God’s True Church. Order now!

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