Wednesday 12 September 2018

Why You Can Believe in Christ’s Second Coming

It is no myth. It will be the greatest event in human history—and it is sure.

Look squarely at the squalid state of the world around you. Oppression and injustice are rife. Man mistreats fellow man through betrayal, thievery and deceit. Misery grips millions—misery rooted in family dysfunction, addiction and sin. The grim specters of undernourishment, poverty and deprivation stalk vast populations. Slums of ignorance and squalor plague cities. Masses languish in fear within war zones, or under a dictator’s boot, or in wretched slavery.
The Bible reveals why. It clearly says that “the god of this world” is not God, but the devil (2 Corinthians 4:4). Right now, this unhappy world is ruled by Satan.
This is why Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry, instructed His disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10).
Thy Kingdom come. That is a prayer for God to relieve this world’s suffering. It is a prayer anticipating and envisioning when God will depose the devil and establish His government over all nations.
It is a prayer for God to hasten the greatest event in human history: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Christ wants His disciples to have a “thy kingdom come” focus—fervently looking for the day when oppression will cease, when justice will flow, when despair will be replaced by delight.

Scripture teems with promises of this event. Yet most people treat Christ’s return as a myth. If they believe it at all, they relegate it to the distant future.
The Apostle Peter prophesied of this very error: “[T]here shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (2 Peter 3:3-4).
In these last days, these scoffers are everywhere: people, even religious people, who ridicule truth about Christ’s return. Even many who believe it have a casual spirit—weary of waiting, seduced by materialism and worldliness.
If you are among these, awaken! God has not changed His plans. Christ’s return is still on schedule—God’s schedule. This promise is sure. And our expectation and hope should be growing as that event draws nearer.

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