Friday 30 November 2018

The EU and the Mark of the Beast

Even the most distant observer of Bible prophecy has heard the term “mark of the beast.” This mysterious “mark” is mentioned multiple times in the book of Revelation. All sorts of conspiracy theories exist about exactly what this “mark” is, but there is no need for theorizing. The Bible plainly reveals that the “mark of the beast” is Sunday worship. You can prove this by reading Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?, by the late Herbert W. Armstrong.
For now, let’s notice Revelation 13. In verse 11, the Apostle John says, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” This beast is also pictured in Revelation 17; in this chapter, she is the woman (Church) who rides the seven headed, ten-horned beast, known today as the Holy Roman Empire. These prophecies forecast the end-time formation of a German-led, Catholic-inspired European superstate. Mr. Armstrong often referred to this end-time entity as the coming “beast power.” You can study this further in our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.
Now notice Revelation 13:16-17. Talking about this European beast power, John writes, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Notice, this European beast power has a dictatorial global presence (Revelation 17 and 18 prove this too). It has power over “both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond.” Notice too, the beast power has the influence and power to dictate who is allowed to “buy and sell,” in other words, to trade, to practice commerce and industry. The seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire is going to have tremendous regulatory and financialpower. It’s going to regulate global business and industry, trade and commerce.
Verses 16-17 clearly show that if people don’t accept this “mark”—if they don’t follow Europe’s rules—they will not be allowed to conduct business with this powerful and wealthy European superstate. Does this sound familiar? In spirit, this is what has already happened with the gdpr. It’s happening with the imminent EU copyright directive. The message behind both these initiatives is clear: Do business our way, submit to our rules, or we will shut you out of our market. We have yet to see the literal institution of the “mark of the beast,” but the EU today is operating in the spirit of the mark of the beast!
Isn’t this electrifying? The EU right now doesn’t feel like an autocratic, imperialist power. It doesn’t feel like an invasion is underway. When one sees Jean-Claude Juncker shuffling behind the lectern, one isn’t exactly paralyzed with fear. The EU looks and behaves like a sprawling, unwieldy, bureaucratic mess. And it is, at least in many respects. But it is this perception that makes the EU so dangerous; it is so easy to misread and underestimate. Remember, the beast of Revelation 13:11 looks like a lamb, but speaks and behaves like a dragon.
The beast power is rising. Europe’s power and influence is growing. For now, it’s not using tanks and aircraft carriers. Instead, it’s growing its power by creating long documents filled with complex, boring legislation. It’s called regulatory imperialism, and Europe has mastered it.
If you don’t believe me, the next time you’re in Europe just visit

Desperation in the ‘Deep State’
After a year and a half, Robert Mueller’s team of left-wing prosecutors still haven’t found evidence to support its Trump-Russia collusion hoax. But that hasn’t stopped them from resorting to dishonest tactics to smear the Trump administration. Lawlessness abounds in the “deep state.” Listen to today’s podcast for the latest in the never-ending Mueller investigation. Also on today’s show, we look back at one incredibly prescient forecast from the Trumpet magazine. That and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, with Stephen Flurry.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

A Love That Endures

In an exchange recorded in John 21, Jesus Christ asks Simon Peter three times: “Lovest thou me?” Each time Peter replies that he does love Christ. So why did Christ keep asking him the same question? Packed within this episode are many details and lessons we can learn about what it means to have enduring love!

Identifying the King of the North

The Bible reveals the identity of the King of the North. This power bloc will cause great destruction in the near future!

The ‘Iron Lady’ Was Right About Europe
In her 1988 Bruges speech, then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned about the dangers of a united Europe led by one centralized power. “To try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the center of a European conglomerate would be highly damaging and would jeopardize the objectives we seek to achieve,” she said. Mrs. Thatcher’s fear has become today’s reality. On today’s radio show, I look back at Mrs. Thatcher’s “Bruges” speech in light of the shocking developments we’ve seen over the last couple of weeks in Europe.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Trump Versus Macron in Bible Prophecy

In recent weeks, the presidents of the United States and France have publicly feuded. Learn what your Bible has to say about this fracturing relationship—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy that Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?

Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for the truth about the world’s oldest and most destructive empire. Many forces are at work to conceal this history from the world.

 Learn how Germany has led most of the resurgences of the Holy Roman Empire—and how it is about to do so one more time. Understand why so few are able to make the connection between the Holy Roman Empire and Adolf Hitler. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire today.

You will also receive our free reprint articles “What Next for Germany?” and “Germany Celebrates Charlemagne.” Seven decades have passed since World War ii. Most have forgotten that the cause of both world wars was Germany. Though some have severely corrected and shamed Germany for its brutal past, many German citizens and leaders are tired of feeling guilty for crimes that they weren’t even alive to witness. Slowly, Germany has rebuilt its military and restored its national pride. The rest of the world had better watch out.

Read these articles to learn how France is connected to the rise of Germany. An ally of America and Britain in two world wars, France is now expressing disdain for its historical. Your Bible prophesies that France will betray its brothers in favor of an alliance of convenience with Germany.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and two reprint articles about Germany. Order now!




What is Prophesied for Britain? | The Trumpet Daily

Ezekiel 7-9

Get an update on a busy week in God’s Work. The program also considers prophecy from Ezekiel 7-9 to help understand the causes for the tragic events plaguing California.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Put the Thanks in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, as it was originally created, was a beautiful and important national holiday. Today, Thanksgiving for many is a carnival of materialism and greed. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald considers what it means to be truly grateful, and he highlights the awesome personal benefits that come when we are deeply thankful.

The Land of the Free

On this day before Thanksgiving, we consider the subject of liberty—specifically, how education is the key to maintaining American liberties. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire Is Here

“Look through history, and you will find six resurrections of that Holy Roman Empire,” my father writes in his upcoming feature article for the Trumpet magazine. He continues: “Today the seventh resurrection is staring us in the face—yet people still don’t know what it is.” Do you realize that an empire is now on the scene in Europe? Do you understand why this is important to watch? I explain this subject on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

God's Prophecies For The Last Days

God revealed what the last days would be like and showed that many of His prophecies would not be understood until these last days.

The First Amendment ‘Right’ to Say Anything, Anywhere, at Any Time

Many Americans are using the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution as an excuse for the most vile, despicable behavior imaginable. It’s all free speech we’re told. Did America’s founders really envision the Constitution being used to justify the gross immorality we’re seeing today? What happened to common sense and basic moral values? I discuss this and more on today’s radio show.

Saturday 17 November 2018

The Kingdom of God Is Now At Hand

Right after Jesus Christ defeated Satan in a titanic battle for the ages, He made an interesting statement: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” It’s been almost 2,000 years. God’s Kingdom still hasn’t come. What did Christ mean? Find out—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
To understand what Christ meant when He said, “The Kingdom of God is at hand,” you must understand His gospel message. Traditional Christianity preaches a message about Christ Himself, but Christ preached a totally different message—a message about the coming Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is all about family. Request our free booklet Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? to learn the first step to joining the God Family. Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been “born again”—but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising—it is startling! Read on to understand the beautiful parallels between physical and spiritual birth. This is the most important truth you can know, made plain in a short booklet so you can understand. Did you ever ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand! Request our free book Mystery of the Ages for answers to life’s most important questions. Learn about your part in God’s marvelous master plan. Progress through studies of essential subjects that build on top of one another, from God to spirit beings to man to civilization to Israel to the Church to the Kingdom of God. Read Mystery of the Ages for God’s perspective on the precious life He gave to you. Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family. He didn’t come here to declare Himself. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The God Family Vision for the only message that will fill you with hope. It is about bringing God’s government and peace to the whole universe. It is the true gospel that mankind has never understood. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Just What Do You Mean… Born Again?, Mystery of the Ages, and The God Family Vision. Order now!


Are You Following in Christ's Steps? | The Trumpet Daily

What More Can You Do? | The Trumpet Daily

Conspiracy Against Fatherhood
The radical left is fighting an all-out war against fatherhood today, but why? Follow along as host Grant Turgeon reviews Philadelphia Church of God Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s booklet Conspiracy Against Fatherhood. Learn how evolution is the primary battering ram deployed against the institution of fatherhood. Discover the shocking reason why Satan hates the traditional family structure so much. Go to for your free copy of this clarifying booklet.

Battle Lines Are Being Drawn
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit capitulation has fractured Britain’s conservative party and could possibly lead to her fall from leadership. This comes amidst deep animosity between Europe and Britain as Brussels tries to “punish” Britain for leaving the European Union. Europe is also going at it with the United States. The French and German leadership have stressed recently the need for a European army to counter the U.S. Bible prophecy is packed with information about the relationship between America, Britain and Europe. For more on this topic, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Friday 16 November 2018

‘Ominous Potentialities’: Brexit Threatens to Bring Down Yet Another British Government
The United Kingdom has finally unveiled the Brexit deal, and it could bring down Prime Minister Theresa May's government. Mrs. May unveiled the deal to her cabinet last night. This morning, ministers started resigning. Could this be the beginning of the end for another British government—as a result of Brexit? Back when the UK joined the European Economic Community (now called the European Union), Herbert W. Armstrong warned that its decision would be “fraught with ominous potentialities.” What we’re witnessing today is yet another example of that incredible forecast made by Mr. Armstrong over 40 years ago!

Thursday 15 November 2018

The EU Was Supposed to Prevent German Domination
In the mid-1990s, Margaret Thatcher warned, “You have not anchored Germany to Europe. You have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.” Mrs. Thatcher is one of a few who, throughout history, have sounded the alarm about German domination, while most of the world yawns or even encourages Germany to take the lead. What started out as a simple trade union has now turned into a resurrected Holy Roman Empire—united politically, economically and soon militarily—and with Germany at the helm. If you’ve listened to our show or read our material, you know that Bible prophecy predicts exactly what we see today. I discuss these electrifying prophecies on today’s radio show.

France’s Prophesied Betrayal of America

Herbert W. Armstrong long believed France would be part of the seventh and final resurrection of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire. He was right!
The following is from the Trumpet Brief sent out yesterday. These daily e-mails contain personal messages from theTrumpet staff. Click here to join the over 20,000 members of our mailing list, so you don’t miss another message.
If you have followed us for awhile, you probably know about Herbert W. Armstrong’s long-time prophecy that Britain would not be part of the new united Europe.
However, Mr. Armstrong long believed that France would be part of the seventh and final resurrection of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire.
How did he know this? He used the Bible as his guide!
Many of the modern French descended from the patriarch Reuben. The blessings God promised to Abraham, to Abraham’s son Isaac, and to Isaac’s son Jacob were promised to Jacob’s firstborn son, Reuben. But Reuben lost his birthright because he “defiled his father’s bed” (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). The birthright blessings went instead to Joseph, the firstborn son of Jacob’s other wife, Rachel.
Joseph grew up in a family environment rife with sibling rivalries. His brothers resented him because he was Jacob’s favorite. Joseph told his brothers about his vivid dreams that indicated his descendants would “reign over” those of his brothers. This made his brothers hate him all the more.
They hated him so much that they conspired to murder him! They wanted to kill him, cast him in a pit, and then tell their father that Joseph had been devoured by a ferocious beast. Reuben intervened to say they should leave him in the pit to die, planning to fetch him later. But before he could, the brothers decided to sell Joseph into slavery.
This is how Joseph ended up enslaved in Egypt (see Genesis 37). His own brothers sold him to the Midianites. By trying to “rescue” him in a roundabout way and not boldly standing up to his murderous other brothers, Reuben the firstborn betrayed his younger brother Joseph.
Your Bible says Reuben’s moderndescendants will again betray the latter-day descendants of Joseph—America and Britain! France will play “second fiddle” to Germany in the prophesied “beast” power of Revelation. But it will betray the natural allies it fought alongside in the first two world wars. Yes, the modern descendants of Reuben will play a treacherous role in “selling” their brother into captivity and slavery, just like Reuben himself did more than 3,700 years ago!
Now consider some of the headlines coming out of France in recent days. Last week, French President Emanuel Macron called for a “real European army.” The Times called it “his strongest language yet” for a military union. But that was far from the most provocative statement he made during the exchange with reporters. He said Europe needed a real army in order to protect itself from “China, Russia and even the United States of America” (emphasis added).

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Lamentations--The Point of No Return

Right after Jesus Christ defeated Satan in a titanic battle for the ages, He made an interesting statement: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” It’s been almost 2,000 years. God’s Kingdom still hasn’t come. What did Christ mean? Find out—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
To understand what Christ meant when He said, “The Kingdom of God is at hand,” you must understand His gospel message. Traditional Christianity preaches a message about Christ Himself, but Christ preached a totally different message—a message about the coming Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is all about family. Request our free booklet Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? to learn the first step to joining the God Family. Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been “born again”—but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising—it is startling! Read on to understand the beautiful parallels between physical and spiritual birth. This is the most important truth you can know, made plain in a short booklet so you can understand. Did you ever ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand! Request our free book Mystery of the Ages for answers to life’s most important questions. Learn about your part in God’s marvelous master plan. Progress through studies of essential subjects that build on top of one another, from God to spirit beings to man to civilization to Israel to the Church to the Kingdom of God. Read Mystery of the Ages for God’s perspective on the precious life He gave to you. Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family. He didn’t come here to declare Himself. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The God Family Vision for the only message that will fill you with hope. It is about bringing God’s government and peace to the whole universe. It is the true gospel that mankind has never understood. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Just What Do You Mean… Born Again?, Mystery of the Ages, and The God Family Vision. Order now!


The Missing Dimension in Bible Prophecy

Do you know what the missing dimension in Bible prophecy is?

France’s Finance Minister Calls for a European ‘Empire’ and Urges Germany to Take the Lead
France is ready for a European empire, according to French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire. “The ball is now in Berlin’s court,” he said in his interview with Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper. Le Maire’s comments come just days after France’s president said Europe needs a “real army” to defend itself. These are startling comments from European leadership, and now all eyes are on Germany. Using Bible prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong warned about the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire to occur in our day. On today’s show, I talk about how these incredible prophecies are being fulfilled right now in Europe.

French President Extols Nazi Collaborator, Calls for a European Army, and Slams Donald Trump
French President Emmanuel Macron called for the formation of a European army last week. He said Europe needs this army in order to defend itself from China, Russia and the United States of America! Macron also praised a French Nazi collaborator, Marshall Philippe Petain, calling him a “great solider.” Then, during his Remembrance Day speech yesterday, Macron directed several putdowns at U.S. President Donald Trump. Why is France suddenly turning on America? This is part of a broader trend throughout Europe that the Trumpet has been warning of for over seven decades. On today’s show, I discuss the significance of Macron’s comments and where this trend in Europe is leading.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Solve your Money Troubles

The number one problem in the lives of most people is money. Whether or not enough money is earned, many people still struggle due to materialism or unwise decisions. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the Philadelphia Church of God booklet Solve Your Money Troubles! From working hard to saving to escaping debt to investing to planning an estate, get God’s perspective on money. Find a copy of the booklet at

Remembrance Day

There are a lot of important anniversaries this weekend. November 9 marks the 80-year anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, when Adolf Hitler incited riots that triggered Germany’s campaign to destroy European Jewry. The 9th is also when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. And then on Sunday, November 11, Britain celebrates Remembrance Day. On today’s show, I talk about these major historical events and the lessons we can learn from them.

The Enemy of the People
The media’s combative behavior yesterday during United States President Donald Trump’s 70-minute press conference was disgraceful. Reporters frequently interrupted the president and fellow reporters; some didn’t even ask questions, but instead stood up to challenge the president and tell him why he is racist and divisive. As my father recently wrote, the problems that will result from deliberately using race for political gains “are far more dangerous than they realize.” There is a force at work that is actively trying to tear America apart. I discuss this and more on today’s radio show.

Friday 9 November 2018

The Imminent Iran-Syria Divorce

One reason that this prospect is so important to watch for is that the Bible indicates it will happen—and soon!

Bible Prophecy Provides Clarity

The various factors at work in Syria make it a complex issue to understand. However, as astounding as this may sound, Bible prophecies actually reveal what will happen in Syria. We can understand by studying two biblical passages that relate to two critical Middle Eastern end-time alliances.
The first is Daniel 11:40. For more than 25 years, the Trumpet has explained that this “king of the south” is radical Islam, led by Iran. This Islamist alliance will include Iraq, as well as nations along the western coastline of the Red Sea and the southern Mediterranean, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Libya.
Note, however, that Syria is not listed in this prophesied Iran-led alliance.
Instead, Syria is grouped in the other alliance of Middle Eastern nations, described in Psalm 83: “For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them …” (verses 5-8). As any Bible commentary will tell you, an alliance of these countries has never existed in history.
This alliance between certain Middle Eastern nations and Germany (Assur) will develop in the end time.
One of the nations mentioned, the Hagarenes, corresponds to modern Syria. In many ways, the Psalm 83 alliance is an anti-Iranian alliance.
Based on these end-time prophecies, the Trumpet has forecast for two decades that Syria’s alliance with Iran is destined to end. But given how critical Syria is to Iran for establishing the Shia Crescent, it also seems that losing it will affect Iran’s ability to maintain control in Lebanon and its access to the eastern Mediterranean.
Lebanon—specifically southern Lebanon, where Iran currently has much support through Hezbollah—is also destined to be part of the Psalm 83 alliance, not the Iranian-led king of the south.
Furthermore, with Iran’s access to the eastern Mediterranean cut off, Iran could redirect more attention on its strategy to control the nations along the Red Sea and into Egypt, which will give it Mediterranean access from the south. Based on Daniel 11:40-43, we know those nations will be allied with Iran.
Mr. Flurry alluded to such dramatic geopolitical shifts in “How the Syrian Crisis Will End” at the very outset of the war. He wrote: “What we are seeing right now in Syria is a major biblical prophecy in the process of being fulfilled! What happens in Syria will lead to mighty nations changing course and the foundations of this world being shaken!” (September 2012).
Surely we have seen that happen already. Events in Syria have led to the largest mass migration into Europe in human history. In turn, this has reshaped modern Europe. Its long-held ardor for multiculturalism is giving way to rising nationalism; its post-world war stability has been replaced by a climate where strongmen are elected to preserve Europe from outsiders. All this is prophesied elsewhere in the Bible.
And now, the outcome of the Syrian civil war will only further encourage Europe to direct its resources to the southern Mediterranean, which is what Daniel 11:40-43 describe. This is a critical development to watch for, because it is a signpost of where we are in Bible prophecy. As the next few verses in Daniel relate, it leads directly to the Second Coming of the Messiah, when such destructive alliances between worldly nations will end, and be replaced by an era of eternal righteous rule the world over.
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The Prophet Daniel wrote about a future confrontation between the king of the north and the king of the south. We are now in the time when these two major powers are quickly rising! The king of the south is stirring up trouble even today. It is critical that you know the identity of this prophesied power!