Tuesday 6 November 2018

The Hope Is in the Begettal

Just before he was murdered, the Apostle Peter wrote two amazingly hopeful biblical books. What was the secret to his living hope? Find out—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Many professing Christians believe they have been born again. Request our free booklet Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? for the truth on this vital doctrine. Understand how the vast majority of so-called Christians has been deceived. Learn what Jesus Christ really meant when he compared a person who has been born again to the invisible wind. Is it possible to be physical—composed of flesh and blood—yet also born again? A human is born the first time through delivery from his mother’s womb. If this is the first birth, what is the second birth? Has any human besides Jesus Christ ever been born again? If the second birth hasn’t yet taken place, when will it occur? Is the second birth a given, or must humans meet certain conditions before being born again? Read Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? to discover the stunning link between mortal humans and the immortal Godhead. This truth is a fundamental part of unlocking your incredible human potential. The Apostle Peter understood the truth about being born again. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope to learn how the ‘born again’ doctrine sustained Peter through life-threatening trials. Discover the depth and wonder of Peter’s two biblical books. Even when he was about to be murdered, the salvation of God’s people was his enduring focus. Read The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope to find out how to establish godly hope in your life. We live in a dangerous, hopeless age. Never has it been more important to build living hope. You will also receive lesson 11 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, titled “Why You Need the Holy Spirit.” For a true Christian, real hope lies in the begettal of the Holy Spirit. This is the start of the born-again process. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Just What Do You Mean… Born Again?, The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope, and “Why You Need the Holy Spirit.” Order now!

ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https://bit.ly/2RrfMTC READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: https://www.thetrumpet.com/authors/4-... LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: https://www.pcog.org/about/gerald-flurry

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