Friday 9 November 2018

The Imminent Iran-Syria Divorce

One reason that this prospect is so important to watch for is that the Bible indicates it will happen—and soon!

Bible Prophecy Provides Clarity

The various factors at work in Syria make it a complex issue to understand. However, as astounding as this may sound, Bible prophecies actually reveal what will happen in Syria. We can understand by studying two biblical passages that relate to two critical Middle Eastern end-time alliances.
The first is Daniel 11:40. For more than 25 years, the Trumpet has explained that this “king of the south” is radical Islam, led by Iran. This Islamist alliance will include Iraq, as well as nations along the western coastline of the Red Sea and the southern Mediterranean, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Libya.
Note, however, that Syria is not listed in this prophesied Iran-led alliance.
Instead, Syria is grouped in the other alliance of Middle Eastern nations, described in Psalm 83: “For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them …” (verses 5-8). As any Bible commentary will tell you, an alliance of these countries has never existed in history.
This alliance between certain Middle Eastern nations and Germany (Assur) will develop in the end time.
One of the nations mentioned, the Hagarenes, corresponds to modern Syria. In many ways, the Psalm 83 alliance is an anti-Iranian alliance.
Based on these end-time prophecies, the Trumpet has forecast for two decades that Syria’s alliance with Iran is destined to end. But given how critical Syria is to Iran for establishing the Shia Crescent, it also seems that losing it will affect Iran’s ability to maintain control in Lebanon and its access to the eastern Mediterranean.
Lebanon—specifically southern Lebanon, where Iran currently has much support through Hezbollah—is also destined to be part of the Psalm 83 alliance, not the Iranian-led king of the south.
Furthermore, with Iran’s access to the eastern Mediterranean cut off, Iran could redirect more attention on its strategy to control the nations along the Red Sea and into Egypt, which will give it Mediterranean access from the south. Based on Daniel 11:40-43, we know those nations will be allied with Iran.
Mr. Flurry alluded to such dramatic geopolitical shifts in “How the Syrian Crisis Will End” at the very outset of the war. He wrote: “What we are seeing right now in Syria is a major biblical prophecy in the process of being fulfilled! What happens in Syria will lead to mighty nations changing course and the foundations of this world being shaken!” (September 2012).
Surely we have seen that happen already. Events in Syria have led to the largest mass migration into Europe in human history. In turn, this has reshaped modern Europe. Its long-held ardor for multiculturalism is giving way to rising nationalism; its post-world war stability has been replaced by a climate where strongmen are elected to preserve Europe from outsiders. All this is prophesied elsewhere in the Bible.
And now, the outcome of the Syrian civil war will only further encourage Europe to direct its resources to the southern Mediterranean, which is what Daniel 11:40-43 describe. This is a critical development to watch for, because it is a signpost of where we are in Bible prophecy. As the next few verses in Daniel relate, it leads directly to the Second Coming of the Messiah, when such destructive alliances between worldly nations will end, and be replaced by an era of eternal righteous rule the world over.
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The Prophet Daniel wrote about a future confrontation between the king of the north and the king of the south. We are now in the time when these two major powers are quickly rising! The king of the south is stirring up trouble even today. It is critical that you know the identity of this prophesied power!

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