Sunday 30 December 2018

Christ's Crucifixion Prayer

Just hours before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ offered up the most inspiring prayer in the Bible. Learn about your Savior’s selflessness, even in times of severe personal trials—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Jesus Christ came to the Earth to declare His Father and the future arrival of the Kingdom of God. No matter the trying circumstances, He was totally focused on doing God’s Work. The sacrifice of Christ served a twofold purpose: paying for the sins of all mankind and making possible our healing.

Request our free booklet The Plain Truth About Healing to understand the little-known second purpose for Christ’s death. Is the day of miracles past? Does the living God heal sickness and disease today upon believing prayer? Or was healing performed only by Christ and the original apostles? Did God raise up medical science for our day? What about modern faith healers and public healing services?

Most importantly, what is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s healing promise? Answer all these questions and more by studying The Plain Truth About Healing. This practical instruction will change your outlook on life.

Also request Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, which is about the sacred annual observance of Passover. This solemn occasion symbolizes Christ’s death and how He paid the penalty for both the spiritual and physical sins of every human who has ever lived. God commands true Christians today to keep the Passover in a very specific manner. You need to understand the depth and beauty of Passover, and how to observe it properly. Request Lesson 29 of our Bible course to learn more.

You will also receive a copy of our free reprint article “Keep Them from the Evil One.” Jesus Christ knew He would be killed in a matter of hours. He desperately desired a way of escape from this punishment. However, He submitted to His Father’s will and directed His focus toward you and me. Instead of dwelling on His predicament, He prayed earnestly for the wellbeing of His loyal saints down through the ages. We can hardly comprehend this level of unselfishness.

Included in your order will be a DVD of this Key of David program, “Christ’s Crucifixion Prayer.”

All our materials are available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Plain Truth About Healing, the Passover lesson of our Bible course, “Keep Them from the Evil One,” and a DVD of this program. Order now!




Saturday 29 December 2018

40 Years of Politically Motivated Investigations

Robert Mueller’s special investigation into President Donald Trump regularly makes headline news. Just what exactly is this special counsel about? Forty years ago, coming off the heels of the Watergate episode, the United States began experimenting with independent counsels to investigate executive branch officials. The investigations that followed over the next 40 years were highly political and caused serious division in America. The current investigation into the president is no different. On today’s radio show, guest host Sam Livingston looks at the history of special investigations in an effort to help listeners better understand today’s headlines.

The Nazi Underground Uncovered

In May 1945, Herbert W. Armstrong boldly forecast that Germany’s Nazis would go underground. Some of the leaders might be tried, but most would escape justice and disappear from sight—working away unseen. Did this happen? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer uncovers this Nazi underground and shows how Mr. Armstrong’s forecast is proved more correct with each passing year.

Thursday 27 December 2018

Christ in You

The phrase in Christ appears nearly 80 times in the Bible, most often in Paul’s epistles. What does it mean to have Christ in you? This phrase is actually a mystery to the modern Christian—very few understand what it means and how it is achieved. Yet it is one of the most profound and important truths in the Bible! On today’s show, I explain the plain truth about this subject as it is defined in the Holy Bible!

More Proof of God’s Deliverance of Judah Under King Hezekiah

JERUSALEM – Massive archaeological excavations in Beth Shemesh have unearthed a large urban center from the time of King Hezekiah. The 2,700-year-old discovery adds weight to the biblical account of King Hezekiah and the epic confrontation with Assyria’s King Sennacherib. On today’s show, guest host Brent Nagtegaal discusses how the finding fits into the biblical time frame, as well as the reticence of the archaeologists to discuss God’s intervention in saving the nation.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

God Is a Mystery to This World

God is a mystery to this world? Do you know the true God?

James Comey and Robert Mueller—Best Friends Forever

Jim Comey, the FBI director fired by President Donald Trump, was appointed in 2013 by the Obama administration to pick up where his predecessor, Bob Mueller, left off. Comey and Mueller have a similar history in the Justice Department and both worked under Eric Holder. When Mueller’s 12 years as FBI director were up, Barack Obama anointed Comey as successor. And when Comey was later fired by President Trump, the Department of Justice appointed Mueller to lead a special investigation. Today, these two men lead the way in the war against the Trump administration. I discuss some of this history on today’s show, along with other important news and a Bible study on the living Christ.

Saturday 22 December 2018

The Lost Century

During His time on Earth, Jesus Christ established the one true Church. But just over 100 years later, the Church vanished. Learn what happened to God’s Church during the Lost Century—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Between the years of 70 and 170 A.D., secular history records nothing about God’s Church. During this Lost Century, God used the Apostle John to fill in the details with his biblical writings. John was buffeted by savage persecution as Satan tried to exterminate God’s Church.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Last Hour to learn about the powerful vision that sustained John’s spiritual life. Many of God’s Church congregations were being ravaged by traitors. John thought this was a sign of ‘the last hour’ before Christ’s Second Coming. In fact, it was only a type of our time today. Every detail of what John prophesied is now being fulfilled! John’s ‘last hour’ message is mainly for God’s end-time Church!

One of John’s many writings is the book of Revelation. This prophetic book is a mystery to most people. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Daniel Unlocks Revelation to discern this mysterious message. The Prophet Daniel continually realized that God was his judge. He refused to compromise, regardless of the intensity of his trials. God can only reveal spiritual understanding to someone with Daniel’s warrior mentality.

You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free book John’s Gospel—The Love of God. The Apostle John was called the one whom Jesus loved. When Christ was on Earth, He probably spent more time with John than any other apostle—including Peter. Do you know why?

John was apparently the only apostle not to be martyred. He didn’t write his Gospel until about 30 years after Christ’s death. John’s Gospel discusses many foundational and deep subjects the other Gospels don’t. No Gospel writer describes the God Family vision as John does. Read and study this beautiful message to build God’s joy in your life.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Last Hour, Daniel Unlocks Revelation, and John’s Gospel—The Love of God. Order now!




Redefining Family

Society’s views on traditional marriage have shifted radically in the past several decades. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the Philadelphia Church of God booklet Redefining Family, showing how traditional marriage is far more than a tradition—and something worth fighting for. Learn where marriage comes from and how this foundational institution holds great significance even beyond this physical life. Request a copy of the booklet at

The Border Wall Battle and This Congress’s Crowning Achievement

President Trump’s Awful Week

United States President Donald Trump announced yesterday that all U.S. forces will be withdrawn from Syria, a move that will no doubt create another power vacuum and send the area into even worse chaos than it is in already. On the home front, it looks like the president is about to compromise with Democrats on the current budget proposal, which eliminates funding for his long-promised border wall. On today’s radio show, I talk about the president’s awful week and where Bible prophecy says these decisions are leading.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Five Years of Island Building
Five years ago this month, China began constructing islands in the South China Sea. Now this region bristles with Chinese weapons. They have established control over waters that host one third of the world’s maritime trade. On today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer examines what this means for the world. Also on today’s show: Churchill the historian. History is dying and even academics no longer study it the way they once did. How did Winston Churchill’s role as a historian prepare him, and the whole nation, for its toughest trial?

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Media Now Admit the Steele Dossier Is Full of Lies

The reporter who broke the news on the findings of the Steele dossier two years ago now says nothing in the report is verified. Some newspapers, like the Washington Post, mobilized small armies of reporters to try to verify details in the report, but came up empty. Remember, this is the report that triggered the entire narrative of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in 2016. Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe said there would be no Russia investigation if not for the dossier! And all this time, the mainstream media was totally complicit in amplifying the unverified gossip in that report. On today’s show, I talk about how the Russian collusion hoax got started and how it has been successful at achieving what Russia really wanted all along: division and discord in the United States.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

The Prophesied Kings of the East

Your Bible prophesies of a 200 million man army soon to be unleashed on this earth! What will they do?

MSNBC Pundit: The Only Way to Get Trump Is to Go After His Kids

The media will stop at nothing to destroy Donald Trump. The Trump administration is involved in six investigations or lawsuits where prosecutors have shown they’re willing to take any avenue, regardless of evidence, that leads to the impeachment of the sitting president. Anything goes. One cable news host even said that you may not be able to indict a sitting president, but that doesn’t mean we can’t prosecute his daughter! What’s driving this rabid hatred of the president and his family? And where is it leading the country? For more, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Saturday 15 December 2018

The Prophesied Holy Roman Empire Has Arrived

A former defense minister of Germany has openly advocated for Europe to return to the ways of the Holy Roman Empire. Learn what these alarming comments portend for every person on Earth—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Ever since losing World War 2, Germany has quietly built itself back up to superpower status. Shockingly, Germany has been aided in this process by its former arch nemesis: America. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Nahum —An End-Time Prophecy for Germany to learn how America is making a deadly mistake. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Nahum recorded God’s warning about Germany. God will use that nation as His tool to punish the nations of Israel today—mainly America and Britain. Because of America’s rejection of history and prophecy, it will be conquered by the very nation it helped to rebuild. Also, request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. This empire has made pivotal and defining contributions to Western civilization—but its many reincarnations have also come with painful and catastrophic consequences. European leaders aim to unite the fractured continent of Europe by reviving the legacy of this extraordinary church-state combine. The Holy Roman Empire is not just a relic of history. It is about to play a central role in world events. Understanding the nature and character of this powerful institution tells you as much about the future as it does about the past. Before, during and after World War 2, one man warned about the threat posed by Germany. As Germany lay in ruins, he predicted that it would rise to dominance one more time as the unquestioned leader of Europe. This has already happened. He guaranteed that Britain would not be a part of the newly unified European bloc. This separation is being finalized right now in negotiations over Brexit. Request our free booklet He Was Right to remember five decades of accurate forecasting by Herbert W. Armstrong. How could this man have known the future of not just Europe, but of every region in the world? By searching the pages of the Holy Bible to find what God has to say about world events. Armed with God’s perspective, Mr. Armstrong declared the outcome with confidence. His track record proves that he was right. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany, The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy, and He Was Right. Order now!


Measuring God’s Way | The Trumpet Daily

Four Signs the Second Coming Is Near

These days, there is a lot of talk about the “end of days.” Watching our world convulsing, seeing events destabilizing and growing more dangerous, many people, whether religiously minded or not, are paying more attention to all types of dire prophecies, including those involving blood moons and red heifers. Journalists and everyday people are actually wondering openly about supernatural signs, massive cataclysms and the end of the world. They are wondering if we are facing the events described in Bible prophecy.
In recent decades, it seems that every few years someone comes along with a new prediction of the catastrophic end of the world as we know it. And then those predictions prove false.
This problem of failed prophecy has plagued many religions for thousands of years. People predicting Jesus Christ’s return have set dates, then shifted the dates when those dates came and went. Some have subsequently adopted theories that Jesus Christ has returned secretly. But most have just grown uncomfortable with the entire subject of end-time prophecy, and they have pushed it far into the background. Though headlines about prophecy are circulating again, Bible prophecy is still widely considered a fringe subject.
Doctrinally, different Christian groups hold very different views regarding the end of the world. The spectrum runs from vociferous street-corner preachers to scoffers whose views are virtually secular and who disbelieve altogether the return of Christ. Bible bookstores stock numerous publications attempting to explain end-time prophecy, interpreting the mystery of various prophetic symbols, with one book contradicting the next.
But prophecy is right there in the Bible. That’s where the phrase “time of the end” comes from. The Old Testament prophets prophesied. The New Testament apostles prophesied. Jesus Christ Himself prophesied. In fact, He explicitly prophesied about the end time and the end of the world.

What the Bible Says

In the Bible, “the time of the end” describes the period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. It denotes the period just prior to the end of civilizations ruled by men and the beginning of Christ’s rule over the Earth. The Bible describes this period as filled with unprecedented violence—violence that almost annihilates all human life.
That is why people think of Bible prophecy when they see news reports about terrorism, religious clashes, trade wars, radical regimes and weapons of mass destruction.
Bible prophecies, including those spoken by Christ Himself, give specific signs indicating when human history is approaching that fearsome time.
For Christians who believe Jesus Christ, there is no escaping this fact: He personally predicted that He would supernaturally return, and that there would be signs immediately preceding that event—signs we should watch for.
Jesus was a prophet. He prophesied throughout His ministry. Just before He was crucified, in His most crucial prophetic message, the “Olivet prophecy,” Jesus said, “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth … see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. … Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors” (Matthew 24:30, 32-33).
For Christians who believe Jesus Christ, there is no escaping this fact: He personally predicted that He would supernaturally return and that there would be signs immediately preceding that event—signs we should watch for.
In this same prophecy, Jesus made this crucial clarification: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (verse 36). Be wary when you hear someone predicting a specific date of Christ’s return. But also be wary of anyone who tells you there is no way to know. Christ said plainly that we should be able to recognize signs “that it is near, even at the doors” (verse 33). God has not revealed the date, but He has revealed a number of signs.
Here are four specific signs the Bible gives to know that the return of Jesus Christ is near. What makes these so important is that all four of them have already been fulfilled.

The Entrapment of General Flynn
It initially seemed like the sentencing of Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser, was going to be a routine procedure. Instead, thanks to Flynn’s defense lawyers and one skeptical judge, we’re learning new bombshell details about how Mr. Flynn was entrapped by Jim Comey’s FBI. On today’s radio show, I discuss the troubling, thuggish-style tactics used by the FBI in its attempt to trigger a special counsel, and why every American should be deeply disturbed by these events.

Friday 14 December 2018

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Why the ‘Deep State’ Targeted General Flynn
Michael Flynn served in the United States Army for 33 years. A registered Democrat, Flynn was appointed by the Obama administration to serve as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. After 18 months, he was forced to resign. Not long after, he began working for the Trump campaign. And not long after that, toward the end of 2016 and in early 2017, he became the prime target of a well-orchestrated entrapment by the outgoing Obama administration. On today’s show, we look back at the despicable tactics used by the “deep state” to trap President Trump’s national security adviser and trigger the Mueller attack on the presidency.

Staving Off the Disastrous End of America

America was on its deathbed in 2016. The radical left, with its intense hatred of the Constitution and contempt for the rule of law, had a grip on every American institution. Now all of that lawlessness is being exposed and America, as my father wrote this past spring, is experiencing a temporary resurgence. On today’s radio show, I discuss why America is being saved and what Bible prophecy says about its immediate future.

Monday 10 December 2018

Live by Every Word The King of the South in Bible Prophecy

Daniel 11 gives specific prophecies about the King of the South, who is rising in power right now!

Europeans Demand Change
The anger on display in Paris over the weekend is spreading throughout Europe. Really, these outbursts have been building in Europe since the 2008 financial crisis. Europeans are upset with the status quo. They want new leadership! Bible prophecy says that Europe will get a strong leader that will give the Continent vision. We must watch events in Europe closely—history and Bible prophecy demand that we do so. On today’s radio show, I discuss the latest news from Europe over the weekend and much more.

Sunday 9 December 2018

France Is Betraying America and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy--Part 3

The French president has just told the world about his love for Germany. Learn what his ignorance of history and prophecy means for Europe, America, and the whole world—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

There has probably never been a greater political watchman than Winston Churchill. His foresight saved the Western world from demise in World War 2. Yet today, the West scorns his message. The biggest tragedy of World War 2 is that we didn’t learn from that shameful and near-fatal disaster. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn how God used this legendary leader to save the West. Understand the lifelong preparation and the strong vision that allowed Churchill to see the threats that no one else could. Discover why God decided to save America and Britain during the last world war but will never do so again. The biblical books of Daniel and Revelation are packed with prophecies about the Holy Roman Empire. France is now in the process of betraying America and Britain in favor of an alliance with the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation to learn how these two books can only be understood together. As Germany rises to inflict horrible damage on the world one last time, you must dig deep into this powerful booklet. You will also receive our free reprint article “Germany—A New King Is Imminent.” This article is part of the January 20-19 edition of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. For nearly 30 years, Gerald Flurry and the Trumpet staff have warned about Germany’s deadly role in end-time events. The upcoming Trumpet print edition includes the articles “Is Germany in Bible Prophecy?” “France Is Betraying America, and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy!” “Four Signs the Second Coming Is Near,” and “There Is a Way of Escape.” For God’s perspective on world events, history and Bible prophecy, ask for a free subscription to the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine today. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman, Daniel Unlocks Revelation, “Germany—A New King Is Imminent,” and a subscription to the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Order now!


Satan’s Great Deception | The Trumpet Daily

CNN Admits There Is a ‘Deep State’ and That It Needs to Rein in President Trump

“In the hectic eight days after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in,” CNN reported last night, citing two anonymous sources. The article goes on to say that before Robert Mueller’s special counsel began, FBI leadership “had deep concerns about Trump’s behavior and thought he needed to be checked.” It’s more obvious than ever that the actions taken by the FBI and the Department of Justice in days and months before and after Mr. Trump’s election were not “chaotic” or “frantic” responses, but were part of a calculated plan from the very beginning to thwart Mr. Trump.

Friday 7 December 2018

Once Again, It’s All About Donald Trump

As president, the late George H. W. Bush was despised by the left. When Bush Sr. was running for reelection in 1992, Congresswoman Maxine Waters called him—the sitting U.S. president—a racist. Today, the radical left lionizes the late President Bush, but only because doing so gives them yet another excuse to attack the current occupant of the White House, Donald J. Trump.

Thursday 6 December 2018


The Kavanaugh Hearings Reveal America’s Lawless Spirit

The appalling battle over the United States Supreme Court shows how close this nation is to collapse—and how God will solve the problem.


What the World Needs to Learn From Venezuela
Ignoring these lessons would be a grave mistake.
Good Foods Lead to Good Moods
Here’s how to eat to improve your happiness.
Blueprint for a Happy Home
Qualities to build within your family
The Imminent Iran-Syria Divorce
Conditions are being set for the fulfillment of a forecast the Trumpet has been making for 20 years.
Who Are the Hagarenes?
Famine: The Black Horseman Is Not Finished Riding
Famine is happening now, and it’s about to get worse—and not because of environmental disasters or overpopulation.


Famine Is a Weapon

The Vicious Cycle: German-Russian Relations
Understand the past of these powerful friendly enemies, and you will better see their future.