Sunday 30 December 2018

Christ's Crucifixion Prayer

Just hours before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ offered up the most inspiring prayer in the Bible. Learn about your Savior’s selflessness, even in times of severe personal trials—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Jesus Christ came to the Earth to declare His Father and the future arrival of the Kingdom of God. No matter the trying circumstances, He was totally focused on doing God’s Work. The sacrifice of Christ served a twofold purpose: paying for the sins of all mankind and making possible our healing.

Request our free booklet The Plain Truth About Healing to understand the little-known second purpose for Christ’s death. Is the day of miracles past? Does the living God heal sickness and disease today upon believing prayer? Or was healing performed only by Christ and the original apostles? Did God raise up medical science for our day? What about modern faith healers and public healing services?

Most importantly, what is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s healing promise? Answer all these questions and more by studying The Plain Truth About Healing. This practical instruction will change your outlook on life.

Also request Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, which is about the sacred annual observance of Passover. This solemn occasion symbolizes Christ’s death and how He paid the penalty for both the spiritual and physical sins of every human who has ever lived. God commands true Christians today to keep the Passover in a very specific manner. You need to understand the depth and beauty of Passover, and how to observe it properly. Request Lesson 29 of our Bible course to learn more.

You will also receive a copy of our free reprint article “Keep Them from the Evil One.” Jesus Christ knew He would be killed in a matter of hours. He desperately desired a way of escape from this punishment. However, He submitted to His Father’s will and directed His focus toward you and me. Instead of dwelling on His predicament, He prayed earnestly for the wellbeing of His loyal saints down through the ages. We can hardly comprehend this level of unselfishness.

Included in your order will be a DVD of this Key of David program, “Christ’s Crucifixion Prayer.”

All our materials are available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Plain Truth About Healing, the Passover lesson of our Bible course, “Keep Them from the Evil One,” and a DVD of this program. Order now!




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