Sunday 9 December 2018

France Is Betraying America and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy--Part 3

The French president has just told the world about his love for Germany. Learn what his ignorance of history and prophecy means for Europe, America, and the whole world—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

There has probably never been a greater political watchman than Winston Churchill. His foresight saved the Western world from demise in World War 2. Yet today, the West scorns his message. The biggest tragedy of World War 2 is that we didn’t learn from that shameful and near-fatal disaster. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn how God used this legendary leader to save the West. Understand the lifelong preparation and the strong vision that allowed Churchill to see the threats that no one else could. Discover why God decided to save America and Britain during the last world war but will never do so again. The biblical books of Daniel and Revelation are packed with prophecies about the Holy Roman Empire. France is now in the process of betraying America and Britain in favor of an alliance with the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation to learn how these two books can only be understood together. As Germany rises to inflict horrible damage on the world one last time, you must dig deep into this powerful booklet. You will also receive our free reprint article “Germany—A New King Is Imminent.” This article is part of the January 20-19 edition of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. For nearly 30 years, Gerald Flurry and the Trumpet staff have warned about Germany’s deadly role in end-time events. The upcoming Trumpet print edition includes the articles “Is Germany in Bible Prophecy?” “France Is Betraying America, and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy!” “Four Signs the Second Coming Is Near,” and “There Is a Way of Escape.” For God’s perspective on world events, history and Bible prophecy, ask for a free subscription to the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine today. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman, Daniel Unlocks Revelation, “Germany—A New King Is Imminent,” and a subscription to the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Order now!


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