Wednesday 13 February 2019

Gitmo’s ‘Taliban Five’ to Negotiate Terms for America’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

[03:19] Negotiating With the ‘Taliban Five’ (19 minutes)
Five years ago, United States President Barack Obama negotiated a shameful prisoner swap with the Taliban. In exchange for five dangerous Taliban chiefs imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. received Bowe Bergdahl—a U.S. soldier who was captured by the Taliban after he deserted his post (six American soldiers died trying to rescue him). 
The lopsided exchange was an embarrassment for the United States. America received a traitor, and the Taliban got back some of its top brass—men who were responsible for hundreds of deaths. 
Today, the U.S. is negotiating “peace” with the Taliban. And can you believe who is on the other side of the negotiating table? The infamous “Taliban Five” from Gitmo.   
[24:25] Democrats Admit There Was No Trump-Russia Collusion (23 minutes)
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee recently concluded its investigation into Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election. Republicans and Democrats alike admitted they could find no evidence of any kind of conspiracy. But that’s still not good enough for the hate-Donald Trump media. Now they tell us evidence isn’t really necessary—we can simply “infer” that the president is guilty. 
[48:40] You Must Move! (7 minutes) 
Our bodies were meant to move! Here are some practical tips on how to stay active at the office.

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