Thursday 25 April 2019

The Spiritual Dimension Behind the Mueller Report

Robert Mueller’s special investigation into President Donald Trump has caused more damage to America than any Russian-backed Facebook post. For two years, the president has been subjected to a vicious, politically-motivated inquisition. America has emerged from this lawless investigation more divided than ever.
The investigation was based on a hoax from the very start, as Devin Nunes laid out in his 2018 memo. Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, recently said the whole investigation was “just a big distraction for this country.”
How do you explain the media and Democrats’ refusal to accept the facts? What is driving this relentless attack on the Trump administration? Even many conservatives are shocked and alarmed by how radical the left has become. After Nunes released his memo in 2018, my father wrote that we can’t look at these events through the lens of politics. “I look at what is happening from God’s perspective,” he wrote. The only way to make sense of these unprecedented attacks is to view them from God's perspective.
On today’s show, I explain the spiritual dimension driving events in America today.

The Age of Astonishing Irrationality

Saturday 20 April 2019

The Little Book—God’s Path to Glory

God’s loyal people in this end time are charged with delivering an urgent warning to the world. This warning is contained in a little book. Learn where to find this little book—and how it illuminates God’s path to glory—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

The little book described in Revelation exists on Earth today. It is a literal, tangible book full of marvelous spiritual truths. You can request and read it.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today. It is a story about God’s Church gone off track three decades ago, and what God did to correct the tragedy. Study this foundational book to prove where God is working today. Discover the reward that awaits the tiny fraction of God’s Church that remained loyal.

For absolute, undeniable proof of the identity of the little book, request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Little Book. Revelation chapter 10 describes the little-book message as both bitter and sweet. While God’s truth includes some bad news, the good news far outweighs it. Ultimately, the little book is a message of hope—hope for God’s rebellious Church, hope for the modern descendants of ancient Israel, and hope for all mankind.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Unveiled at Last: The Royal Book of Revelation. Revelation is the most misunderstood book in the Bible! Most people see it as the blackest kind of disaster. But the focus of this book is on the royal rule of God’s Family. And that includes you. Every person on this Earth is given this opportunity. What makes the book of Revelation so electrifying is that most of it is being fulfilled right now!

You will also receive a free copy of our reprint article “The Seven Seals of Revelation 5 [Verse] 1.” Seals, thunders, vials, horsemen, plagues, trumpet blasts—you must be able to make sense of the vivid imagery of Revelation. To understand the chain of events that leads to the return of Jesus Christ, study this important article. When outlining His plan in the Bible, God is remarkably specific.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Malachi’s Message, The Little Book, The Royal Book of Revelation, and “The Seven Seals of Revelation 5 [Verse] 1.” Order now!




Friday 19 April 2019

Passover vs. Easter

Christ kept the Passover. Why do so many who claim to follow Christ keep Easter?

“Live the Way of the Passover”

Traditional Christianity teaches that Christ’s sacrifice is the end of God’s plan of salvation. In reality, it is only the beginning. Learn what God expects from true Christians after they observe the solemn occasion of the Passover. Understand how to live the way of the Passover year-round by copying the way Christ thought, spoke, and behaved.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Holding Back the King of the South—Temporarily

North Africa is currently suffering through its worst convulsions of political upheaval since the Arab Spring in 2011. Back then, the United States enacted a policy that backed the protesters’ right to remove their leaders from power. 

As foretold by the Trumpet, the radical Islamist camp used the democratic process to gain power in Egypt and promote a strong alliance with Iran. This essentially gave Iran access to North Africa, a necessary victory to fulfill Bible prophecy.

Although the Islamist camp in Egypt fell a year later, the events of the Arab Spring offered profound insight into Iran’s desire for power over North Africa, something the Bible says it must achieve in order to trigger World War III.
On today’s show, Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal discusses how events in North Africa may signal the end of U.S. President Donald Trump’s ability to hold back Iran.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Questions Over Assange Arrest, Colleges Aren’t Building Adults, and Tiger Woods’s Comeback

[00:30] Jullian Assange Arrest (25 minutes)
Wikileaks founder Jullian Assange was at the heart of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory. After his arrest last week, we learned that he’s not being charged for anything having to do with Russiagate—not even for publishing the hacked e-mails from the Democratic National Committee back in the summer of 2016. As Andrew McCarthy asked earlier this week, what’s going on here?
[29:11] What’s the Point of College? (15 minutes)
The recent college admissions scandal revealed that prestigious universities are willing to dole out diplomas for the right price. This scandal undermines American education and the rule of law.
[45:23] Tiger Wood’s Comeback (10 minutes)
Professional golfer Tiger Woods won the Masters this past Sunday, his first major victory in 11 years. In this segment, we discuss the quality of perseverance.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

The Catholic Heart of Europe

Notre Dame Cathedral burned last night. The destruction has been followed by
an outpouring of grief from around the world. Images of smoke rising from
the damaged roof claim a powerful hold on the minds of many. The fire is a
powerful reminder of how much of the West’s heritage, culture and civilization
has been shaped by the Catholic Church. So much of that heritage is now under
attack. Could that be why Notre Dame is such an emotional symbol? 
Also on today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer takes a
deeper look at Europe’s heritage and culture. As leaders exhort Europe to
return to its roots, today’s show looks at what those roots really are.

God's Law Is Essential for Success!

"Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments."

Economic Woes Facing the US

As tax day hits, the US continues in the wrong direction, greatly overspending tax revenue.

Friday 12 April 2019

Germany Is Getting Control of the Internet

Since the end of World War II, Germany hasn’t been a major threat to America. But that is rapidly changing. German leaders are becoming more openly hostile to the U.S. Germany now dominates Europe and is looking to expand its influence. But that’s not all. Learn how this historical foe is attacking America through a technology that most people use every day—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Germany has quickly been rebuilt after its destruction in World War II. In a nearly unprecedented move, America financed its rival’s revival. But is Germany grateful?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to discover the one thing Germany now lacks: a strongman. Politically, economically, militarily, socially, and culturally, Germany is ready for a third run at world domination. But it lacks a strong leader to awaken the war-making spirit in its resilient people.

Gerald Flurry has long forecast who will fill the role of the German strongman. Study A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to prove the likely identity of this leader. Understand the Earth-shaking impact he will soon make.

Also request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for a colorful look at the history and prophecy of the great nation of Germany. In biblical times, Germany’s ancestors formed a fearsome force under the powerful rule of a series of heroic conquerors. As you study our booklet, you will realize how Germany has always displayed a willingness for war—if led by the right man.

Throughout history, the German people have worked hard and won tremendous military victories—or died trying. They are no different today. And they are about to prove it one last time.

You will also receive Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation. The biblical books of Daniel and Revelation describe a series of events to occur just before the return of Jesus Christ. Many of these events will involve Germany—aided and empowered by a massive false church. You need to understand every detail. Human survival is on the line.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request these three powerful booklets about Germany. Order now!




The Fight for Passover | The Trumpet Daily

Go Forward in Faith

The Ten Commandments—Special Guest

Philadelphia Church of God pioneer (and author) Dennis Leap joins the program to discuss his booklet, The Ten Commandments.

Thursday 11 April 2019

No Remorse: Media Refuse to Admit That the Obama Administration Spied on the Trump Campaign

[00:30] Unauthorized Surveillance (30 minutes)
U.S. Attorney General William Barr said in a hearing yesterday that he believes “spying” took place against the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Barr’s comment sent Democrats and media elites into a frenzy. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Barr’s statement was “stunning and scary.”  
Why are they stunned by the attorney general’s assessment? Just last year the New York Times wrote about the “Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation.” The article mentioned the use of foreign informants, phone records, national security letters and secret subpoenas that were used to surveil members of the Trump campaign. That means Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on political opponents.
Mr. Barr’s comments didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know, or anything that media outlets like the Washington Post and New York Times had not already revealed. So why all the anger against Mr. Barr?
[31:00] The Key of David–UK (25 minutes)
In this segment, I play the audio from an upcoming episode of The Key of David–UK television show, “The Fight for Passover.”

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Netanyahu Secures Fifth Term as Israeli Prime Minister

[.01:40] Netanyahu Victory (6 minutes)
Benjamin Netanyahu secured his fifth term as Israel’s prime minister last night, making him the longest-serving prime minister in the nation’s history. In some ways, Israel’s election mirrored the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  
[08:20] Attorney General Barr Testimony (10 minutes)
In an open testimony yesterday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr revealed that he is investigating what happened at the Department of Justice during the summer of 2016. Mr. Barr has the power to expose a lot of corruption, so he’s being targeted by the left.  
[16:55] Something Has ‘Taken Hold’ of the Democrats (15 minutes)
How can you explain what’s happening to the Democratic Party? Even conservatives struggle to explain why the left is so willing to ignore the truth and trample on the rule of law. For over a decade, the Trumpet has written about that party’s shift to the far left and the unseen force that is really driving it. 
[29:30] The Key of David–UK (27 minutes)
In this segment, I play the audio from an upcoming episode of The Key of David–UK television show, “The Joyous Benefits of Doing God’s Word.”

Tuesday 9 April 2019


Forging a Superpower

German industry is building the machinery for world war—again.



God’s Miraculous Work and a Wonder
God wants your life to be full of wonder! This will energize and greatly motivate you. Here is how you can achieve it.

The Inspiring Truth Abortionists Should Know
It’s a fundamental question of what a human life is worth.
Axis of Authoritarians
The Russia-China alliance is reshaping the world.
A Real ‘Bombshell’: France and Germany Unite!
Christ’s Coming Is ‘At the Very Door’!
Six signs Jesus gave that He is about to return


The Roots of German Military Might

What Is True Repentance?
Most people do not know—yet this vital truth is a matter of life and death!
Sodom and Gomorrah Proved!
Recent scientific evidence corroborates an ‘impossible’ biblical miracle.

Trump Administration Acknowledges a ‘Basic Reality’ About Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps

[02:00] Israeli Elections (3 minutes)
The left-wing media is accusing U.S. President Donald Trump of meddling in Israel’s elections because of his close ties to Israel. Where were they when former President Barack Obama used taxpayer dollars to try to thwart Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection bid in 2015?

[05:00] America Recognizes the Obvious: The IRGC Is a Terrorist Group (25 minutes)
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced yesterday that the United States now designates Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. This is a decision that really should have been made decades ago. The IRGC is notorious for funding and supporting many groups the U.S. identifies as terrorist organizations. Secretary Pompeo’s announcement shows that America is actually taking steps to target these groups at their source—Iran. In this segment, I discuss the impact this decision will have on Iran, and how it plays into Bible prophecy.   

[31:35] Devin Nunes’s War Against the ‘Deep State’ (6 minutes)
U.S. Congressman Devin Nunes was dragged through the mud by the media for his efforts to uncover wrongdoing by the outgoing Obama administration during the transition in 2016 to 2017. Nunes is now firing back with lawsuits and criminal referrals in order to expose some of the worst lawlessness in American history. 

[37:10] Obama-Russia Collusion (13 minutes)
Forget Trump-Russia collusion, the real Russian agent has always been Barack Obama. America’s former president has been surrounded by Soviet sympathizers and Communists since childhood. Operatives of various Russian-backed organizations and Communist groups were present throughout his political career, as well. In this segment, I talk about what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote about the Communist infiltration of America. 

[50:00] Game of Thrones (5 minutes)
The Game of Thrones series is expecting 1 billion viewers for its final season. Why is this show getting so much attention, and what does it reveal about the health of our society?

Monday 8 April 2019

The Need to be Led by God's Holy Spirit

Man is incomplete without God's holy spirit.

Obama and Merkel Meet for Secret Talks in Berlin

[03:20] Obama’s Secret Talks in Berlin (33 minutes)
Former U.S. President Barack Obama was in Berlin over the weekend for a closed-door meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In a speech during his visit, Mr. Obama praised Europe for achieving “the pinnacle of human well-being.” Why is the former U.S. president showering Europe with praise and at the same time dragging his own country through the mud? In this segment, I talk about Mr. Obama’s secret meeting with Ms. Merkel. 
[36:30] The Book of Genesis Explains Our World (20 minutes)
The beginning chapters of the book of Genesis are either dismissed by traditional Christianity or twisted to conform to atheist teachings. Why is there so much confusion about the opening chapters of this book? The truth is that you cannot understand our present world without first learning the truth about its foundation. In this segment, I continue my study of the book of Genesis.

Friday 5 April 2019

“How To Prevent Sin”

Members of the Philadelphia Church of God are now cleaning out their homes and other possessions in preparation for the Days of Unleavened Bread. During this seven-day festival from April 20-26, leaven is a type of sin. Listen as host Grant Turgeon covers the late theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong’s article “How To Prevent Sin.” Learn where sin begins, and the decisive steps you can take to drive it out.

Did God Create the Earth 6,000 Years Ago?

Thursday 4 April 2019

Germany Is Not Behaving Like an American Ally

[01:16] Audio Feedback (4 minutes)
We’ve recently installed a new feature on the Trumpet Daily landing page that lets listeners send in audio comments! In this segment, we play some of the comments we’ve received so far.
[04:38] Germany Betrays America (16 minutes)
Today is the 70-year anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The members of this alliance, though, are behaving more like enemies than allies. Recently, U.S. President Donald Trump has called out other NATO members for not paying their share. Germany’s response has been open hostility. It’s even at the point where Germany wants America’s ambassador to leave Berlin!
[21:01] 2020 Idols (18 minutes)
At a recent rally for Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke, supporters held signs that read “Beto is our Christ.” We’ve been here before. In 2008, Barack Obama promised he would cause the ocean levels to recede. Why do people invest so much hope in these candidates to the point of practically worshiping them?
[39:45] Bible Study on Confronting Sin (16 minutes)

Wednesday 3 April 2019

A Tale of Two Strongmen

Yesterday, Algeria’s strongman fell. Radical Islam could take advantage of this and destabilize Africa’s largest nation. A civil war would create millions of refugees and destabilize Europe. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer explains why you should watch Algeria. 
Meanwhile, a new breed of strongmen is rising in Europe. The latest comes from the Netherlands, where Thierry Baudet is taking the political system by storm. These new men are more cultured and sophisticated than the earlier breed of strongmen. Does that mean they will be more peaceful?

Tuesday 2 April 2019

The Dark, Dark World of Video Game Addiction

[02:00] Video Games (25 minutes)
The video game Fortnite is wildly popular among young people. The game was designed to be addicting, and now teenagers and children are showing symptoms similar to drug addicts. An article at the Boston Globe highlights the impact these games are having on players. It’s titled “Fortnite May Be a Virtual Game, but It’s Having Real-Life, Dangerous Effects.”
[30:00] Key of David–UK (27 minutes)
This segment is the audio of an upcoming episode of The Key of David that will air in the United Kingdom on April 5 and 6. The title of the program is “Sorrow Unto Repentance.”