Thursday 11 April 2019

No Remorse: Media Refuse to Admit That the Obama Administration Spied on the Trump Campaign

[00:30] Unauthorized Surveillance (30 minutes)
U.S. Attorney General William Barr said in a hearing yesterday that he believes “spying” took place against the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Barr’s comment sent Democrats and media elites into a frenzy. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Barr’s statement was “stunning and scary.”  
Why are they stunned by the attorney general’s assessment? Just last year the New York Times wrote about the “Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation.” The article mentioned the use of foreign informants, phone records, national security letters and secret subpoenas that were used to surveil members of the Trump campaign. That means Obama’s Department of Justice was spying on political opponents.
Mr. Barr’s comments didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know, or anything that media outlets like the Washington Post and New York Times had not already revealed. So why all the anger against Mr. Barr?
[31:00] The Key of David–UK (25 minutes)
In this segment, I play the audio from an upcoming episode of The Key of David–UK television show, “The Fight for Passover.”

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