Friday 12 April 2019

Germany Is Getting Control of the Internet

Since the end of World War II, Germany hasn’t been a major threat to America. But that is rapidly changing. German leaders are becoming more openly hostile to the U.S. Germany now dominates Europe and is looking to expand its influence. But that’s not all. Learn how this historical foe is attacking America through a technology that most people use every day—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Germany has quickly been rebuilt after its destruction in World War II. In a nearly unprecedented move, America financed its rival’s revival. But is Germany grateful?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to discover the one thing Germany now lacks: a strongman. Politically, economically, militarily, socially, and culturally, Germany is ready for a third run at world domination. But it lacks a strong leader to awaken the war-making spirit in its resilient people.

Gerald Flurry has long forecast who will fill the role of the German strongman. Study A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to prove the likely identity of this leader. Understand the Earth-shaking impact he will soon make.

Also request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for a colorful look at the history and prophecy of the great nation of Germany. In biblical times, Germany’s ancestors formed a fearsome force under the powerful rule of a series of heroic conquerors. As you study our booklet, you will realize how Germany has always displayed a willingness for war—if led by the right man.

Throughout history, the German people have worked hard and won tremendous military victories—or died trying. They are no different today. And they are about to prove it one last time.

You will also receive Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation. The biblical books of Daniel and Revelation describe a series of events to occur just before the return of Jesus Christ. Many of these events will involve Germany—aided and empowered by a massive false church. You need to understand every detail. Human survival is on the line.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request these three powerful booklets about Germany. Order now!




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