Tuesday 30 June 2015

A World Held Captive - The Trumpet Daily

This is not God’s world.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on KPCG.fm.

The Battle of Britain - The Trumpet Daily

Israel’s War Against The Jews And The Coming World Economic Crisis

Israel’s War Against The Jews And The Coming World Economic Crisis

Almost every prophecy in the Bible is connected in some way to the nation that descended from Abraham—the ancient nation of Israel. Most people carelessly assume that modern-day Israel is the tiny Jewish state that goes by that name in the Middle East. But the Bible plainly reveals that while all Jews are indeed Israelites, all Israelites are not Jews!
Ancient Israel split into two nations after the reign of Solomon. For more on what happened after that, tune in to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Britain’s Worst Terrorist Attack in 10 Years, ISIS Recruits Pour Into Syria and the Kobani Massacre

Britain’s Worst Terrorist Attack in 10 Years, ISIS Recruits Pour Into Syria and the Kobani Massacre

Events over the past few days provide further proof that we are not living in God’s world. In Tunisia, Saif Al-Deen Al Rezgui opened fire on beachgoers in the city of Sousse. He killed at least 38 people, 30 of which are believed to be British citizens, marking the worst attack on the British peoples since the 2005 bombings in London. In Kobani, Islamic State militants killed more than 200 civilians—including many women and children. Last week in Nigeria, two girls blew themselves up near a crowded mosque. About 30 people died in the attacks.
Recent attacks have put Western countries on high alert. And though many are scared, there are still people streaming into Syria to join the Islamic State. Why are all of these terrible things happening? What is the ultimate outcome? Listen to today’s show to hear what Bible prophecy has to say about the world’s condition leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.

Libya & Ethiopia in Prophecy

             Libya & Ethiopia in Prophecy

Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran

    Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran

Monday 29 June 2015

Pope Calls for New World Government...

Pope Calls for New World Government..

The Bible describes only one church with strong links to “the kings of the earth” and influencing all “the inhabitants of the earth.” For proof of this, read our free booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?
Now, under Francis, this church is bidding to play a role in world governance.Historically, the Catholic Church has been a major power among kings. The Bible says it will have that role again.
It appears this is what Pope Francis is advocating. He is attempting to set up the church to rule over or influence nations and governments—to make rulings through new “enforceable international agreements.”
Toward the end of his encyclical, Francis goes off on what could look like an unrelated tangent. He starts writing about the benefits of Sunday and Catholic mass. But the pope sees Sunday worship as part of the solution to the problems he brought up. “And so the day of rest [Sunday], centered on the Eucharist, sheds it light on the whole week, and motivates us to greater concern for nature and the poor,” he writes.
The Trumpet, and before us the Plain Truth, has long warned that the Catholic Church would attempt to enforce Sunday worship on the world. Now, as the pope discusses world governance, he brings up Sunday.
The pope’s latest encyclical is bringing to light—and could soon prove to bring to pass—forecasts made by the Plain Truth and the Trumpet for decades, and by the Bible for millennia.
Yet this church will not dominate global politics endlessly. The same scriptures that tell of its great power and reach also say that this church will only rise up one last time.
Laudato Si is part of this pope’s attempt to bring about that final rise.
For more on the history and prophecy about the Catholic Church, read our free booklet The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Our newest booklet will be available in September, but you can pre-order it today.

Why Is the Pope Provoking War in Israel?

Why Is the Pope Provoking War in Israel?

THIS IS PRECISELY THE RESPONSE THE VATICAN IS SEEKING. The European Union and the Vatican both have the same official goal for Jerusalem. They want it to be an international city?controlled neither by Jews nor Arabs, but rather by some third party.
Why does the Vatican want this? In his book Christians and Jews?Faith to Faith, Rabbi James Rudin wrote that the Eastern Orthodox churches that own the majority of Jerusalem?s sacred Christian sites oppose internationalizing the city because it ?would give greater control of Jerusalem?s Christian sites and institutions to the Roman Catholic Church, which has significant influence in Europe and the Western Hemisphere.?
It doesn?t take much imagination to see the Vatican being given the chief seat in how an ?international? Jerusalem is governed.
Israel is dead against this right now. But as it becomes more isolated and its situation becomes desperate, its resolve will start to crumble.
Of course, this is just one possible scenario. However it happens, the Vatican?s ambitions in Jerusalem are well documented. It desperately seeks greater control over Jerusalem, and every step it takes in its diplomacy with Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is dedicated to this end.



Racially charged unrest is boiling over—and law enforcement is being critically undermined. Many people are framing the issue as a pursuit of justice. Some call it a revolution. Many are bracing for race war. You need to know where this is leading!

The world is entering a new economic era—one that won’t be defined by America.


Saturday 27 June 2015

Daniel and the Hidden Gospel

Identifying America And Britain In Prophecy

Identifying America And Britain In Prophecy

Where do you find the U.S. and British peoples mentioned in Bible prophecy? One-third of the Bible is prophecy—and 90 percent of it is for today! So would the Bible simply ignore the greatest superpower this world has ever seen? And is the greatest, most dominant empire in the history of this world somehow missing from the pages of the Bible?
Understanding the biblical identity of America and Britain is the master key that unlocks the door to all of Bible prophecy! Many people, even in the Christian world, ignore this great truth. Today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show digs into the pages of the Bible to identify America and Britain in prophecy.

Is the Iran Nuclear Deal The Worst Negotiation In History?

Is the Iran Nuclear Deal The Worst Negotiation In History?

Today’s Trumpet Hour begins with the nuclear deal with Iran. America’s self-imposed deadline on reaching a deal of Iran’s nuclear program is next Tuesday and former officials from President Obama’s administration have come out saying this is a bad deal. Also discussed is a new Obama administration policy allowing families of people held hostage by terrorists to pay ransom. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is calling for another revolution to oust the military rule. Terrorists have attacked France again this past week. Russia ran military drills simulating an invasion of parts of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.
Trumpet writers discuss how Europe will respond to repeated provocations from the radical terrorists and Russia, what the new policy on ransom means for America and whether the Iranian nuclear negotiations can get any worse.

Russia And China In Prophecy

America’s status as the world’s lone superpower is rapidly fading and other nations are now vying to fill the void. Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and is now threatening to upgrade Russia’s nuclear arsenal. China has declared a cyber war against the United States. It has established a new international investment bank to challenge America’s economic supremacy. And it is also in the midst of a massive military buildup. Some Russian and Chinese media voices are now saying that war between the United States and China is not only possible—it’s inevitable!
Russia and China are rising fast on the world scene. Bible prophecy has a lot to say about the identity of these nations. Understanding the history and prophecy of these world powers is critical. On today’s program, presenter Stephen Flurry examines the latest headlines about Russia and China, and then digs into Bible prophecy to explain where it’s all leading.

Pope Asks: ‘Why Didn’t Allied Powers Bomb Railroads to Auschwitz?’

Pope Asks: ‘Why Didn’t Allied Powers Bomb Railroads to Auschwitz?’

The pope is eager to question the actions of others, but apparently unwilling to judge the actions of his own church. As amazing as his selective memory is in this situation, it is not atypical for the Vatican. A willingness to overlook dark chapters of its history—and to sometimes even try covering them up—is business as usual for the Roman Catholic Church.
As Pope Francis increasingly injects himself into modern politics, and as the Vatican becomes increasingly influential in current affairs, it is more vital than ever to understand the details of the Catholic Church’s long history—and its shocking future.
To gain that vital understanding, and to learn what it means for you and your loved ones, you need our newest booklet, The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. The booklet will be available in September, but you can pre-order your free copy today.

Gazprom’s Dangerous New Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany

Gazprom’s Dangerous New Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry warned that a German-Russian pact had already been made back in 2008. It was an incredibly prophetic article:
The presence of a deal between these two nations is not a sign of peace. Like the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and so many others before it, it is a sign of exactly the opposite. Both of these nations are looking to secure their shared border—so they can pursue their imperialistic aims elsewhere! IT IS A PRECURSOR TO WAR! That is the way they operate!
Later in the article he asked: “Will a crisis occur over Ukraine? That area is the breadbasket of Russia, and surely it is willing to wage war over that as well.”
In March of last year, the world was stunned as Russia marched into and annexed Ukraine’s province of Crimea.
Yet it shouldn’t have been. As Gerald Flurry pointed out: “Russia has Germany—and all of Europe—over a barrel. Cutting off part of the flow of gas to a country would wreak havoc on the economy!” The implication was that a gas crisis with Europe might well be used to carry out Putin’s plan: to wrest back control of Ukraine.
With the first phase of the Nord Stream pipeline complete, Russia already has great power over Ukraine and other Eastern European nations. But if the proposed expansion takes place—all of Ukraine and other Eastern European nations could be doomed to return to the Russian fold.
Germany may support Ukraine with words, but watch its actions.
Watch as Russia rebuilds its Eastern European empire. And listen as those nations who don’t want to fall under Russia’s control clamor to Germany for protection.
The whole world should see this developing and realize that it can only end in war. That is what history says. Read Gerald Flurry’s 2008 article “Russia’s Attack Signals Dangerous New Era” for a powerful preview of the near future.

G-7 and Vatican: ‘Praise Be’ Decarbonization

G-7 and Vatican: ‘Praise Be’ Decarbonization

The measures to combat climate change that the Vatican and Germany are pushing, regardless of credence, will demand massive global economic upheaval. Whenever the Fatherland, in concert with the great “mother” church, is pushing a global agenda, the world needs to beware. Both history and prophecy warn that a Catholic-guided European power is not a force for peace.
These twin June pronouncements surely indicate some level of collaboration.
If there was one warning prophecy for which Herbert W. Armstrong was especially known, it was the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Mr. Armstrong continually warned about this coming empire that will be “led by Germany and guided by the Catholic Church. He lived through World War II, and the sixth of seven prophesied resurrections of that empire. Then he warned that the Holy Roman Empire would start World War III” (Gerald Flurry, The True History of God’s True Church).
The German voice is growing louder and the world is paying attention. Watch Germany’s efforts to steer the global agenda—and for that agenda to be increasingly in sync with Vatican policy. Discern the papal state taking hold of the European reins. As Mr. Flurry urges in his personal in our May-June Trumpet, “Keep a close watch on Europe. Events are pointing to a dramatic change that will shock the world.”

Thursday 25 June 2015

This is Not God's World....

This is Not God's World....

Did you know that Christ never tried to reform or save this world when He came to Earth? Many people think that He did. Most even look at this world—as evil and as dangerous as it is—and assume that the world is getting better. They believe the world is evolving into something more pure and righteous with each passing day—an idea that has no basis in reality.
During the very last year of his long and productive life, Herbert W. Armstrong completed work on the most important project of his life—Mystery of the Ages, which serves as a magnificent summary of his 55-year ministry. One reason he wrote the book was so that Ambassador College might have a textbook for its second-year Bible class.
The other reason, as he explains in the “Author’s Statement” of Mystery of the Ages, had to do with a deeper understanding God had given him about mankind’s first parents in Genesis 2 and 3—that this world is cut off from God and His truth.
Today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show studies this mind boggling truth Herbert Armstrong made plain in Mystery of the Ages, which explains why the world is the way it is, how it came to this point, and where it is going.

Does Law Enforcement Have a Race Problem and Can President Obama Solve It?

Does Law Enforcement Have a Race Problem and Can President Obama Solve It?

President Obama wants to make the explosive issue of race and law enforcement a priority for his remaining time as president. This is a really important issue-but Joel Hilliker talks about whether the president's plan and efforts will solve the problem or make them worse. Joel also talks about an amazing discovery that shows what a typical public school classroom looked like 100 years ago! Speaking of education, have you ever tried to get your children interested in the Bible. Joel talks to a man working on an ambitious multi-volume project called The Bible Story-making Scripture plain, even to children. We'll even tell you how to get a free copy of the first volume.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

US considers upgrading europes nuclear arsenal

US considers upgrading europes nuclear arsenal

Is the world really much less dangerous than it was 20 or 30 years go, as President Obama asserted last summer? On today’s program, we examine several dangerous developments that are making headlines this week: The U.S. considers upgrading Europe’s nuclear weapons arsenal; the Iran-backed Taliban brazenly attacks the Afghan parliament building in Kabul; and the leaders of tiny Bahrain openly flout the United States.
Also on today’s episode, we discuss German rearmament, America’s abandonment of Israel, and the immigration crisis on the southern border—of Europe.

United states police under attack

United states police under attack

As we show in our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, America has a history with God. It has received wonderful blessings from God. Yet look at how our nation is living today. God says we have become like wicked Sodom and Gomorrah! (Isaiah 1:10). He is DISGUSTED with our morals and our spiritual lives! The nation’s conduct has gotten so bad that, as I wrote last month, GOD SAYS, EVEN WHEN YOU LIFT UP YOUR HANDS AND PRAY TO ME, I WILL NOT ANSWER YOU! (Isaiah 1:15). He is talking to America! He warns that our cities are going to burn with fire (verse 7), but says that when we ask for His help, He will refuse!
All of this is happening because of transgression. When we are caught up in sin, God will not protect us against the devil—and we don’t stand a chance against him and his demons without God’s protection. Satan is simply too powerful.
So now, a man is leading this nation to its death, but the people deserve the blame most of all. God allows it to happen, and HE BLAMES—not that man, or even Satan—but THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRANSGRESSING.
All of this is happening because of transgression.We must see what is happening in America today as God does. We have to recognize the cause, and see the spiritual dimension. Then we can look at Bible prophecy and see exactly where it is leading. It is far more serious than the vast majority of people recognize.
But in the end, these nation-destroying problems are actually correction from God to help us see our sins and repent of them. The same Bible that prophesies of our cities burning shows that ultimately, all this suffering will help bring this nation to its senses and prepare us to submit to God once Jesus Christ returns to this Earth. Thank God for that!