Monday 29 June 2015

Why Is the Pope Provoking War in Israel?

Why Is the Pope Provoking War in Israel?

THIS IS PRECISELY THE RESPONSE THE VATICAN IS SEEKING. The European Union and the Vatican both have the same official goal for Jerusalem. They want it to be an international city?controlled neither by Jews nor Arabs, but rather by some third party.
Why does the Vatican want this? In his book Christians and Jews?Faith to Faith, Rabbi James Rudin wrote that the Eastern Orthodox churches that own the majority of Jerusalem?s sacred Christian sites oppose internationalizing the city because it ?would give greater control of Jerusalem?s Christian sites and institutions to the Roman Catholic Church, which has significant influence in Europe and the Western Hemisphere.?
It doesn?t take much imagination to see the Vatican being given the chief seat in how an ?international? Jerusalem is governed.
Israel is dead against this right now. But as it becomes more isolated and its situation becomes desperate, its resolve will start to crumble.
Of course, this is just one possible scenario. However it happens, the Vatican?s ambitions in Jerusalem are well documented. It desperately seeks greater control over Jerusalem, and every step it takes in its diplomacy with Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is dedicated to this end.

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