Wednesday 24 June 2015

United states police under attack

United states police under attack

As we show in our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, America has a history with God. It has received wonderful blessings from God. Yet look at how our nation is living today. God says we have become like wicked Sodom and Gomorrah! (Isaiah 1:10). He is DISGUSTED with our morals and our spiritual lives! The nation’s conduct has gotten so bad that, as I wrote last month, GOD SAYS, EVEN WHEN YOU LIFT UP YOUR HANDS AND PRAY TO ME, I WILL NOT ANSWER YOU! (Isaiah 1:15). He is talking to America! He warns that our cities are going to burn with fire (verse 7), but says that when we ask for His help, He will refuse!
All of this is happening because of transgression. When we are caught up in sin, God will not protect us against the devil—and we don’t stand a chance against him and his demons without God’s protection. Satan is simply too powerful.
So now, a man is leading this nation to its death, but the people deserve the blame most of all. God allows it to happen, and HE BLAMES—not that man, or even Satan—but THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRANSGRESSING.
All of this is happening because of transgression.We must see what is happening in America today as God does. We have to recognize the cause, and see the spiritual dimension. Then we can look at Bible prophecy and see exactly where it is leading. It is far more serious than the vast majority of people recognize.
But in the end, these nation-destroying problems are actually correction from God to help us see our sins and repent of them. The same Bible that prophesies of our cities burning shows that ultimately, all this suffering will help bring this nation to its senses and prepare us to submit to God once Jesus Christ returns to this Earth. Thank God for that! 

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