Saturday 27 June 2015

G-7 and Vatican: ‘Praise Be’ Decarbonization

G-7 and Vatican: ‘Praise Be’ Decarbonization

The measures to combat climate change that the Vatican and Germany are pushing, regardless of credence, will demand massive global economic upheaval. Whenever the Fatherland, in concert with the great “mother” church, is pushing a global agenda, the world needs to beware. Both history and prophecy warn that a Catholic-guided European power is not a force for peace.
These twin June pronouncements surely indicate some level of collaboration.
If there was one warning prophecy for which Herbert W. Armstrong was especially known, it was the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Mr. Armstrong continually warned about this coming empire that will be “led by Germany and guided by the Catholic Church. He lived through World War II, and the sixth of seven prophesied resurrections of that empire. Then he warned that the Holy Roman Empire would start World War III” (Gerald Flurry, The True History of God’s True Church).
The German voice is growing louder and the world is paying attention. Watch Germany’s efforts to steer the global agenda—and for that agenda to be increasingly in sync with Vatican policy. Discern the papal state taking hold of the European reins. As Mr. Flurry urges in his personal in our May-June Trumpet, “Keep a close watch on Europe. Events are pointing to a dramatic change that will shock the world.”

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