Tuesday 20 October 2015

How the Global Financial Crisis Will Produce Europe’s 10 Kings


One of the greatest prophecies in the Bible is about the union of European nations. More specifically, it’s about the political union of 10 European nations.
For decades, people in Europe have tried to forge a cohesive political union. To that end, they have created the present, loosely hinged 28-nation European Union. Yet Revelation 17 says there are going to be 10 kings there that will unite politically and form a real superpower: a modern-day Holy Roman Empire.
Bible prophecy also reveals that this European superpower will be led by a strong German leader who will essentially hijack the European Union.
The prophesied political union of 10 nations in Europe is being fulfilled before your eyes. And the United States is playing a key role in that union—in a negative way.
It is happening in a way that was predicted three decades ago by Herbert W. Armstrong!
Mr. Armstrong wrote in 1984 that a massive banking crisis in America “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power, larger than either the Soviet Union or the U.S.” (co-worker letter, July 22, 1984).
He explained how American and European banks are tied very closely together as one financial structure, which in a way includes much of the world. He predicted a financial crisis that would cause these 10 European nations to unite.
Events are beginning to move rapidly in that direction. This world is going to beSHOCKED when this great European superpower bursts on the scene. You are going to see that happen in your lifetime—very, very soon!

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