Sunday 18 October 2015

Two Monumental Mysteries

Herbert W. Armstrong published his greatest work in 1985: Mystery of the Ages. The subheading reads: “Did you ever ask yourself: ‘Who am I? What am I? Why am I?’ You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now you can understand!”
Mystery of the Ages is the second-most important book ever written after the Bible. It decodes the Bible. As we creep toward human extinction, it makes sense that God would give us the solution in His Word. He wants us to understand the cause of our problems.
Mr. Armstrong covered seven mysteries in Mystery of the Ages, which are also the chapter titles:
1. Who and What Is God?
2. Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits
3. Mystery of Man
4. Mystery of Civilization
5. Mystery of Israel
6. Mystery of the Church
7. Mystery of the Kingdom of God
Incredibly, Mr. Armstrong’s successors in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) stopped printing Mystery of the Ages after just three years. Is there ever a reasonable time to stop printing the most important book since the Bible? Puny men tore down everything that Mr. Armstrong built in the Church. They never grasped the importance of this life-changing book.
A group of us left that church when its leaders started changing all the core doctrines. We in the Philadelphia Church of God went to court with the WCG for the right to print Mystery of the Ages and distribute it to the largest audience possible.
From 1997-2003, we spent several million dollars and overcame an unjust court decision to win the copyright to that book and 18 other works of Mr. Armstrong. Now, we give it all away for free to whomever requests it. Why? You will see if you deeply study it. Mystery of the Ages really will remove all mystery from your Bible.
Let’s focus on the first two monumental mysteries.

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