Friday 11 December 2015

Adolf Hitler Was Satan-Possessed

Adolph Hitler terrorized the world just 75 years ago. Many have already forgotten that history. God prophesies of another German leader who will soon eclipse Hitler’s destructive power. To understand how this man will take control, we must comprehend the unseen force that guided Hitler.

Discover Hitler’s distorted religious motivation for exterminating six million Jews. See how his ultimate enemy was not the Jews, but the great God Himself—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

The evil spirit being who possessed Hitler is still alive today. Request our free booklet on Germany in prophecy for proof that Hitler’s atrocities are relevant to you. His nightmarish reign was the sixth resurrection of a bloody empire. However, God prophesies of seven resurrections—not six. Study our booklet on Germany in prophecy to uncover the sobering reason why this superpower must rise one last time. Learn the hope-filled conclusion to the time of suffering just ahead.

Request our free booklet Nahum: An End-Time Prophecy for Germany for a timeline of end-time events revolving around Germany. God will use the German war machine to punish America and Britain for leading the world into sin. He will also destroy Germany for causing more bloodshed than any nation in history. Study our booklet on Nahum to increase your urgency as the Day of the Lord draws near. Anticipate the loving, perfect rule of God that will soon replace the violent systems of man.

All our literature is available free of charge. There is no cost or obligation to you. Order today and learn more about how Adolf Hitler was possessed!

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