Thursday 17 December 2015

Europe Builds Fences, Saudi Arabia’s New Alliance, Mankind to Mars, the Rich Fool, and More.

• Europe is building fences—and free movement is under threat. Some people say the immigration crisis is pulling the continent apart—but will Europe really break up—or does it still have a chance at superpower status?
• Saudi Arabia just shocked the United States by announcing a new alliance of Arab and Sunni nations. Nature abhors a vacuum and new powers are rushing to fill the void now that America is pulling of the Middle East. Is the world safer without the United States in the region? We will talk to Middle East Analyst Brent Nagtegaal.
• And Elon Musk, founder of Telsa and Space-X made some startling comments. Is mankind’s only hope of survival a colony on Mars?
• All this and a LESSON IN LIFE we would all do well to heed on today’s TRUMPET HOUR.

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