Monday 28 December 2015

Iran: Top Mideast Threat, Germany: Self-Defense Measures, China: Social Control, and More

As the months go by since the Iran nuclear deal was struck, evidence continues to mount that Iran is beefing up its military and increasing its sponsorship of terror. Iran remains the top threat in the Middle East.
Reports out of Germany say that sales of self-defense weapons are going through the roof in recent weeks and months-a chilling picture of the climate of crisis in Germany.
China is launching a very invasive program assigning a score to each of its citizens, based not only on the quality of their credit, but also their lawkeeping and their loyalty to the State.
The United States' policy on Syria has completely flip-flopped-after long insisting that Bashar Assad needed to go-it now says, We want whatever Russia wants. It's a stunning picture of the collapse in American foreign policy.

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