Saturday 1 October 2016

Deutsche Bank on Brink of Crisis, India Strike on Pakistan, Nationalizing the Police and Much More

• Deutsche Bank had a real scare Friday morning as share prices dropped. A banking crisis in Germany looks like it could come at any time, and the consequences will be grave.
• India conducted surgical strikes on terrorist targets inside Pakistan. Observers called this a huge development in tensions between these two nuclear powers.
• Investigation into the downing in 2014 of the MH17 jetliner over Ukraine has concluded that it was Russia’s fault. But what consequences will Russia face for the deaths of that plane’s 298 passengers?
• We’ll also talk about Shimon Peres’s legacy in the Israeli peace process—a national leader who is comparing himself favorably to Adolf Hitler—examples of bad immigration policy in America—and another archaeological discovery in Israel that may confirm biblical history.

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